Einstein is said to have postulated that "insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".
Our economic models continue to repeat the mistakes that have been made again and again in history and when these efforts fail as they have recently, they are covered up by glib politicians , TV talking heads and falsified statistics.
Is it any wonder that we are a fractured, confused, angry, disappointed and disillusioned people. We voted to stop the illegal immigration and stop the wars,
what we got was more troops, more money spent and more criminal migration with a federal government suing a state for attempting to stop the inflow of illegals.
REF: "The Last Gasp bubble of Government.com " by Todd Harriison" posted on www. TheBurningPlatform.com as "Time is Growing Short" July 28, 2010
"Our Federal Reserve chairman is a student of history and well versed on the passion and plight of financial excess. We’ve witnessed extraordinary stimuli intended to shift the natural course of the business cycle, one that long ago lost its way. While policymakers conceivably “saved” the system, the resulting imbalances pose a fresh set of issues for the global socioeconomic spectrum.
I’ve repeatedly offered that the financial crisis hasn’t disappeared; it simply changed shape. It–for lack of a better analogy–has gone airborne, migrating from the tangible to the amorphous, from Wall Street to Main Street, from a distant coexistence to an emerging class war. It, like most viruses, will arrive in waves and infect those who haven’t been inoculated with a steady stream of financial consciousness.[emphasis added]
Gauge your internal reaction to every opinion you read or hear, multiply it by millions and you’ll begin to imagine the magnitude of the shifting social mood.[emphasis added] While the recent stock market rally reflects renewed optimism that can conceivably continue the chasm between perception and reality is widening; while the tape can run, we, the people are running out of places to hide."
"We’re talking potential anarchy here and I’m not prone to hyperbole.
The alternative scenario—the one the created a chasm of discord throughout the land—was the evolution of the last gasp bubble, that of Government.com. $800 billion here, $1 trillion there, numbers so enormous they seem silly; the reality is they’re anything but. (See: Will the EU Bailout Work?)
While we remain in the eye of the storm—the relative calm between the banking crisis and the cumulative comeuppance—a simple yet scary truth remains. We haven’t cured the disease; we’re simply masking the symptoms. (See: The Eye of the Financial Storm)
I will again remind you that the opposite of love isn’t hate, its apathy. We’ve noted the lower volume during rallies and the higher traffic during the declines—a sign of distribution—but a simpler truth may be emerging, that of burnout. After four—or five, or six—bubbles and bursts, folks are both bitten and shy by the gamesmanship in the marketplace."
REF:"Wall Street's Death Wish: Venus vs Alpha males" by Paul B. Farrell www.MarketWatch.com, July 29, 2010
Not really sure Mr. Farrell has captured the reality of the men of Wall Street, yet he makes a good point in that they are boys dressed up in men's clothes. The men and women of Wall Street and of Government Industrial Military Street, U.S. A are the same self absorbed Me, Me, Me people you meet everyday. They crowd queues at airports, try to pass you on the freeway ramps, won't let you in their lane of traffic when yours is blocked with construction or an accident.Totally inconsiderate lacking any grace or concern for others. These are the members of future mobs grabbing food and possessions of others when the bad times come. These generations must grow up and pass before America, or what is left of it after their ravages, can return to its' former greatness.
This referenced article is excerpted here to illustrate the separation of classes in this socio-economic breakdown of America. First with the inflation of our money, the credit/debt society and it's companion, lack of virtue and morality.
"Yes, Wall Street has a death wish, secretly trying to self-destruct. Can't stop. Don't get it. Wall Street's culture, mindset, brain, psyche -- whatever you call it -- has a saboteur locked deep in the unconscious. Not only are they hell-bent on self-destruction, they're taking America down with them.
Stephen Gandel:" "Of all the causes of the financial crisis, one of the biggest was a power shift on Wall Street that left the traders in charge," and "with a trader, the goal of every minute of every day is to make money ... So if running the economy off the cliff makes you money, you will do it, and you will do it every day of every week... . .
