Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Ref:What Are They Gonna Do About It? Financial sense University by Stephen Konaka, CPA,

The above author begins his article with the admission that it's too late to do something about the 'superclass' taking control of our government and media, that something should have and probably could have been done been done about it 40 years ago.

". . . The Superclass has taken effective control of the US government, and the political process has been neutralized, insofar as any real effect on policy is concerned. It is well recognized among those in the know that the electorate long ago lost the power to control its government. The political process is now like the steering wheel on kiddie car: it’s not there to steer the car, its only there to make the naïve childbelieve that he is steering the car. It is of real interest and moment only to the politicians who must negotiate this sham every few years to maintain their seats in government. (Also, the person behind the wheel can be held responsible when an accident occurs.

How can the mighty US government be essentially bankrupt, yet the façade of business as usual remains in place? How can reality be so effectively suppressed? Here’s the secret: WHAT COUNTS IS NOT WHAT IS TRUE, BUT ONLY WHAT GOVERNMENT IS FORCED TO PUBLICLY ADMIT. In many ways, perception has actually replaced reality. In Wag the Dog, we learned that “If you saw it on TV that means it really happened.” Conversely, “Until you see it on TV, it isn’t real.” Such is the world we live in. That is why what appears on the internet demimonde has so little effect on the real world, even when true. Government and the mass media simply ignore inconvenient truths, and what they can ignore isn’t real – yet. But China has the POWER to FORCE the bankrupt state of the US government out into the light of day and onto the evening news. For their own reasons, they may agree to keep it quiet awhile longer - for a price.

But still, if you don’t have the money, you can’t pay, right? Borrow $10,000, that’s your problem. Borrow $10 trillion – that’s the bank’s problem. Maybe not. Current rumor says that Hillary Clinton, Obama’s Secretary of State, has actually signed some document granting so-called eminent domain over US sovereign territory to China. In everyday terms, this would be something like a mortgage. But how would China foreclose under this supposed document – would they have to invade? Is it for real? Snopes says “Nope”, for what that is worth. Who knows? Maybe it’s just another trial balloon, to soften us up and get us all used to the idea. In any case, we have come to the point where this has become a credible concept in some quarters. Our debt has given the Chinese power to force concessions, and they want some security that we will not cheat them out of the value of the huge sums they have lent to us. Too bad most Americans don’t feel the same way about their own holdings of government promises. Or maybe they do, but like Neo in the Matrix, they lack an effective voice to make those feelings known.

Things are not hopeless in the U.S. A., yet they certainly seem like it at times.
The power no longer rests with the people--maybe they get what they deserve,
being an ignorant shiftless electorate, who are easily deceived by slick huckster

Yet as we are beginning to perceive, the present bankster owned state is beginning to self-destruct , being brought down by the very greed and power hungry ambitions that created the 'superclass'.

With Love and Kindness,


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