Thursday, December 31, 2009


RE:Israel Rules, by PaulCraig Roberts. 12/30/09

Alan J, Kupeman declared in an op-ed piece in the NY Tmes : "There is only one

way to stop Iran, and that is military air strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities."

This dope is the director of the Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Program at the U of Texas at Austin, where he is likely in the company of many other over educated dopes.

After ranting against the"Iran Threat", he goes on to state that Iran is unable to enrich

uranium beyond 20%, when it takes 90% to produce a weapon. But people of this stripe don't let facts deter them. "We have reached the point where air strikes are the only plausible option with any prospect of preventing Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons. The sooner the United States takes action, the better." What a dope!

It matters not to these folks that the unanimous report of U.S. intelligence agencies,

the International Atomic Energy Agency, and Russian intelligence state that Iran has no nuclear weapons program.

According to Roberts, "It could not be made any clearer that, as with the US invasion of Iraq, a military attack on Iran has nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction. An “Iranian nuke” is just another canard behind which hides an undeclared agenda.

. . . At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the United States has wars ongoing in Iraq where the ancient Chaldean Christian community was destroyed--not by Saddam Hussein but by the neoconservatives’ illegal invasion of Iraq--in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Sudan. The US initiated a war, which it lost, between its puppet ruler in the former Soviet province of Georgia and Russia.

The US, the world’s greatest supporter of terrorism, is the main financier of terrorist groups that stage attacks within Iran. It was American money, weapons, and diplomatic cover that enabled the Israeli war crimes against the Lebanese people during 2006 and against Palestinian civilians in Gaza during 2008-2009, crimes documented in the Goldstone Report.

Iran has never interfered in US internal affairs, but the US has a long record of interfering in Iranian affairs. In 1953 the US overthrew Iran’s popular prime minister, Mohammed Mosaddeq and installed a puppet who tortured Iranians who desired political independence.

Iran is a signatory of the Nuclear non-proliferation Treaty. Israel, India and Pakistan are not. They all developed their nuclear weapons in secret, perhaps with U.S. help. Israel has never allowed any inspections.

Yet the beat goes on. Many have been persuaded because of the repetitious chant about the "Iran Threat".Other than the talking heads of TV and internet TV, some carry the banner of Christ:Christian Leaders for a Nuclear- free Iran. Fellow dopes (Rev.) John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Chuck Colson and many other pretend Christians are shills for the Zionists. They preach it is God's will for Americans to fight and die for Israel. The dope Hagee is for all this war because it will bring Jesus sooner.

Roberts states "It is a simple matter for an educated person to make fools of these morons[dopes] who profess to be Christians. However, these morons have vast constituencies numbering in the tens of millions of Americans. There are, in fact, more of them than there are intelligent, informed, moral, and real Christian Americans.

"In the second decade of the 21st century, America’s Zionist wars against Islam will expand. America’s wars in behalf of Israel’s territorial expansion will complete the bankruptcy of America. The Treasury’s bonds to finance the US government’s enormous deficits will lack for buyers. Therefore, the bonds will be monetized by the Federal Reserve. The result will be rising rates of inflation. The inflation will destroy the dollar as world reserve currency, and the US will no longer be able to pay for its imports. Shortages will appear, including food and gasoline, and “Superpower America” will find itself pressed to the wall as a third world country unable to pay its debts."

Are we all "sheeple" to be led by the ignorant and perverted?

With Love and Kindness,


Wednesday, December 30, 2009


RE:"Daily Dose" by William Campbell Douglas II, Popular air fresheners may have
deadly scents.
"The next time you come across a kitchen that smells "lemony fresh," or get a whiff of a cool mountain glen in your t-shirt, don't breathe too deeply.

According to researchers from the University of Washington, air fresheners and fragranced laundry products often emit literally dozens of chemicals - some of which are considered toxic by federal law.

And the worst part is that none of the potentially hazardous chemicals that are thrown off by these "fresh-smelling" products are even listed on the label of ingredients. University of Washington researcher Ann C. Steinemann, PhD, said, "I didn't find a brand that didn't emit at least one toxic chemical."

There are chemicals - toxic and potentially deadly ones - that are replicating these odors. Of course the manufacturers of these products are already in full cornered-animal mode. They're proclaiming that the products are safe when "used as directed," and that the chemicals in question are present only in amounts not known to cause health issues.

. . Steinemann, a professor of civil and environmental engineering and public affairs at the University of Washington, . . she had for years been told by many people that household cleaners and air fresheners caused them to have dizzy spells, or had spurred bouts of headache, asthma, shortness of breath - even seizures.

Steinemann's study closely examined six popular consumer produces: liquid spray air fresheners, plug-in air fresheners, fabric softeners, laundry detergents, dryer sheets, and the kinds of solid disc deodorizers used in airliner toilets. Steinemann found that these six products emitted a staggering 100 volatile organic compounds (VOCs). . . As it turns out, there's no law that requires disclosure of all chemicals in fragrances."

My that is surprising since there seems to be a law against everything today as the good folks in congress and state houses continue to save us from ourselves. They don't mind taking our freedoms away, but can't stand our stink.

With Love and Kindness,


Tuesday, December 29, 2009


There are shapes that please the eye. Our eyes tend to look with favor at shapes that are longer than they are tall. The reason for this is explained in Euclid's Golden Ratio. For our purposes this ratio is approximately 1.61803, that is the height multiplied by this number is the width. Once you are aware of this you will begin to notice this familiar rectangle shape in buildings, machinery and all things designed to please the eye.

The old IBM card is a good example. Holiday Inn motel rooms were in this ratio. Wide screen TVs, Kleenex boxes, tablets all in

this ratio.

