Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Everyday we get a new dose of the same old nostrums: Greece is collapsing, the

Euro has no backing or future, the stock markets are topping, interest rates are

going up, deficits are increasing, more banks are failing, the Fed is creating more money, the big banks are making huge profits by not declaring losses, Obamacare is a disaster waiting to happen, and so on.

It is Spring, we have crossed the Vernal Equinox, what we need is a breath of fresh air. How about some real change--not just talk about the future and someone's predictions of Armageddon.

According to Carol Tuttle, we have 60,000 thoughts per day and those thoughts

control and predict the happenings in our lives, not just review what has happened in our lives. Most of us feel we are just reacting to circumstances that we cannot control,

but she claims and can prove through personal experiences in her own life, that if we

can control our thoughts, we can control our circumstances and bring good and abundance into our lives.

Is this the the 'fresh air' we seek? Can we bring more good into our lives by thinking?

No one has counted the number of different websites and blogs on the internet, but

surely there is something or someone out there with something positive to say or think about--and not just pollyanna trash either, something that could be profitable for us to know. Let's hear it please!

With Love and Kindness,


Tuesday, March 30, 2010


The Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act is now law. It took bribery, arm twisting and various threats, but the Dems corralled enough votes to pass this outrageous behemoth of 2700 pages [that no one has read including those who voted for it] .

Of the Eleven House of Representatives members, now known as the 'Stupak 11', who were put under intense pressure to vote for the bill, five are now are asking for additional earmarked funds for their district. A billion here a billion there.

The battle is not over, however:

In a typically sneaky move,the House also passed another bill amending the main bill and this bill now goes to the Senate ,where Repubs will try to filibuster to talk it to death. The Dems will try a tactic called reconciliation to avoid the filibuster stall.

Here the wicket gets sticky because the bill provides the use of Social Security tax increase which is prohibited under the reconciliation rules. Other provisions that do not directly affect the budget will cause challenges.

If the Senate changes anything in the bill [which they will], it will have to go back to the House to have the same debate and problems as before.

As no one has read the entire healthcare bill, there has been no study of it's myriad provisions: help with student loans, an airport here and there, several new regulatory agencies,new staffing requirements, language to prevent fraud etc.

As this study progresses, there is certain to be legal challenges to part of the law and

legal efforts to have the entire package declared unconstitutional.

So we're stuck with a law that the majority of people doe not want or need, will probably cost 2 to 3 times more that has been estimated ,will cause distress to the healthcare industry , confuse those who were supposed to benefit [because they can't read or speak english],all to satisfy the political ego of the Obama, Reid and Pelosi bunch.

With Love and Kindness,


Monday, March 29, 2010


RE: "How to Flee the Flock" 3/24/10


"At different times in our history, political operatives would plant applauders in the audience when their candidates made speeches. The rest of the audience would usually follow. The newspapers would then report the candidate was well-received.

The mother of a famous American comedian Milton Berle sat in the front row when her son performed. She would start to laugh hysterically when a joke fell flat. The "flock" usually followed.

George Evans once managed Frank Sinatra's career. Explaining Sinatra's meteoric rise in the early '40s, Evans said "...Sinatra's talents provided an 'initial impetus'. His [Evans'] own planting of 'organized and regimented moaning' in Sinatra's crowd accounted for some of the panic."

Something built in to us makes it easy to follow the herd and makes it uncomfortable for us to act and think contrary to the group. Professional opinion makers i.e. public relation experts, advertising gurus or spin doctors if you will, depend on this tendency.

Today's markets reflect this herding tendency. Despite the worst fundamentals

since the great depression, bonds stay attractive, stocks are selling at more than 20 times earnings and Euphoria abounds in the mainstream media.

Bill Bonner of Daily wrote "a fool and his money are soon patrted", makes you wonder how he got the money in the first place.

"The absolute majority of investors are unsure whether to buy or sell -- they simply do as others do. ...emotional impulses impel a desire among individuals to seek signals from others in matters of knowledge and behavior and therefore to align their feelings and convictions with those of the group."

Martin Armstrong relates the story of an experience during the Japanese stock market run up , where a wealthy client invested his entire fortune in the market on the day the market made it's historic top. He had resisted the herd impulse depending on his intellect and rational thought as long as he could, only to suffer an extreme loss when he caved in to emotional thinking and followed the group.

