Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I have witnessed over the years a number of candidates for public office, some good some bad, and some incredibly unqualified for the position they sought. Some were elected, some not- irrespective of their qualifications. Think about Lyndon Johnson, Spiro Agnew, George Wallace, Hubert Humphrey, John McCain or George W. Bush.

Yet, never, I say never has such a punk as Donald the Duck been considered as a serious candidate for the president of the United States of America.

This self-aggrandized blow hard has convinced some that he should be elected ( as a Republican no less ) to the presidency.

Oh come on America, are you so propagandized, dumbed down and

dull of wit that you have no discernment or judgement whatsoever?

As a so called billionaire businessman he has left a slimy trail of bankruptcies.lawsuits and failed business ventures all with other people's money. The uglinest of his business failures is matched by the ugliness of his buildings.

To witness his recent NH speech claiming that he alone forced Obama's hand to release a birth record is typical of a braggart without remorse. He is crude and he is rude. His ghetto styled remark to China will not be repeated here.

Given our present head of state , would Mr. Duck be an improvement?

I'm not sure.

With Love and Kindness,


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