Our eyes move faster in a horizontal motion than in a vertical motion; perhaps that is the reason. Nevertheless, many things in nature are in this ratio.

We see the world through a rectangular box, that is why some natural things, people and animals are more attractive to us than others.

Euclid discovered this in the 3rd century BC. Aren't we glad we discovered it now?

With Love and Kindness,


Monday, December 28, 2009


Recently U.S. Drones have attacked "Al Queda" targets in Yemen supposedly to kill insurgents who are anti-west and terrorists against Neighboring Saudi Arabia. That these bombings have killed innocent

children have no bearing on the issue.

"Yemen is an unstable state with an uncertain commitment to battle extremists who see their main enemies in the West" according to the New York Times.

Should anyone criticize the U.S. or their allies, they are immediately

branded as "terrorists", "Insurgents" or "Al Queda". These names then permit us to undertake military operations against them, even 'sanitary

operations' such as bombing and missile attacks from drones.

From 'Eyes on Yemen" by Gary Leupp, 12.28.09:

"The most recent strike in Abyan province was intended, among other things, to kill Anwar al-Awlaki, the U.S.-born cleric who reportedly corresponded by e-mail with Fort Hood gunman Major Nidal Malik Hasan and praised him afterwards on his website. But friends and relatives say al-Awlaki, whom U.S. officials state is a ranking al-IMPERIALISTIC operative, is alive and well.
“It is thought that the airstrike also killed Naser Abdel-Karim al-Wahishi, the leader of al-Qaeda’s operations in Saudi Arabia,” according to the Times Online. It also seems to have killed some children, producing a large rally at which al-Qaeda members spoke openly. This al-Jazeera news clip shows the scene."

"The most recent strike in Abyan province was intended, among other things, to kill Anwar al-Awlaki, the U.S.-born cleric who reportedly corresponded by e-mail with Fort Hood gunman Major Nidal Malik Hasan and praised him afterwards on his website. But friends and relatives say al-Awlaki, whom U.S. officials state is a ranking al-Qaeda operative, is alive and well.
“It is thought that the airstrike also killed Naser Abdel-Karim al-Wahishi, the leader of al-Qaeda’s operations in Saudi Arabia,” according to the Times Online. It also seems to have killed some children, producing a large rally at which al-Qaeda members spoke openly. This al-Jazeera news clip shows the scene

This suggests that Yemeni government actions taken at the behest of the U.S. have produced an al-Qaeda that wasn’t there before. There’s nothing like aerial bombing or missile strikes to produce radical hatred and anger, on which al-Qaeda thrives.

Al-Qaeda is as much a concept as an organization and seems designed to encourage copy-cat organizations, like the “Al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia” once headed by the mysterious Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, and perhaps the defunct Ansar al-Islam in Iraqi Kurdestan. They don’t need to have contact with a central headquarters, Osama bin Laden or al-Qaeda number two leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. Bin Laden has long since realized that by striking the U.S. in 2001 he unleashed a U.S. response entirely in keeping with the country’s history of violence and racism, likely to draw more Muslim resentment, weaken U.S. security and validate his project among millions of people."

As long as we continue with our imperialistic policies, we will continue to manufacture new enemys. A hydra-headed monster awaits us across the Globe.

With Love and Kindness,


Saturday, December 26, 2009


REF:Factory Foods FilledWith Disase, by William Campbell Douglass II, MD 12/24/09
Chances are that the chicken you bought at the super market is contaminated with all sorts of diseases and chemicals with names you can't pronounce. They were grown in filthy in crowded contaminated chicken coups and fed hormone antibiotic laced feed to make them bigger faster with more white meat.

These chicken houses are the length of a football field and crammed with hundreds and hundreds of chickens. Most are owned by small operators (rural residents) who sell their chickens to large corporate conglomerates who dictate the price, the feed
and the terms, so most can't afford to deviate from prescribed methods. Almost gone is the poultry and eggs raised by the small farmer's wife who let their flock roam free and peck at rocks, etc.

A recent test of store bought chickens involving multi states and multi stores found 14% of the birds had salmonella infections. They were not tested for drug and other chemical contamination.

An unfortunate result of unfettered capitalism. We cannot blame these corporations specializing in food products for trying to become more efficient and produce products at a lower cost than their competitors.

The answer is for each of us to be informed about this manufactured food and to seek out sources of natural raised animals. Free range poultry and pork and beef raised on grass , then penned up behind the barn and fattened with home grown corn and wheat.

Unless the reader is completely turned off with the subject, the movie Food, Inc. is
recommended viewing.

With Love and Kindness,


Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009


The quote of the year: ". . .it's easy to see why any attempt at health

Insurance reform would be met with some degree of hope. Unfortunately,

President Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress are about to take

a very bad system and make it unimaginably worse." Peter Schiff, 12/22/09

These improvers in their zest to even the playing field have created a law that will prevent any insurance company from denying health insurance coverage for any pre-existing condition. Wow what a zinger! That's like requiring fire insurers to insure a burning building.

Interfering with free market practice (or socialism to give it its' proper name) never has worked and never will. The very first result of this mis-legislation will be a will be gargantuan premium increases. The second result will be health insurance companies going out of business or geting bailout funding. Making healthcare insurers a ward of the Federal Government like General Motors and Chrysler.

Do these government minions not know what they are doing? Of course they do. They hate Free Enterrprise and Capitalism because these systems are not fair--they don't distribute the wealth equally. [They don't buy votes either] Some individuals might escape the benefit of this windfall legislation, so the bill mandates fines of up to $750 for those who fail to purchase this coverage.