We 'feel' uncomfortable being apart from the group and comfortable when we are in a group--hence the attraction of associations, political parties, partnerships, corporations and other forms of the herd.

The group concept holds true in professional and academic endeavors as well. The medical profession is famous for sticking together even in the face of scientific evidence that their practices and nostrums are without merit. To be a contrarian in the academic and scientific community is to be ostracized and ridiculed.

To stick with what you know to be right and true is difficult, but usually very profitable in the end.

With Love and Kindness,


Saturday, March 27, 2010


REF: "From the Genesis Garden to Galapagos and Back" be Bill Sardi,

Apparently behavior also alters the epigenome. Stressful emotional events can have biological consequences that are passed on to future generations.

Sardi asks the question:"Did the original son in the Garden of Eden produce humans that would forever Be prone to be disobedient via epigenetics?

According to the Book of Genesis, both Adam and Eve tasted the fruit of the tree of

knowledge of good and evil after being commanded by God to not partake. This act of disobedience resulted in humans being mortal, and according to the principle of

epigenetics, was passed on to future generations.

The epigenome is passed by the male sperm; but is not irreversible. Restructurring can be accomplished in the adult human. The Apostle Paul wrote [Romans 5:19]

"For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one (Jesus) shall many be made righteous"

With Love and Kindness,


Friday, March 26, 2010


Much of the following is excerpted from "Conversations with Casey" March 24, 2010

wherein doug Casey was interviewed by Louis James, editor of the International speculator .

The nature of warfare is changing. It is said that we are always preparing for the last war, and certainly to use tanks and B52 bombers against ubiquitous civilian populations that may or may not contain terrorists is pretty foolish, but generals will be generals and not necessarily realists.

Casey postulates that "Terrorism, as a method of warfare, is definitely the wave of the future. . . Terrorism is also extremely cost-effective – and anyone can use it, with or without training or experience.

It's been called "open-source warfare," a phrase that seems right on target to me. One terrorist sees what another does, and learns from it. People can invent infinite variations and programs of attack. A failed act of terror, like that of the "shoe bomber" – which couldn't have brought down the plane even if he succeeded, or this recent Nigerian case, is almost as good as a successful one. The government response is, predictably, more destructive than the act itself. Further, terror is massively parallel. There is no "leader" to kill; there are hundreds of heads to the hydra.

Deadly devices, sometimes even with somewhat larger-scale destructive capability, like that backpack full of nails and explosives found during the Atlanta Olympics, can be made with cheap, off-the shelf supplies. And with every attack and attempt, the ideas of how to mount such attacks spread, just like open-source software

only an idiot fails to recognize that in an advanced technological economy an individual can have an immense, disproportionate, effect if he wants to do damage. It's not like in pre-industrial days, when a single person was limited to perhaps setting a fire, or maybe stabbing someone. Today, an individual terrorist can alter the direction of society. And there are hundreds of millions of candidates for that role.

In my view, the trend towards terrorism as the next evolution of warfare is about as certain as they come. It's not just the U.S.; all the big nation-states are on the ragged edge of bankruptcy. Their huge bureaucracies, oppressive tax systems, complicated regulatory regimes, subsidies, bailouts, fiat currencies, and welfare programs are – every one of them – near collapse. They were confidence schemes. It's not just standing armies, but the nation-state itself is a dead man walking at this point.

These giant dinosaur-states are thrashing around in their death-throes, and they are extremely dangerous – at least while they can still pay the salaries of their minions in the police and the military. And that very fact is stirring up a lot of little creatures that are going to want to see them die sooner.

the more villages and such they bomb, the more enemies they make, and those new enemies provoke even more thrashing about, which creates even more enemies, provoking leviathan to even more violent and oppressive responses. It's a vicious cycle that sure seems to be taking the current world order down the spiral towards oblivion.

Today, they talk about Al Qaida being "our enemy." But, first off, Al Qaida isn't a country. You can't invade it, nor capture its capital. It's such a decentralized and amorphous entity, there's simply no military way to defeat it.. . .and now that the U.S. has whacked the hornets' nest, I believe there are now scores, maybe even hundreds, of Al Qaida look-alikes all around the world. They don't take orders from some Al Qaida chief – they watch each other and take ideas from those who pull off successful attacks.. . So, even if the U.S. were to somehow, miraculously, wipe out every living member of Al Qaida today, the idea would continue.

