RE: "The Obama Puppet" by Paul Craig Roberts, 12/2/09
A mere American president cannot begin to prevail over the Israel Lobby, and the U.S. is not permitted to deviate from Israel's Mideast policies. If he desired to
prohibit further Israel settlement in the Palestinian land, he simply hasn't the power to do so.
The Military/Industrial/Security Lobby will not be dissuaded from their war and oppression strategies. Obama cannot prevail against this formidable group.[See:Two + Two, Dec.3, 2009] The president can order torture
stopped, but no one obeys.
"President Obama can promise that he is going to bring the troops home, and the military lobby says, “No, you are going to send them to Afghanistan, and in the meantime start a war in Pakistan and maneuver Iran into a position that will provide an excuse for a war there, too. Wars are too profitable for us to let you stop them.”
. .. "In actual fact, the American people have no say about what “their” government does. Polls of the public show that half or more of the American people do not support the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan and do not support President Obama’s escalation of the war in Afghanistan. Yet, the occupations and wars continue. According to General Stanley McChrystal, the additional 40,000 troops are enough to stalemate the war, that is, to keep it going forever, the ideal situation for the armaments lobby.
The people want health care, but the government does not listen.
The people want jobs, but Wall Street wants higher priced stocks and forces American firms to offshore the jobs to countries where labor is cheaper.
The American people have no effect on anything. They can affect nothing. They have become irrelevant like Obama. And they will remain irrelevant as long as organized interest groups can purchase the US government."
. . ."The same “protectors” of “free speech” had no objection to the Israel Lobby’s passage of the “hate speech” bill, which has criminalized criticism of Israel’s genocidal treatment of the Palestinians and continuing theft of their lands.
In less than one year, President Obama has betrayed all of his supporters and broken all of his promises. He is the total captive of the oligarchy of the ruling interest groups.
Obama seems destined to be a one-term president. Indeed, the collapsing economy will doom him.
The Republicans are grooming Palin. Our first female president, following our first black president, will complete the transition to an American police state by arresting critics and protesters of Washington’s immoral foreign and domestic policies, and she will complete the destruction of America’s reputation abroad.
Russia’s Putin has already compared the US to Nazi Germany, and the Chinese premier has likened the US to an irresponsible, profligate debtor.
Increasingly the rest of the world sees the US as the sole source of all of its problems. Germany has lost the chief of its armed forces and its defense minister, because the US convinced or pressured, by hook or crook, the German government to violate its Constitution and to send troops to fight for Unocal’s interest in Afghanistan. The Germans had pretended that their troops were not really fighting, but were were engaged in a “peace-keeping operation.” This more or less worked until the Germans called in an air strike that murdered 100 women and children lined up for a fuel allotment."
.. "World polls show that the US and its puppet master [emphasis added]are regarded as the two greatest threats to peace. Washington and Israel outrank on the most dangerous list the crazy regime in North Korea.
The world is beginning to see America as a country that needs to go away.
With Love and Kindness,
Maybe it is time for a caveat. What is written here is not alleged to accurate, truthful, factual or otherwise reliable. It is mostly the author's opinion, recollection and interpretation of information gathered in an sometimes casual manner. The danger to the author is that he will become even more arrogant than he already is if people begin to read these missives, T. H.
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