Thursday, November 19, 2009


The loss of our freedom?

The History of America will show the slide away from liberty and self dependence

had markers or turning points easy to see in hindsight , but not so clear in present sight.

Turning point

Certainly a turning point in the 20th century was the Federal Reserve Act in 1913; following the European example, it established a central bank that gave the state power over money (paper and promise) creation. As night follows day, we abandoned our isolation and became involved in the European war: WWI.

Turning point

The increased money supply and credit in the 1920's brought about the Great Depression of the 1930's and the Roosevelt New Deal stimulus programs of

socialist/communist government interventions in the free market process and encouragement of the labor union movement. These policies failed to turn the economy around, hence our entry into WWII and repudiation of isolation.

Turning point

The turning point of 1945 was post war America. We emerged from the WWII conflict as the world's most powerful economy, producing goods and services for the entire planet . Being dramatically and specifically warned by President Eisenhower of the military/industrial complex. We were manipulated into arming for the 'cold' war and more deficit money creation.

Turning point

The 1963 Assignation of President Kennedy changed America because Lyndon Johnson became president and the creeping liberalism of the Democrats became the "Great society" and we embarked on a socialistic course of wealth redistribution only exceeded by the FDR depression years.

Turning point

The election of Bill Clinton sealed the cabal of government controlled by Wall Street,

achieving in 1999 the repeal of the Glass Segall act which had separated investment banking and lending banking. Concurrently Wall Street money and personnel infiltrated government positions and regulatory agencies. President Clinton, contrary to his predecessor G. Bush Sr. who conducted the first Gulf War, reduced the military budget, yet maintained the hostility to Saddam Hussein and committed troops to Somali and Kososvo.

Turning point

Sept. 11.2001 ,the World Trade Center buildings were attacked and destroyed. This event brought on President Bush, Jr's "War on Terror" policy, The formation of the

Homeland Security Agency, The Patriot Act , the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan

and a return to the Cold War by placing antagonistic missile shields in countries bordering Russia. The president spoke of the "evil axis" and the muslim threat to the "free world". Guns and butter policies returned with lower taxes and sharply increased military and domestic spending. Our national deficit (money owed) increased from 1 $trillion to 4 $trillion in 6 years .

Turning point

Americans responded to Candidate Obama's pledge of change by electing him as President. This was not intended to be a a vote for socialism, but a vote against the tyrannical polices of war, torture and spending, from the Bush years.

Can we turn away from Obamaism?

With Love and Kindness,



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