The War on Terror is being fought mainly in Muslim countries. It's not being called a War on Islam, but to the people living in those places, it's increasingly looking like a War on Islam, and the fact that most U.S. allies in the Islamic world are oppressive regimes doesn't help at all. Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Saudi, and Pakistan, among others, are all run by quislings, puppets, or stooges of the U.S. The average citizen of those places despises his corrupt government, and recognizes that the U.S. is propping it up – which gives them good reason to hate the U.S. The demographics in these places are a time bomb – half the population is under 30, and they're mostly unemployed. Many would form terrorist groups out of boredom, except they have much better reasons. The U.S. doesn't have any real friends in those suppressive governments anyway; those people will change sides in a New York second. And it's getting worse.

[Doug Casey has illuminated some areas here for our truth. He does not nor has he encouraged war, conventional or otherwise, but is making some educated guesses about the nature of future war making.]

Osama Bin Laden, told us early on that we would bankrupt ourselves in these futile wars, because there is no end to them, nor the fields of battle. He spelled out three reasons for their resentment:foreign troops in Muslim countries; U.S. support for puppet regimes in Muslim countries; U.S. support of Israel and their oppression of the Palestinians. Our president had explained to us that "they hate our freedom",when in fact they hate our interference and presence their country. You cannot continue to oppress people, with killings kidnapping and torture and expect them to love you.

With Love and Kindness,

Thursday, March 25, 2010


n the 1800's Darwin rocked the world with his theory of evolution e.g. natural selection.

A little known study in the 1970's called epigenetics has revealed that our physical characteristics can be changed, not over millions of years, but within a generation by a process known as gene switching, meaning the gene can be turned on and off by influences in the environment such as climate, food supplies, stress etc.

Every cell in our bodies contain 25,000 genes called our genome. Chemicals , vitamins , drugs,radiation,etc. can cause genes to be silent and inactive; further this change can be replicated in successive generations.

According to an article by Bill Sardi,"From the Garden of Eden to Galapagos and Back" 3/24/2010:

There are two ways genes can be regulated, by donation of methyl groups, provided in foods, or by the wrapping of strings of DNA around something called histone bodies, as demonstrated in the following graphic. A methyl group is a basic unit in organic chemistry: one carbon atom attached to three hydrogen atoms. When a methyl group attaches to a specific spot on a gene – a process called DNA methylation – it can change the gene's expression, turning it on or off. Methyl groups are obtained entirely as nutrients from foods people eat (folic acid/vitamin B9, vitamin B12, vitamin A, trace minerals such as selenium and zinc, and the amino acid methionine).

So what did Charles Darwin conclude from his observations of life on the isolated Galapagos islands. Changes in species, he assumed had taken eons to accomplish, such as the shape of bills on finches.

This work is discredited in modern work such as "Evolution by epigenesis: farewell to Darwinism, neo- and otherwise", where in Eugene Balon wrote:

In the last 25 years, criticism of most theories advanced by Darwin and the neo-Darwinians has increased considerably, and so did their defense. Darwinism has become an ideology, while the most significant theories of Darwin were proven unsupportable. The critics advanced other theories instead of 'natural selection' and the 'survival of the fittest'. … Darwinians, artificially kept dominant in academia and in granting agencies, are preventing their (other theories) acceptance. Epigenesis, the mechanism of ontogenies, creates in every generation alternative variations in a … way that enables organisms to survive in the changing environments.

All the hoopla about the missing link and the evolution of man from some primeval ooze is just nonsense and survival of the fittest and natural selection can be put on the shelf as psuedo-science and totally discredited.

With Love and Kindness,


Wednesday, March 24, 2010



"The following is a list of prophets, experts, trends-forecasters, etc, who are warning us of the approaching darkness. America, your best days are behind you. You will soon suffer the collapse of your empire."

