The following is an article reprinted in its entirety from The Burning Platform.Com 11/11/09 "Bill Clinton is a Douche Bag" as a part of Quinn's Dose of Reality ≥ Discussions
"This healthcare bill has nothing to do with your well being or healthcare. It is about the Democratic party increasing their power over your lives. Obama called Bill Clinton away from molesting little girls to come up to Capitol Hill to impart his wisdom on successfully passing healthcare and losing the House in the next election. Clinton does not care what the American people think. This is only about politics. Hard working caring Americans who protest the bill are called tea-baggers by Clinton and his pack of left wing socialist dildos. It is time to turn up the temperature on these pack of criminals.
With the issue he has positioned to be his crowning achievement as president at a crossroads, Barack Obama once again called on his former rival to help him follow through.
Former President Bill Clinton told a room full of Democratic senators Tuesday that passing halth care reform — which he failed to do 15 years ago — is not only a moral issue but also “an economic imperative.”
Clinton argued that even “the most cold-hearted person” ought to support health care reform simply from an economic standpoint. He reminded Democrats of the political momentum their failure to pass reform in 1993 delivered the House of Representatives to the Republicans the following year.
"The point I want to make is: Just pass the bill, even if it's not exactly what you want," Clinton told Democrats. "When you try and fail, the other guys write history.”
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said Clinton described the ongoing tea party protests against the Democratic agenda as a sign their party was making progress.
Whitehouse quoted Clinton arguing: "The reason the tea-baggers are so inflamed is because we are winning."
Clinton’s overall message was one the Obama administration has tried to make: not passing a bill is worse than passing one that’s not perfect. ldquo;So it’s not important to be perfect here, it’s important to act, to move, to start the ball rolling, to claim the evident advantages that all these plans agree with, and whatever they can get the votes for, I’m gonna support,” Clinton said he told the senators. “I think it is good politics to pass this and to pass this as soon as they can. But I think the most important thing is it is the right thing for America. The worst thing to do is nothing.”"
The Obama so called Healthcare Reform bill is a tipping point for the socialist/communistst agenda. They have made it a cornerstone for their program to transfer our constitutional guaranteed liberties to government officials and regulations.
Stop them now or forget the America that was. The Change America was promised is not this totalitarian power grab. Don't let the Senate agree to a watered down version of this legislative 2000 page monster. We don't need government mandated healthcare. We need the government to get out of the healthcare business.
With Love and Kindness,
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