RE:Israel Rules, by PaulCraig Roberts. 12/30/09
Alan J, Kupeman declared in an op-ed piece in the NY Tmes : "There is only one
way to stop Iran, and that is military air strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities."
This dope is the director of the Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Program at the U of Texas at Austin, where he is likely in the company of many other over educated dopes.
After ranting against the"Iran Threat", he goes on to state that Iran is unable to enrich
uranium beyond 20%, when it takes 90% to produce a weapon. But people of this stripe don't let facts deter them. "We have reached the point where air strikes are the only plausible option with any prospect of preventing Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons. The sooner the United States takes action, the better." What a dope!
It matters not to these folks that the unanimous report of U.S. intelligence agencies,
the International Atomic Energy Agency, and Russian intelligence state that Iran has no nuclear weapons program.
According to Roberts, "It could not be made any clearer that, as with the US invasion of Iraq, a military attack on Iran has nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction. An “Iranian nuke” is just another canard behind which hides an undeclared agenda.
. . . At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the United States has wars ongoing in Iraq where the ancient Chaldean Christian community was destroyed--not by Saddam Hussein but by the neoconservatives’ illegal invasion of Iraq--in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Sudan. The US initiated a war, which it lost, between its puppet ruler in the former Soviet province of Georgia and Russia.
The US, the world’s greatest supporter of terrorism, is the main financier of terrorist groups that stage attacks within Iran. It was American money, weapons, and diplomatic cover that enabled the Israeli war crimes against the Lebanese people during 2006 and against Palestinian civilians in Gaza during 2008-2009, crimes documented in the Goldstone Report.
Iran has never interfered in US internal affairs, but the US has a long record of interfering in Iranian affairs. In 1953 the US overthrew Iran’s popular prime minister, Mohammed Mosaddeq and installed a puppet who tortured Iranians who desired political independence.
Iran is a signatory of the Nuclear non-proliferation Treaty. Israel, India and Pakistan are not. They all developed their nuclear weapons in secret, perhaps with U.S. help. Israel has never allowed any inspections.
Yet the beat goes on. Many have been persuaded because of the repetitious chant about the "Iran Threat".Other than the talking heads of TV and internet TV, some carry the banner of Christ:Christian Leaders for a Nuclear- free Iran. Fellow dopes (Rev.) John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Chuck Colson and many other pretend Christians are shills for the Zionists. They preach it is God's will for Americans to fight and die for Israel. The dope Hagee is for all this war because it will bring Jesus sooner.
Roberts states "It is a simple matter for an educated person to make fools of these morons[dopes] who profess to be Christians. However, these morons have vast constituencies numbering in the tens of millions of Americans. There are, in fact, more of them than there are intelligent, informed, moral, and real Christian Americans.
"In the second decade of the 21st century, America’s Zionist wars against Islam will expand. America’s wars in behalf of Israel’s territorial expansion will complete the bankruptcy of America. The Treasury’s bonds to finance the US government’s enormous deficits will lack for buyers. Therefore, the bonds will be monetized by the Federal Reserve. The result will be rising rates of inflation. The inflation will destroy the dollar as world reserve currency, and the US will no longer be able to pay for its imports. Shortages will appear, including food and gasoline, and “Superpower America” will find itself pressed to the wall as a third world country unable to pay its debts."
Are we all "sheeple" to be led by the ignorant and perverted?
With Love and Kindness,