To make sure that the creators of these socialistic programs are above any

prejudice, they exempt themselves from compliance, as they ride around in their chauffeured limousines and jet planes.

Comrade Senator and comrade Representative in politburo Washington D.C.

With Love and Kindness,


Wednesday, December 23, 2009


From 867 to 1806, there existed a aggregate of states, principalities and kingdoms in central Europe, known as the Holy Roman Empire. Centered around Germany, this ethnic collection included Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg,Slovenia. Northern Italy, Tuscany, Burgundy and several smaller vassal states. Notably it did not include Southern Italy or Rome.

The Empire could elect a king, but until he was crowned by the Vatican, the king could not be the Emperor. Fallowing the decline and disintegration of the Empire, the area divided into national lines that are still delineated today, changed little by two world wars and the collapse of the Soviet Empire.

For the past 60 years the area has been subjected to various treaties,

allowing the common use of resources, trade and monies which form the loose confederation of the Common Market and produced the Euro and now through the Treaty of Lisbon,what is known as the European Union an imperial association centered in Germany. This union of countries and peoples has an elected parliament, is choosing a premier, and through NATO has the world's second most powerful military.

Heretofore there has been six Holy Roman Empires, bloody aggressive

regimes, centered on an alliance of the Church of Rome and Germany,

According to Daniel the biblical prophet, beginning with the 7 hills of Rome there will be seven such empires.

Welcome to prophetic history!

The decline of the U.S.A in economic and diplomatic power and influence

ushers in a new dipolar power structure, however, with the European Union along with rising power and influence, there exists a jealous resentment of America and long held hatred of an arrogant and domineering state.

The conspiracy groups are concerned with the New World Order and the coming world money and government and probably should be, but are blinded and unaware of a more imminent threat. The European Union is having growing pains now, with thinly disguised ethnic conflicts, and economic defaulting states, but history shows these issues will be solved through diplomacy and/or force.

With Love and Kindness,


Tuesday, December 22, 2009


RE:Bombastic, bullying and preposterous Netanyahu epitomizes the toxic hasbarat

by Greg Felton 10/15/09

Blog 9/30/09

"Israel’s colony on thePotomacprepared to sabotage the report, the UN’s darkest days may in fact soon be upon us. Israel’s strategy for opposing The Goldstone Report consists of ignoring its contents, misrepresenting it, shouting it down, and forcing the UN to change the laws of war to legalize genocide.

What is a "hasbarat"? Is this a real word or a made up term to describe the irrational name-calling zionist- Israel defenders.

According to Felton,

"If you have ever visited a blog or on-line discussion group on the Middle East you have doubtless had the misfortune to run into them.

They are known by the language they use: depraved sexual insults, bile, bigotry, threats, disinformation and character assassination. That’s right: I’m talking about “hasbarats,” zionist trolls who infect the Internet with hasbara, pro-Israel propaganda. Of course, mainstream media hasbarats have been around for decades, as have “hasbaratchiks,” fifth-columns in foreign governments who subvert national policies to serve Israel. The Internet, though, is the latest, some might say the greatest, propaganda playground, and Israel cannot cope with factual, passionate, well-documented stories that expose its war crimes and unrepentant criminality."

If you’ve come across a hasbarat, on-line or otherwise, you have learned that no amount of reasoned argument or intellectual maturity has any effect. That’s because hasbarats don’t care if they come across as ignorant, obnoxious, nasty or inane. All that matters for them is sabotaging criticism of Israel and support for Muslims. They're like anti-intellectual stink bombs: designed to cause maximum discomfort but have little if any real power.

The object of this Blog is not Jew hating or Israel bashing, though one wonders how this site has escaped the onslaught of the hasbarat attacks--perhaps their browsers have missed the blogspot URL. The author has encountered them by placing comments on discussion sites.

"This deliberate proliferation of on-line hasbarats raises two points. The first concerns why anyone would spend hours a day to prostitute themselves for Israel. Money, of course. Ilan Shturman, deputy director of the Israeli foreign ministry’s hasbara department (!), told an Israeli business newspaper in July that US$150,000 had been allocated for the first stage of a campaign to seed the Internet with hasbarats:

“Our people will not say: ‘Hello, I am from the hasbara department of the Israeli foreign ministry and I want to tell you the following.’ Nor will they necessarily identify themselves as Israelis. They will speak as net-surfers and as citizens, and will write responses that will look personal but will be based on a prepared list of messages that the foreign ministry developed.”

The second point is why Israel felt it had to resort to intellectual fraud on an international scale. The Internet has shown that Israel is a failed oppressor state that commits crimes against humanity as a matter of policy. The last straw for many was “Operation Cast Lead,” an act of such unspeakable unapologetic sadism that allusions to Nazi Germany are entirely appropriate."

The hasbara campaign is one of the ways the Israel propaganda machine has influenced and controlled America's foreign policy. The Israel supporters are in both political parties--not just the Lieberman faction. The leftists of Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy are flanked by the Christian rightists Pat Robertson and G.W. Bush.

Why are they so violently opposed to any factual discussion of the Holocaust or Iranian nuclear program and meet such discussions with 'depraved sexual insults, bile, bigotry, threats, disinformation and character assassination'?

Me thinks you object too much.

With Love and Kindness,


Monday, December 21, 2009


It would be a laughing out loud matter if it were not so darn serious.

Hillary Clinton rallied the global warming troops in Copenhagen with the proposal that the U.S. and other developed economics contribute $100 billion/year for ten years [to the World Bank] to mitigate the damaging effects of carbon dioxide. These clowns would be Hillaryious if it wasn't so tragic that they really mean it and will do it if they can get away with it.