The Alpha-males running America are textbook examples of the Oedipus complex in action. Men? No, inside they're still little boys who secretly want to win mommy's favor by knocking off big daddy. Basic psychology, except they're overdosing the real world with too much edgy testosterone ... aggressive, arrogant, narcissistic ... bullies on the playground overcompensating for an inferiority complex ... they love games, fights, contests, winning, deals, risks, wars, anything to prove they're king-of-the-hill ... like owning truckloads of money, enough for several lifetimes ... think Liar's Poker, they play for bragging rights, to tell "the guys" how they beat "the other guys" on the playing field ... but psychologically they really are just little boys in big-boy costumes playing "grown-up" ... especially the new breed of Wall Street traders gambling in history's greatest casino, the $700 trillion global shadow banking system for derivatives. . .
little boys inhabiting the brains of Blankfein, Paulson, Summers, Bernanke, Geithner and all the other so-called leaders whose secret, collective deathwish is taking America down with their childish games: Beating daddy, winning mommy's favor. Yes, too much testosterone is killing our world."
We are a divided republic. Anger, hopelessness and fear are pervasive in America We are frustrated with our non-responsive government. We wonder who is really in charge?
RE: "The Rot from Within:Character Disorders of the Republic" by Robert Logan,
www. Antiwar .com July16, 2010
The destructive manipulative behavior of people with personality disorders seem to describe our politicians.
Since the 1960's "anything goes" and" if it feels good do it" social mores seem to have allowed or produced leaders with character flaws or personality disorders.
Underhanded and deceitfulness are presently used by the powers that be to serve
selfish and evil objectives.
These character failings seem to be manifested in empire grasping foreign policy
and power building domestic issues. So far as covert manipulation goes both political parties can claim credit--no one is sin free!
Lies, denials,selective attention/inattention, rationalization,minimization, diversion,
evasion,villification, false anger and anguish characterize this disorder.
It seems that half of the people want to kill all of the Muslims and invade any and all countries who could become our enemies without remorse or regret. Where is our national conscience? Did Christ die in vain? Is forgiveness too old fashioned for modern America?
REF: "National Insecurity Complex" by Dave Lindorff, www.Counterpunch.com,
July 29, 2010
America’s foreign policy, and particularly its policy of war without end, is critically dependent upon the government’s ability to lie with impunity. Most of the time, it gets away with this. The corporate media, for the most part, plays along, only questioning things on the margin, if at all. The basis premise, that the war is necessary, doesn’t get challenged.
WikiLeaks, with this well-planned and orchestrated dump of incriminating documents, broke through the careful web of lies by providing the material not just to that prime information gatekeeper, the New York Times, which almost certainly would have ignored or minimized the story had it been the sole recipient of the material, but to the British Guardian newspaper, and to the German magazine Der Spiegel, both of which have shown much more of a willingness to expose the harsh realities of the Afghan War to their readers. The Times had no alternative but to report more or less honestly on the documents and their significance -- though it still tended to focus less on the war’s impact on innocent civilians than on the reaction of the government and the military to the documents’ release than did the Guardian and Der Spiegel.
Secrecy has no place in a democracy. That once again is the lesson here, as it was with the Pentagon Papers.
America, much more so than in 1971, is run by a secret government. Almost anything that could embarrass the government, or that could anger the public, is kept secret on the broad grounds of “national security,” a term that has become broadened to such an extent that it can cover almost anything. Even information about the BP well disaster in the Gulf, because it has been put under the jurisdiction of the US Coast Guard, a military organization, instead of the Department of Energy or the Department of Interior, is kept secret from the public by a kind of unmentioned notion of “national security,” since the Coast Guard adopts the same approach to public disclosure as the Pentaton: zip.
We Americans have become so used to being lied to and to having information withheld from us, that even when we hear a reporter say the government isn’t answering a question because it involves “national security,” we just accept it, as in: “Oh, yeah. National Security. Well, that makes sense.”"
That America has been on the wrong path for some decades is a given; where are the leaders who will take us out of this morass is not a given. Certainly not the Sarah Airheads and Nazi NeoCons, nor the Obamas and Pelosis nor the Financiers, nor the Pat Robertsons or Kenneth Copelands and the so called Christians of the far right?
We are a fractured people living in a doomed state.
With Love and Kindness,