LEAP 20/20 – 2010 Outlook from a group of 25 European Economists with a 90% accuracy rating – We anticipate a sudden intensification of the crisis in the second half of 2010, caused by a double effect of a catching up of events which were temporarily « frozen » in the second half of 2009 and the impossibility of maintaining the palliative remedies of past years. There is a perfect (economic) storm coming within the global financial markets and inevitable pressure on interest rates in the U.S. The injection of zero-cost money into the Western banking system has failed to restart the economy. Despite zero-cost money, the system has stalled. It is slowly rolling over into the next big down wave, which in Elliott Wave terminology will be Super Cycle Wave Three, or in common language, "THE BIG ONE, WHERE WE ALL GO OVER THE FALLS TOGETHER."

Bob Chapman – First 6 months of 2010, Americans will continue to live in the 'inreality'...the period between July and October is when the financial fireworks will begin. The Fed will act unilaterally for its own survival irrespective of any political implications ...(source is from insider at FED meetings). In the last quarter of the year we could even see Martial law, which is more likely for the first 6 months of 2011. The FDIC will collapse in September 2010. Commercial real estate is set to implode in 2010. Wall Street believes there is a 100% chance of crash in bond market, especially municipals sometime during 2010. The dollar will be devalued by the end of 2010.

Gene Redlin – You hear in media that things will be OK. Things are recovering. Strained optimism is everywhere. They are nothing more than signs in the tea leaves. False hope is rebounding everywhere. Even those who are MY Prophets are saying things will be fine. That is true, but not for all people and not for a long time...The only thing supporting this economy is hope in government, hope in systems, hope in hope. Until Hope in ME[God] is restored there is no hope. Only hopelessness. The greed and excess that caused Baal to fall has not yet been removed from a system with evil as it's intention. This is more than just a floating higher balloon driven by so much hot air, this is an illusion. People have become prisoners of hope. There will be one more drastic downturn soon. Efforts will be made to hold this off until after the political season. It will only make things worse. Corruption to be removed is at the heart of this judgment. Once this downturn is completed it will be a very long time until recovery can take place. Well into the decade to come. 2015. Oil prices will soar, for a short time. Gold will go up in value for a very short time, housing will not recover for a very long time, Unemployment is going to stay very high. This will be a time for you to learn to TRUST in MY provision. For some it will be ravens by the Brook. For others a cruz of oil and a little meal. Fear not. It's all part of an adjustment that must come. It will mean a currency devaluation that will stagger many. Wealth will be destroyed. It will mean that many will come to the end of themselves. True wealth will be found, and it's not in worldly systems. It's time for truth and justice to be restored. The old systems have become a false God. It was essential that this idol come down. I will have no other God's before ME. I stand above any man's market or economy. When I call a famine or prosperity I call for it and it will happen. Be certain, I will take away anything that tries to substitute itself for dependence on ME. Particularly those called by my name must repent of dependence on the world for their provision as if they have forgotten my name as Jehovah Jireh. I am the Lord your God, there is no other. There will be more change in this decade then you ever imagined. Restoration of many things. Tearing down of others. Seeming disasters beyond understanding. Amazing miracles. Discoveries. Peace. War. Resolution. Birth. Death. Pain. Joy. Challenges to everything you believe. Then affirmation of that Faith you hold so dear. You will be refined as by fire. And it has ever been thus. And will be. The end of 2010 will be the beginning of these things.
Larry Randolph – ...there is yet a seven-fold shaking of greater magnitude coming that will produce enormous and perhaps catastrophic disruptions on economic, political, geophysical, atmospheric, and spiritual levels.

Are the above just the rantings of gloom and doomers? History is full of prophets about the world coming to an end, perhaps this is just an epidemic of gloom. There is, however, aplenty of factual causes for alarm, not the least being the seemingly blind and deaf Washington DC crowd who are busy doing everything wrong if their intention is to bring us out of this economic slump and catastrophic foreign policies.

With Love and Kindness,


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Deaf and Blind Congress

Congress can't hear or see. America doesn't want your cracked up healthcare plan. Not now, not ever.

With Love and Kindness,


Monday, March 22, 2010


Out of sight out of mind. The forgotten wars. The Korean civil war for which The USA intervened (as a police action according to Harry Truman) cost 36,000 lives, yet it ended with a cease fire with the country still divided along the 38th parallel.. General

MacArthur was relived of command when he insisted upon pursuing the enemy across the 38th parallel. General Eisenhower was elected president by stating he would end the war. He was a man of truth and integrity,

Candidate Obama stated that the first thing he would do[as president] would be

to bring the troops home from Iraq and end the war. But, we are dreadfully sorry to say that he was and is a liar .