President Obama was stood up [again] by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao after calling a meeting to tackle climate change consequences. Why is it that our enemies, China and Russia seem to have more common sense than we. But of course the real reason for the get together in Stockholm is to raid our treasury and prepare us for one world currency, one world digital central banking and one world government.

Notables attending and dissing capitalistic countries were Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. Robert Mugabe dictator of Zimbawe of course as you know U.S. is

the greatest contributor of green house gases which is producing global warming,

high sea levels and the swamping of island paradises--just ask Al Gore.

Eithiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi representing all of Africa said he would accept $30 billion now and up to $100 billion later to help out with the climate change horrors.

The big spender Obama group pledged $10 billion to open the bidding. This is from a country which has an acknowledge $12 Trillion debt and will have to borrow $1.5

trillion just to meet current needs.

Copenhagen is about enrichment and powering of world elites and Powers that Be

at the expense and out of your pocket western peoples. The sham and scam of global warming has been exposed as baloney by noted scientists and most recently falsified data which was published, yet it goes on and on.

President Obama hailed the so called Copenhagen accord as an "unprecedented breakthrough"; however the conference attendees failed to formerly adopt adopt the accord.

With Love and Kindness,


Saturday, December 19, 2009

FOOLS GOLD Adrian Douglas : The exposlosive dynamics of the gold and silver markets 10/10/09
". . .Gold is a unique substance. It is about the only thing on the planet that is bought and stored and never consumed. Almost all the gold ever mined still exists above ground. The purpose of gold is to act as a store of wealth. This singularity of gold makes it susceptible to a scam that was first perpetrated by goldsmiths in the 16th century. The goldsmiths realized that customers would buy gold and leave it for safekeeping in their vault. This meant that they could show the same gold bar to many customers and sell it many times over. This was the early form of fractional reserve banking, where banks retainly sone a fraction of the money on deposit, gambling that no more than 10 percent of the money will ever be called upon to be paid out.

This scam is at the center of modern gold market manipulation. Paper substitutes for gold are sold, instead of real gold, through derivatives, futures, pooled accounts, exchange-traded funds, gold certificates, etc. I estimate that each ounce of gold has been effectively sold 20 times over or more. To maintain this Ponzi scheme, some real gold is required, because some investors or jewelers demand to take possession of real gold. For the scam to be sustained there must always be plentiful physical gold for those who want it.

This physical supply has been met from mine supply and central bank leasing and selling.

The market is in effect a giant inverted pyramid with a huge paper gold market being supported above a small amount of physical gold at the tip of the inverted pyramid. The scam can continue until there are indications of a shortage of physical gold. If the 20 or so so claimants of each ounce of real gold demand their gold, there is the potential for a squeeze such as never been seen before."

As in bank runs, where depositors en-mass demand their funds, the bullion banks risk exposure to the fraud they have been perpetrating for years, when

gold depositors demand their gold.

Comes now the gold ETF[Exchange Traded Fund], where a fund possesses gold

bullion and sells shares in this bullion, which is traded on the stock exchanges.

What a great idea that permits smaller investors to own gold that is as liquid

as the stock exchanges. But the scam artists above are way ahead of us--they can use these paper shares as a substitute for real gold, because they are the custodians of the gold supposedly in the possession of the ETF. Another multiplier of gold stocks.

As the financial crises continues to unfold, gold is becoming more valuable[actually, currency is being inflated or becoming less valuable] and

the demand for physical gold becomes more acute, pressure is mounting on these fraudsters to produce real gold. Unexpected consequences!

With Love and Kindness,


Thursday, December 17, 2009


REF:The Israel Stranglehold, by Paul Craig Roberts 1214/09

". . . The Israel Lobby has such power over America that even former President Jimmy Carter, a good friend of Israel, is demonized for using the polite term--apartheid--for the genocide that has occurred over the decades during which American “Christian” preachers, together with bought-and-paid-for politicians, justified Israel’s policy of slow genocide for Palestine."

Ref: Christian Leaders for a Nuclear-Free Iran, Dave Mohel,

Christian Leaders Urge Immediate Passage of
Tough Sanctions on Iran

Pat Robertson, Chuck Colson, Southern Baptist Leadership,
Focus on the Family, Megachurch Pastors Send Letter To Congress

Leaders representing millions of Evangelicals and Roman Catholics
call for immediate passage of sanctions

Before the House of Representatives: Statement Opposing the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act, December 15, 2009, Rep. Ron Paul:"I rise in strongest opposition to this new round of sanctions on Iran, which is another significant step toward a US war on that country. I find it shocking that legislation this serious and consequential is brought up in such a cavalier manner. Suspending the normal rules of the House to pass legislation is a process generally reserved for “non-controversial” business such as the naming of post offices. Are we to believe that this House takes matters of war and peace as lightly as naming post offices?

This legislation seeks to bar from doing business in the United States any foreign entity that sells refined petroleum to Iran or otherwise enhances Iran’s ability to import refined petroleum such as financing, brokering, underwriting, or providing ships for such. Such sanctions also apply to any entity that provides goods or services that enhance Iran’s ability to maintain or expand its domestic production of refined petroleum. This casts the sanctions net worldwide, with enormous international economic implications."

"...sanctions and the blockades that are required to enforce them are themselves acts of war according to international law"

WASHINGTON, Dec 15 (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday approved legislation to impose sanctions on foreign companies that help supply gasoline to Iran, a move lawmakers hope will deter Tehran from pursuing its nuclear program.

