Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Joe Stack IRS Troubles

Section 1706 of the 1986 Tax Reform Act dealing with independent contractors

has a test to determine who is an employee and who is self employed. The determination called for is at best vague and subject to interpretation. The individual ruling is made sometimes years after the fact when an audit of the employing company is made. Joe Stack paid his required tax then later he was reclassified calling for huge back taxes and fines.

We Need to operate

Bill Sardi has written a new piece on surgery avoidance through the use of herbs and supplements: http://www.lewrockwell.com/sardi/sardi153.html. He cites 10 common surgical procedures and supplements used instead of an operation:

Angina --catherization and stents........ Capsaicin the active ingredient in cayenne pepper has been shown to dilate blood vessels. Chili pepper improves circulation in males the heart of males.

Hemorrhoidectomy.........citrus peel extract (diosmin) available without a prescription,

Daflon is a popular brand name.

Hysterectomy..........Vitamin B12,Folic acid, B1, B2 and Vitamin C tend to normalize pap smears.

Gall Bladder Removal...........Taurine supplementation will often thin the bile and facilitate normal bile flow and relieve symptoms.

Cesaerean Section.......... 2000IU to 5000 IU of Vitamin D is thought to improve muscle tone along with old fashioned baby delivering skills to avoid this risky procedure.

Tonsillectomy..........Vitamin D therapy can be used to avoid this operation.

Cataracts........a 9-month course of instilling carnosine eye drops into the eyes of patients with beginning-stage cataracts (20/40 vision or worse demonstrably improves acuity, improved color vision and decreased glare among senior adults.

Glaucoma Treatment........ Hyaluronic Acid orally administered tends to lower intraocular eye pressure.

Kidney Stone Removal........ A component of bran IP6 called phytate dissolves

calcium stones.

Removal of Prostate Gland........Pumpkin Seed Oil inhibits testerone-generated growth of the prostate gland and can inhibit pre-cancerous changes in the gland.

CAVEAT: For all you ladies and gentlemen with letters behind your name, THE HATMAN is not trying to take away your livelihood, nor infringe upon your expertise. He claims no expertise in the above listed matters, nor does he even recommend the supplements and herbs listed. The above is written as a blog, representing information and ideas he wants to write about. So there too!

With Love and Kindness,


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