According to "The Forgotten War" by Lawrence M. Vance, 3/20/2010,

"Now, on the seventh anniversary of the unconstitutional, immoral, aggressive, unjust, unnecessary, manufactured, manipulated, and senseless war that is the war in Iraq, the escalation of the war in Afghanistan has eclipsed any mention of the ongoing war in Iraq. And this in spite of the fact that there are still 130,000 U.S. troops in Iraq.

When I wrote about the Iraq war on its third anniversary, 2,317 American soldiers had died for a lie. On the fourth anniversary, that number had risen to 3,218. On the fifth, it was up to 3,992. Last year, on the sixth anniversary of the war, the number of dead American soldiers rose to 4,259. Currently, the death toll is at 4,385, with 157 of those deaths since Obama became the new commander in chief.

But, it is said, look how the number of deaths per year has fallen. Agreed. But that is no consolation to the father, mother, wife, or child of the soldiers who died in vain and for a lie yesterday, last week, or last month.

Only the grossly naïve still think that those fighting and dying in Iraq are doing so for our freedoms or to keep us safe from terrorism. The truth is rather that since the war on terrorism began our freedoms have steadily deteriorated and we have created more terrorists.

Before the United States invaded Iraq, not one American had been killed by an Iraqi since the previous time we invaded that country. But no U.S. soldier had to die in either war against Iraq. Bringing "democracy" to Iraq, ridding the country of Saddam Hussein, and destroying Iraq’s weapons of war were not worth the life of one American. They were not worth the shedding of one drop of American blood.

But that’s not all. No Iraqi soldiers had to die, no Iraqi civilians had to die, and no Iraqi children had to die between the wars because of brutal U.S. sanctions.

Yet, Americans who have lamented the senseless deaths of American soldiers, not to mention the deaths of countless numbers of Iraqis, and denounced this war from the beginning are the ones who have been labeled unpatriotic, un-American, communists, and traitors."

Stop the lies. Bring our troops home, that's the best way to "support our troops".

With Love and Kindness,


Saturday, March 20, 2010


This is the Obama administration's idea of a new fuel saving transportation system. It was created by the same group that designed the healthcare reform bill and economic recovery stimulus.

The Pelosi/Reid gang will attempt to force passage of their healthcare bill Sunday with a roll call vote. American's don't want or need this legislation, and to vote for it is election suicide, yet they will try to force it upon us.

The federal government has already taken over America's car manufacturing industry
and the housing/mortgage industry. The healthcare grab will give them control over
another 1/3 of the GDP. America you have had it. The land of the free is no more.

You owe your soul to the [company store] grasping politicians, health insurance companies and Big Pharma. They bought and paid for this bill and will demand their

With Love and Kindness,


Friday, March 19, 2010


nada trabaja [spanish]

ничего работает [ russian]

nada trabalha [portuguese]

아무것도 worksu [korean]

何もworksu [japanese]

niente funziona [italian]

τίποτα δεν λειτουργεί [greek]

rien ne fonctionne [french]

niets werkt [dutch]

什么都不運作 [chinese]

nothing works [english]

We went through a period in the late 1960's and 1970's where the quality of products went down hill. This was the time of the Vietnam War, Nixongate,

and Jimmy Carter's malaise speech. A bad time for America and nothing worked.

It would seem that nothing works again, but this time it probably wasn't made in the USA. Maybe it was assembled here, with parts made in Shri Lanka, but most likely the whole darn thing was outsourced with parts made all over the world.

It is the revenge of the have-not nations. They are busy making junk and selling it to to the Americans who buy it because it has a cheap price or a name brand they recognize. But it ain't the same and it doesn't work.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The Ides of March also known as March 15 has come and gone, but when Julius Caesar in 44 BC had said the "ides of March have come and gone", his seer replied "the Ides have come, but not gone", where upon later in the senate, Marcus Julius Brutus, Gaius Casius Longinus and 60 others fell upon Caesar and stabbed him to death.

The saying of Caesar's soothsayer, according to Shakespeare, "Beware of the Ides of March" have taken on an immortality and people repeat it not knowing the source

nor the circumstance of the saying.