Thus as in the conquest of Iraq, we are being manipulated into doing the deeds of the blood stained Zionists. With well placed monies, lying propaganda, and unscrupulous methods they have their evil way and once again this great country is led by a ring through our nose by a tiny politically created nation state.


With Love and Kindness,


Wednesday, December 16, 2009


As a response to a Congress that doesn't represent their citizen's interests, state Legislators are looking to nullification as a way to reject any national freedom robbing edicts.

Arizona has a proposed State Constitution Amendment that will override any lawthat requires individuals to participate in any health care system. If approved by voters,HCR2014 would prohibit any fine for purchasing healthcare directly. Five other states are considering similar initiatives:Indiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Dakota and Wyoming. This follows a state nullification of the 2005 Real ID Act, which was nullified by 14 states.

According to an article by Michael Boldin , June 26, 2009 on the Tenth Amendment site,

"When a state ‘nullifies’ a federal law, it is proclaiming that the law in question is void and inoperative, or ‘non-effective’, within the boundaries of that state; or, in other words, not a law as far as the state is concerned.

Nullification has a long and interesting history in American politics, and originates in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798. These resolutions, secretly authored by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, asserted that states, as sovereign entities, could judge for themselves whether the federal government had overstepped its constitutional bounds, to the point of ignoring federal laws.

Virginia and Kentucky passed the resolutions in response to the federal Alien and Sedition Acts, which provided, in part, for the prosecution of anyone who criticized Congress or the President of the United States."

"Groups across the political spectrum have focused their efforts on this same principle – calling on state governments to not just say no to the federal government, but to actively resist federal laws and actions.

  • Firearms Freedom Acts have passed in both Montana and Tennessee, and under the force of law, call on those governments to refuse federal regulation of firearms made and kept in those respective states.
  • Bring the Guard Home is a campaign of mostly antiwar activists that are calling on governors to assert constitutional authority over their state’s guard – and refuse to deploy troops for any reason other than authorized by the constitution
  • Medical Marijuana Laws - have passed in multiple states around the country and are directly opposed to federal drug laws that see marijuana as illegal under all circumstances.
  • Real ID legislation has passed in approximately 2 dozen states requiring state governments to refuse implementation of the 2005 law.
  • Health Care Freedom Acts are being actively pursued in six states (including Arizona), and would resist proposed national health care legislation on a number of levels."

“The main point that nullification aims to address is that a government allowed to determine the scope of its own powers cannot remain limited for long. This is a lesson we should have learned by now. Moreover, since piecemeal solutions to reducing federal power have accomplished nothing, we can hardly afford to dismiss out of hand the idea of nullification, a remedy that is at once creative and intelligent, and recommended by some of the greatest political thinkers in American history.”--Thomas E. Woods, historian

With Love and Kindness,


Tuesday, December 15, 2009


"Thou shall not kill" reads the 6th Commandment. Or maybe The New International Version translation: "Thou shall not murder" gets to the real meaning. Are we talking about premeditated murder, killing with malice aforethought? Second degree murder, a killing which is intentional as a result of an assault or vicious act, not planned before? Third degree murder which is killing without any excuse or reason? Or manslaughter ,a killing which resulted from being reckless or negligent?

These questions go to morality, ethics and perhaps culture--what is accepted behavior in society. Regardless, we are talking about bringing about the death of a human being.

Most would agree that killing in war is defensible, but what kind of war? War to defend the country, repel invaders, war to defeat an enemy who has attacked yourcountry? Or war to defeat and destroy a perceived or potential enemy.

In these days of perpetual war--war against terrorists in general , AlQaeda, Taliban,

communists in Viet Nam or fascists in Germany or Italy, or any other individuals, groups or lands declared to be our enemies for whatever reason.

Somewhere we have to draw the line, and not "a line in the sand" as some spin merchant declared.

"The true test of a society and its leaders is the extent to which every effort is made to both properly define a problem as one worthy of military intervention and then exhaust every option other than the use of force" --Scott Ritter, 12/10/09 "Our Murders in the Sky",

We have not always been blessed with such statesmen. Presidents Eisenhower and Reagan come to mind, when thinking of those who have kept us out of needless conflicts.

President Obama's speech at West Point-- his stage for committing 30,000

more troops to Afghanistan-- suggested that the simple souls of Afghanistan who throughout history have repelled invaders and rejected any central authority placed over them, are the planners and conspirators of the 911 attack. This is pure hogwash and a deliberate attempt to justify aggression and pointless marauding and homicide.

Scott Ritter went on to state ". .The notion that the Afghan Taliban, Pakistani Taliban and al-Qaida fighters operating in both countries are part of an overarching Islamic fundamentalist movement seeking to export violence to the shores of America is fundamentally wrong.

The events of Sept. 11, 2001, created problems best dealt with through diplomacy, law enforcement and intelligence. That the United States chose to define it instead as an act of war means that we have never assembled the tool set necessary to solve the Afghan problem, which explains a recent admission by U.S. military officers that, after eight years of war, America was at “square one” in Afghanistan."

Let every citizen examine their conscience. Is it right for us to be murdering and maiming innocent people in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Are these simple people really our enemy and deserve to be destroyed?

With Love and Kindness,


Monday, December 14, 2009


Notice anything unusual about the five dollar bill shown? At the top of the bill it says that this is a "United States Note". Before the assignation of President Kennedy, all
U. S. money was like this. Afterwards, and from then on our money was " Federal Reserve Notes".

A coincidence, probably but a lot of things changed then including a re-run of the New Deal, called by Lyndon Johnson: "The Great Society"- a monumental give-a-way and power grab by the federal government. Deficit funding, War on Poverty and another war in a foreign land. To afford all of this we needed more money and the Federal Reserve accommodated us by 'printing' more of it.

