Don’t let schooling interfere with your education.~ Mark Twain
Mr. Shaffer laments:"I sometimes grow weary listening to people complaining that the government schools are doing a terrible job. I have many objections to this horrid system, but I must give it credit for accomplishing its actual – but unstated – purpose, namely, to dumb-down the minds of people so as to make them unquestioning and obedient vassals of the established order. There is nothing so disruptive to the status quo as a society of self-directed, independent-minded people both capable of and insistent on informed, analytical thought."
Admittedly, it has been a while since THE HATMAN has been inside a school room, and therefore his credentials may be in question, however, modern education being politically correct has departed substantially from the three R's of Readin', Rightin' and' Rithmetic.
Truly, with hand held calculators, iPods, Blackberrys and the like, an individual can get along adequately without knowing basics of arithmetic, spelling, grammar. geography, history and all of the other dry boring subjects that earlier generations had to endure in the classroom. Want to know the capital of Bulgaria? Just Google it and presto: Sophia appears on the screen.
"No Child Left Behind" sounds good and is politically viable, but comes right out of the communist manifesto to make everyone equal and subject to the state. To make everyone equal is to lower the standard to the lowest level so everyone passes and none fail. Unfortunately schools have been moving in this direction for several decades now, even before the Bush education doctrine and are producing a dumbed down populace who are incapable of independent analytical thought.
With Love and Kindness,
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