The Ides of March (March 15) according to the Julian calendar were days different from the Gregrorian calendar in use before Caesar changed the Roman calendar.

The date's significance predate the assignation since the 15th was the date debts were due ( Also the 15th of May, July and October--all other months on the 13th).

Also in Roman times it was a day to celebrate the god Mars with military parades etc.

Undoubtedly the month of March and the Ides of March have been significant in history, frequently the time of calamitous and world changing events. In Caesar's time, even with the dictator's death, the republic did not replace him, but Rome went on to have more dictators and decline.

With Love and Kindness,


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


This week bee keepers would normally start shipping their bees from California almond orchards to Florida citrus groves. This is an annual trek for the little scudders, but his year one bee keeper is going to give the bees some R & R in the Georgia woods for awhile and then on to the East Coast apple orchards.

Bee populations are declining at an alarming rate, which is alarming because over 30 % of our agricultural crops depend on bee pollination. This year's bee loss has been more severe than usual, and no one has figured out the cause or causes of

bee mortality. But as to be expected scientists have put a name on what they don't understand--they call it Colony Collapse Disorder, and yes you guessed it now it is known as "CCD".

Some say it is pesticides, some say it is bee suicide, but truth be told, no one knows whether it is one cause like a virus, a parasite called the Varroa mite, or multi causes like environmental hazards.

Following WWII, we had over 5 million managed hives, now we have less than 2.5 million. At one point, bee keepers derived their revenue from honey production, but world honey production has shut them out of this market so they now depend on 'bee renting' for income, thus shipping the hives as far as cross country.

Can the answer to bee mortality be poor nutrition like American's diets, living off of crops produced from exhausted soil and artificially fertilized and sprayed with insecticides?

With Love and Kindness,


Monday, March 15, 2010


According to "TedBits Comentary" 3/12/10 an Email newsletter:

CLICK HERE to go to the latest issue of TedBits.

Capitalism is disinflationary[hold on it's not that bad]--it provides more goods and services for less money, because entrepreneurs freely compete for customers.

Socialism creates less goods for more money because of regulation and the elite

monied through legislation and tax manipulation get the customers.

"Ever widening circles as the last vestiges of wealth creation are destroyed and fed to the elites, their government lap dogs, crony capitalists and their something-for-nothing constituents in a failing effort to rescue themselves. on everyone’s plates. Everyone wants to be paid and have free healthcare, but no one wants to work, make products people want to buy at reasonable prices or compete in the world except for public servant with HOTAIR lip service, it is a recipe for disaster! Fights over decreasing income are unfolding [unfold] between the public versus the private, as there is a little less food."

America used to be the capitalist nation of the world. As a sage recently said America is not capitalist, because capitalism requires capital and all we have is debt.

Is capitalism dead? Yes, in America for several more generations. But in the developing nations , no. The future belongs to Brazil, Russia, India, Maylasia and African principalities. Capitalism is alive and well in many of these developing countries while the G7 countries are languishing in past glories. They will own America.

With Love and Kindness,


Saturday, March 13, 2010


RE: "United States of Wal-Mart" by James Quinn,

  1. Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart every hour of every day.
  2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!
  3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March
    17th) than Target sells all year.
  4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target + Sears +
    Costco + K-Mart combined.
  5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people and is the largest private
    Employer, and most speak English.
  6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the World.
  7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger & Safeway combined, and
    keep in mind they did this in only 15 years.
  8. During this same period, 31 Supermarket Chains sought bankruptcy.
  9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.
  10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are
    Super Centers
    ; this is 1,000 more than it had 5 Years ago.
  11. This year 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will
    occur At a Wal-Mart store. (Earth's population is approximately 6.5
  12. 90% of all Americans live within 15 miles of a Wal-Mart.
    1. Wal-Mart is a capitalism success story, like them, hate them, don't shop there, it doesn't matter , they are a Horatio Alger poster boy.
    2. An all- American phenomenon, or at least success by hard work skillful application and persistence used to be the American way.
      1. Wal-Mart doesn't do anything in secret. Their merchandising skills
      2. are there for anyone to copy. They sell a variety of quality goods at reasonable prices. They are open when you want to shop. You can return merchandise easily without hassle.