The Constitution states that only the government can coin money, so they got around this restriction earlier by contracting with the Treasury to print the bills. When people refer to inflating the currency by 'printing money' they mean creating money by bookkeeping procedures at the Fed. Actual amounts of currency in circulation doesn't
change much.

Paper currency originated with receipts for gold in storage by "goldsmiths". Gold and silver was and always has been "money" or a store of value used in place of barter in exchange for goods and services. Since precious metals are heavy and bulky to carry around, these receipts of paper found favor as exchange mediums. No one cared
because their was gold in back of the paper. Goldsmiths were succeeded by banks who stored customer's gold and issued bank notes which were backed by gold in their vault.

Bankers, being the greedy creatures that they are, soon figured out that they could issue or loan out more notes than they had in gold storage, which was a slick way to
make more profit. This worked because only a small percentage of their depositors
would claim their gold at the same time. EXCEPT for runs on the bank where many
would come at the same time to claim their deposits. This was the RISK and was resolved by the bankers by fostering off on the unsuspected masses the Federal Reserve System, a banker's bank [central bank] , privately owned who could come to the aid of overrun failing banks by issuing money to the endangered banks. Sounds good. Even had the name 'Federal', but not in fact federal, but private.

The crises of the Great Depression provided the reason for the Fed to have custody of the nation's gold hoard. Government in their wisdom with the bank holiday and citizen's gold confiscation assured that the Fed would have control of all of the gold
and that unlimited paper could be freely substituted [fiat money]. At the end of WWII,
the U. S. had reportedly 75% of the world's gold. There has been no public published audit of the gold stored at Ft. Knox and other depositories since 1954, and won't be if the Federal Reserve masters have their way, so no one except a privileged few know how much gold we have today.

Financial writers are quick to blame President Nixon for going off the gold standard
and letting the $ find it's own value on the world's currency exchanges. Actually it was a de facto event, since by then most of our gold reserves were spent or owed to foreign nations. We simply did not have enough gold left after gold loans [ sales] and issuing Special Drawing Rights [SDRs] to pay our creditors. When France and other foreign
entities demanded gold in payment, the jig was up.

The magic of the Federal Reserve and fiat currency is that governments corporations and people could spend more than they earned by the creation of more money in the Treasury and the banks.

The increase in money supply or inflation has been almost 100% since 1913. A dollar
will buy about a 1913 penny's worth today. Because dollar inflation and price inflation has been gradual except for a period in the 1970's. People have not objected to the watering down of wealth. Most wages increased with cost of living adjustments plus
real estate climbed in price each year.

Comes now the financial crises of 2008. Real Estate prices are falling, wages are dropping, and pensions are becoming suspect The dollar is no longer considered good as gold, the' full faith and credit' of the U. S. is no longer thought worthy. Gold is increasing in price. Actually gold is not more valuable, it's value does not change, dollars are declining in value. People are looking to gold as a safe haven and rejecting dollars as a store of value. The fiat money scheme is coming to its
inevitable end. It is 2 minutes to midnight and Cinderella's coach is turning into a pumpkin.

With Love and Kindness,


Saturday, December 12, 2009


Are Sheeple, those who are easily led by media propoganda and self serving

politicians really dumb and blind stupid or what?

Probably what, because many are intelligent, well educated and patriotic Americans.

They are the decent, respectable people we know well. They are our fellow employees, relatives, friends and neighbors. They see things in a straight forward manner, much like always.

"Things are not all that bad , now are they?"

"It is wonderful to be an American, part of the 'Free World'"

" We have to fight and die because others want to steal our liberty"

"Chinese, Russians and Arabs are dedicated to kill us"

"Muslims go to heaven if they die fighting the infidel Americans"

Sound familiar? They are the thoughts and expressions of the Sheeple who can be exposed to the truth in clearly stated articles and presentations, but are incapable of accepting this information because of firmly held contrary beliefs.

Are those who are in the herd because of "not knowing' or is it a willful ignorance?

To some who first heard, for example, about "The New World Order" intuition told them to look deeper--to examine the motives of those who thought this change was proper. Who were those who were touting this scheme, and why? What are their motives, who profits?

Sheeple, on the other hand, are people who such as in the example above, are confronted with the truth consistently, perhaps even daily, yet make the internal decision to ignore it, to block it out completely, to consciously make the decision that they will not even consider the possibility of the information’s validity.

Many people are barely involved in looking beyond their own horizons. They become apathetic and allow their environment, circumstance and TV 'news' to tell them what is what. They depend on their favorite columnist, politician or pastor for their serving of truth.

Sheeple can be confronted with the most irrefutable facts, but if this information is in contrast to what they 'know', their minds close up and refuse to acknowledge this truth. Their reactions can become emotional, indignant, even violent.

Unfortunately with mind sets so firmly set, we become easy victims of demagogues, who will patronize us and tell us what we want to hear to enrich themselves or further their own selfish world-controlling desires.

With Love and Kindness,


Friday, December 11, 2009


An Article by U.S. Representative Ron Paul 12/08/09 reprinted here in it's entirety:

If anyone still doubted that this administration's foreign policy would bring any kind of change, this week's debate on Afghanistan should remove all doubt. The President's stated justifications for sending more troops to Afghanistan and escalating war amount to little more than recycling all the false reasons we began the conflict. It is so discouraging to see this coming from our new leadership, when the people were hoping for peace. New polls show that 49% of the people favor minding our own business on the world stage, up from 30% in 2002. Perpetual war is not solving anything. Indeed continually seeking out monsters to destroy abroad only threatens our security here at home as international resentment against us builds. The people understand this and are becoming increasingly frustrated at not being heard by the decision-makers. The leaders say some things the people want to hear, but change never comes.