      3. Have they run other stores out of business? Ruined local merchants?
      4. Kept out labor unions? Paid low wages and limited benefits? Yes to all and maybe more, but ask any employee "do you like your job?" You will be answered with a smiling YES--They are happy to have a job and a paycheck. Other stores don't open until the day is almost half gone, so they can save on wages and employee benefits. Wal-Mart needs more employees because they are open more hours and do more business.

  1. With Love and Kindness,

Friday, March 12, 2010


The picture and comments are taken from Casey's Daily Dispatch 3/11/10 by David Galland:

America's deficits are on a parabolic trend to infinity as the interest on previous borrowings and current over spending continue to increase at an increasing rate.
Our elected representatives and regulators seem totally incapable of recognizing the problem, let alone doing anything about it.

"While many in government surely hope for the best – after all, electioneering in good economic times is far easier than in bad – the simple matter is that those with their hands on the tiller of national policy are mere humans and nothing more. And, based on my personal experience with too many of them to count, they are not even particularly special humans but rather just everyday folks looking to provide security for themselves and their families.

Importantly, however, these bureaucrats and politicians have ideas, and they have the power to implement these ideas. At some point along the road, one of them thought it was a good idea to institute an income tax, and someone one-upped them by proposing a progressive income tax. Someone else thought it was a good idea to invade Iraq, for absolutely no reason, it turns out. And so, as a result, the taxpayers of this generation and many into the future were handed a bill on the order of $3 trillion."

Quoting H. L. Mencken in the American Mercury, May ,1930:

The legislature, like the executive, has ceased, save indirectly, to be even the creature of the people: it is the creature, in the main, of pressure groups, and most of them, it must be manifest, are of dubious wisdom and even more dubious honesty. Laws are no longer made by a rational process of public discussion; they are made by a process of blackmail and intimidation, and they are executed in the same manner. The typical lawmaker of today is a man wholly devoid of principle – a mere counter in a grotesque and knavish game. If the right pressure could be applied to him he would be cheerfully in favor of polygamy, astrology or cannibalism."

"While there are no doubt some successful programs that have bubbled out of the bureaucrats over the years, it takes no more than a quick glance at the country’s balance sheet – and that of most countries – to see that something has gone very, very wrong. And it’s not getting better. In fact, it is getting worse in a hurry."

There can be no solution to our dilemma until reform and a new paradigm is installed, as it is we are on a course for collapse and extensive pain of which we are unaware and totally unprepared; having lived beyond our productive means and borrowed with abandon to support an empire with social programs and foreign wars.

With Love and Kindness,


Thursday, March 11, 2010


An article by an internet dodo appeared today a on a financial salad web site, in which he presumed to discuss gold as a bubble, quoting billionaire George Soros who claimed gold was the ultimate asset bubble.

Does being rich make you smart or because you are smart does that make you rich?

We tend to equate the two, but in fact often they are mutually exclusive, the rich often possess a knack, or were in the right place at the right time. Most frequently they have the ability to hold on to their money. Sometimes they are very keen in some areas, and sometimes they are very clever and deceitful.

George Soros may fit the later category and one should take care to do what he does and not what he says or claims he does.

Asset bubbles such as stocks and bonds or real estate tend to balloon in nominal currency terms and thus can be described as "bubbles" for often they burst and are

then worth less than when they started to increase.

Gold has tripled in dollar value in the last few years, but its' value has remained the same--it doesn't change, only the currency used to measure it changed. Gold is not just an asset, it is money . People over the centuries of time have found it to be the most durable, divisible, consistent, convenient, and inherently valuable thing to use as a medium of exchange.

Our U.S. dollars are not money, they are measures of debt. Money is a store of value and a medium of exchange. U.S. dollars are a medium of exchange, but not a store of value. Are dollars a currency? Yes and we use them as a medium of exchange as legal tender by law. Starting with the Breton Woods Agreement, the U.S. had most of the world's gold , dollars were agreed upon as a substitute for gold and could be accepted in international trade and held as "reserves".

Since that time however, our store of gold has dwindled and the world's supply of dollars has multiplied. At one time, the dollar was a claim on the U.S. Treasury; however with the advent of the Federal Reserve Note, they are now backed by "the full faith and credit" of the United States government".