One has to ask, if the people who elected these leaders so obviously do not want these wars, who does? Eisenhower warned of the increasing power and influence of the military industrial complex and it seems his worst fears have come true. He believed in a strong national defense, as do I, but warned that the building up of permanent military and weapons industries could prove dangerous if their influence got out of hand. After all, if you make your money on war, peace does you no good. With trillions of dollars at stake, there is tremendous incentive to keep the decision makers fearful of every threat in the world, real or imagined, present or future, no matter how ridiculous and far-fetched. The Bush Doctrine demonstrates how very successful the war lobby was philosophically with the last administration. And they are succeeding just as well with this one, in spite of having the so-called "peace candidate" in office.

We now find ourselves in another foreign policy quagmire with little hope of victory, and not even a definition of victory. Eisenhower said that only an alert and informed electorate could keep these war racketeering pressures at bay. He was right, and the key is for the people to ensure that their elected leaders follow the Constitution. The Constitution requires a declaration of war by Congress in order to legitimately go to war. Bypassing this critical step makes it far too easy to waste resources on nebulous and never-ending conflicts. Without clear goals, the conflicts last forever and drain the country of blood and treasure. The drafters of the Constitution gave Congress the power to declare war precisely because they feared allowing the executive unfettered discretion in military affairs. They understood that making it easy for leaders to wage foreign wars would threaten domestic liberties.

Responses to attacks on our soil should be swift and brief. Wars we fight should always be defensive, clearly defined and Constitutional. The Bush Doctrine of targeting potential enemies before they do anything to us is dangerously vague and easily abused. There is nothing left to win in Afghanistan and everything to lose. Today's military actions are yet another futile exercise in nation building and have nothing to do with our nation's security, or with 9/11. Most experts agree that Bin Laden and anyone remotely connected to 9/11 left Afghanistan long ago, but our troops remain. The pressures of the war racketeers need to be put in check before we are brought to our knees by them. Unfortunately, it will require a mighty effort by the people to get the leadership to finally listen.

With Love and Kindness,


Thursday, December 10, 2009



When Republicans point their finger at Obama, they should keep in mind that three other fingers pointing back at themselves. The fact is that Republicans are as devoted to socialist programs and foreign wars as Democrats are, notwithstanding their pro-free-enterprise and peace rhetoric.

Some 40 years ago, both liberals and conservatives sent some 58,000 men of to their deaths thousands of miles away, in Vietnam, in one of those foreign wars that are so beloved to both conservatives and liberals. The rationale for sending those men to their deaths, along with killing more than a million Vietnamese people, was the communist threat, a threat that was considered by conservatives and liberals to be even more frightening than the terrorist threat today.

We were told that if these American men weren’t fighting and dying in Vietnam, the dominoes would start falling and finally end with a communist conquest of the United States. We were told that the communists were one gigantic block of people, led by the Chinese communists and Soviet communists.

So none is without sin--no none. America is a nation of warriors, so be it, but let's be sure that we are fighting to preserve our liberty], not the fortunes of the owner's of this country.

With Love and Kindness,


Wednesday, December 9, 2009




"Private contractors for security in Iraq and Afghanistan now outnumber American troops doing the same work and are paid five times as much, causing much resentment in the military. What we have on our hands in Iraq and Afghanistan is an army of mercenaries, and its costing the American taxpayers plenty. But, well, like we’ve said @@@@%! Moreover, only 5% of the Taliban are hard core ideologues. And while ten percent have a grudge against the U.S. because their family members have been killed by the U.S. military, or for other reasons, the remaining 85% are just simple farmers trying to make a go of it in life.We pay Afghans $100 a month to join our cause. The Taliban pays them $300 to become Taliban fighters. Guess who wins out there.

But the big thing to consider, of the countless billions of dollars the United States is paying to wage this war, we could be rebuilding and building Afghanistan to create jobs, eliminate disease, build homes, pave roads, and do all kinds of good things that would win Afghanistan’s heart and mind. Unfortunately, it’s not likely we will do that, just as we don’t do it here at home.

. . "But few running the show will consider peaceful means like those described above that would have the most powerful impact. Instead, we will have more war and more needless killing and suffering on both sides. Besides inspiring more anti-American propaganda and increasing anti-American recruitment abroad, not to mention the paltry little fact of bringing more death and casualties to American troops and the Afghan population"

. . . "Until people become enlightened they must suffer the consequences of their ignorance. The same is true for countries. To kill when other means are available is not an enlightened approach and the country should not support it."

With Love and Kindness,


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The economy is struggling. People are without jobs or their income has been reduced with prices rising. Yet one group of workers and retirees are doing quite well, thank you very much. They are the state and federal government employees.

Police, firefighters, teachers, transit and highway workers through their unions and pressure groups have had their way with legislatures and city and county councils with taxpayer funded pensions until bankruptcy is the only remedy. Courts can't and won't change the retirement provisions already granted.

California and nine other states are insolvent and can't pay their pension obligations

with current tax receipts, plus the majority of the remaining states are struggling to make ends meet. Early retirement feature and reduced number of work years to vest eligibility have added to the paid retirement burden. Some plans allow retirement at age 55 after working only 10 years and pay for life 75% of the highest salary earned. All public safety officials in California receive 90% of their final year's pay for the rest of their lives and the life of the spouse also. Orange county, CA firefighters receive an average pay and benefit package of $175,000.