Gold cannot be increased by the stroke of a pen or computer keyboard. Its' supply can be marginally increased only by mining and new discoveries, so it can be considered constant and hardly a candidate for a bubble. Men's desire for it can sometimes be measured in currencies. As currencies are elastic, then the amount men are willing to give up in exchange for gold can vary.

With Love and Kindness,


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


REF: Unnatural Acts by Chris Floyd. 3/8/10

The effects of war are vast, unforeseeable, long-lasting -- and uncontrollable.

Victory in war is no victory or solution for the corruption, deterioration of morals and

concentration of power in the elite remain long adter the defeat of the enemy.

"Indeed, victory in battle often leads a society to enshrine war's most pernicious attributes: violence is ennobled, and becomes entrenched as an ever-ready instrument of national policy. Militarism is exalted, the way of peace dishonored: cries of Appeasers! Cowards! Traitors! greet every approach that fails to brandish the threat of extreme violence, that fails to 'keep all options on the table.'

The apparent 'lesson' of victory – that there can be no right without armed might to win and safeguard it – quickly degenerates into the belief that armed might is right.[emphasis added] Military power becomes equated with moral worth, and the ability to wreak savage, unimaginable destruction through armed violence -- via thoughtless obedience to the orders of "superiors" – becomes a cherished attribute of society.

Thus our American militarists exult in the advanced hardware that allows 'soldiers' to slaughter people from thousands of miles away, with missiles, bombs and bullets fired from lurking, unreachable drones high in the sky. (A recent study shows that even by the most conservative reckoning of who is or isn't a "militant," at least one third of the hundreds killed in the Bush-Obama drone campaigns on the "Af-Pak" front are clearly civilians.) The drone "warriors" -- often living in complete safety and comfort -- see nothing but a bloodless image on a screen; they face no physical threat at all. This is assassination, not combat; it reeks of cowardice, and dehumanizes everyone it touches, the victims and the button-pushers alike. Yet our militarists -- most of whom, of course, have somehow never found the time to fight the wars they cheer for -- wax orgasmic about this craven weaponry. In the transvaluation of values that militarism produces, cowardice becomes a martial virtue."

All of the above is the spiritual side of war and militarism. To describe the absolute horror of the destruction of lives and property would require endless pages of expressed mayhem. Be assured that America has so far escaped the pain of a war fought on it's shores, but the Bell tolls for thee.

With Love and Kindness,


Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Howard Kunsler [] in his current article "Then All At Once"

who is never at a loss for words, usually eloquent words, seemed lost in this article.

On the other hand it is the time, the period of nothing going on that predicated his lament.

" It had been one of those eventless weeks when the world pretended to be a settled place. The collapse of Greece seemed like little more than a passing case of geo-financial heartburn. The 36,000-odd newly-unemployed were spun magically into a feel-good story for public consumption, and the stock markets ratified it by levitating over a hundred points. The news media was preoccupied with the Great Question of whether the first woman film director would win a prize, thus settling all accounts in the age-old gender war, and the health care reform bill lumbered around the congressional offices like a zombie in search of a silver bullet that might send it back to the comforts of the tomb.

All in all, it was the sort of quiescent string of days that makes someone like me nervous. I can't help imagining what it was like in the spring of 1860, for instance, when so many terrible questions of polity hung over the country, and hundreds of thousands of young men still walked behind their plows or stood at their counting desks or turned their wrenches in the exciting new industries -- not knowing that destiny was busy preparing a ditch somewhere to receive their shattered corpses in places as-yet-unknown called Spotsylvania, Shiloh, and Cold Harbor. Or else my mind projects to the spring of 1939, when men dressed in neckties and hats sat in a ballpark watching Joe DiMaggio and Charlie Keller play "pepper" in the pregame sunshine, and nobody much thought about the coming beaches of Normandy and the canebrakes of the Solomon Islands."

Every morning the internet is browsed, looking for a theme for today's comncents blog. Yet for the past couple of weeks or maybe months, there has been nothing of substance appearing. Just the same old stories, re-written, with the same old themes.

Is this the calm before the storm? Is doom just ahead? Catastrophic events are usually unpredictable, yet there is plenty of evidence of what lies ahead for America and the world. Plenty of warning about disasters in the making.

Earthquakes in U.S, and adjacent areas last 7 days


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With Love and Kindness,