In former days, public employees earned lower wages than employees in the private sector, but they had higher retirement benefits. Today they get higher wages, better retirement, reduced work schedules and more days off. Legislatures and councils have passed employee protection packages that almost prohibit the firing or discharging of public employees for whatever reason .

Federal employees are quite well paid. In fact federal employees earn in total compensation twice as much as workers in the private sector. What's more, the gap between government and private workers is growing. In 2000 the average federal civilian compensation was $76,187, while private sector employees earned $45,772. In 2008, while those not embraced by the comfortable, recession-proof arms of the federal government have seen their average compensation grow to only $59,909, federal workers now take home a whopping average of $119,982.

While up to 1/5th of private enterprise employees have lost their jobs, the federal government is still hiring and their payrolls plus cost of living increases is growing exponentially.

Something has to change. "The unsustainable cannot be sustained"

With Love and Kindness,


Monday, December 7, 2009


The government is staffed with people who love spending money, as long as that money has been taken from others.

This trait has no limits. The big spenders love to throw money at every real or imagined problem. They are able to perceive an unlimited number of allocations

which in their distorted view believe are essential to our national security, freedom and world position.

Where would we be without Stimulus grants, education grants agriculture supports Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, SBA loans, FHA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Farm Home Loan Administration, SEC, FTC, FAA,FCC etc, etc.

Let's not forget some of the "wars". How about the War on Inflation, The War on Drugs, The War on Terror, the War on Price Gouging. Then there is the killing, maiming and destructive kind of wars: The WW's, the Korean war, the Vietnam war, the Gulf War, the Iraq War, the Afghanistan War and enumerable crises of the Cold War. These efforts require guns, shells, airplanes, drones, bombs, rockets, mines and untold other expensive devices to carry out these necessary programs.

Where does all the money come from to pay for all this necessary activity?Go to the head of the class, the answer is TAXES. When however, the tax base gets to 45%-50% and the government needs are not met, what happens--these chiselers know that when taxes get above this, revolutions begin, so now what is the answer?

Aha, the government begins to borrow, first from their own citizens, then from foreign ones. When the spenders still not satiated. The Federal Reserve begins to CREATE MONEY. This in turn causes inflation, which causes a need for more inflation. When this creature begins to grow and take on a life of its own. What happens next? The death of a nation .

With Love and Kindness,


Saturday, December 5, 2009


RE: "The Obama Puppet" by Paul Craig Roberts, 12/2/09

A mere American president cannot begin to prevail over the Israel Lobby, and the U.S. is not permitted to deviate from Israel's Mideast policies. If he desired to

prohibit further Israel settlement in the Palestinian land, he simply hasn't the power to do so.

The Military/Industrial/Security Lobby will not be dissuaded from their war and oppression strategies. Obama cannot prevail against this formidable group.[See:Two + Two, Dec.3, 2009] The president can order torture

stopped, but no one obeys.


"President Obama can promise that he is going to bring the troops home, and the military lobby says, “No, you are going to send them to Afghanistan, and in the meantime start a war in Pakistan and maneuver Iran into a position that will provide an excuse for a war there, too. Wars are too profitable for us to let you stop them.”

. .. "In actual fact, the American people have no say about what “their” government does. Polls of the public show that half or more of the American people do not support the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan and do not support President Obama’s escalation of the war in Afghanistan. Yet, the occupations and wars continue. According to General Stanley McChrystal, the additional 40,000 troops are enough to stalemate the war, that is, to keep it going forever, the ideal situation for the armaments lobby.

The people want health care, but the government does not listen.

The people want jobs, but Wall Street wants higher priced stocks and forces American firms to offshore the jobs to countries where labor is cheaper.

The American people have no effect on anything. They can affect nothing. They have become irrelevant like Obama. And they will remain irrelevant as long as organized interest groups can purchase the US government."

. . ."The same “protectors” of “free speech” had no objection to the Israel Lobby’s passage of the “hate speech” bill, which has criminalized criticism of Israel’s genocidal treatment of the Palestinians and continuing theft of their lands.

In less than one year, President Obama has betrayed all of his supporters and broken all of his promises. He is the total captive of the oligarchy of the ruling interest groups.

Obama seems destined to be a one-term president. Indeed, the collapsing economy will doom him.

The Republicans are grooming Palin. Our first female president, following our first black president, will complete the transition to an American police state by arresting critics and protesters of Washington’s immoral foreign and domestic policies, and she will complete the destruction of America’s reputation abroad.

Russia’s Putin has already compared the US to Nazi Germany, and the Chinese premier has likened the US to an irresponsible, profligate debtor.

Increasingly the rest of the world sees the US as the sole source of all of its problems. Germany has lost the chief of its armed forces and its defense minister, because the US convinced or pressured, by hook or crook, the German government to violate its Constitution and to send troops to fight for Unocal’s interest in Afghanistan. The Germans had pretended that their troops were not really fighting, but were were engaged in a “peace-keeping operation.” This more or less worked until the Germans called in an air strike that murdered 100 women and children lined up for a fuel allotment."

.. "World polls show that the US and its puppet master [emphasis added]are regarded as the two greatest threats to peace. Washington and Israel outrank on the most dangerous list the crazy regime in North Korea.

The world is beginning to see America as a country that needs to go away.

With Love and Kindness,



Maybe it is time for a caveat. What is written here is not alleged to accurate, truthful, factual or otherwise reliable. It is mostly the author's opinion, recollection and interpretation of information gathered in an sometimes casual manner. The danger to the author is that he will become even more arrogant than he already is if people begin to read these missives, T. H.


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