REF:"America Should End Occupation of the Middle East" by Gordon Duff 7/17/2010
[Gordon Duff, spark plug of Veterans Today web site is a Marine Vietnam veteran, grunt and 100% disabled vet. He has been a featured commentator on TV and radio including Al Jazeera and his articles have been carried by news services around the world. He has been a UN Diplomat, defense contractor and is a widely published expert on military and defense issues. His banking experience includes trade and monetary policy roles in over 80 countries. Gordon Duff acts as political and economic advisor to a number of governments in Africa and the Middle East. Gordon Duff is currently working on economic development projects in Pakistan and Afghanistan to counter the effects of poverty and global extremism.], spark plug of Veterans Today web site]
"For the last decade, America has been shuffling its entire military, including hundreds of thousands of private contractors, in and out of the Middle East on little more than a “snipe hunt.” Time for a reality check. ", according to Mr. Duff.
"Reports say Al Qaeda may have fewer than 30 men in Afghanistan. The Taliban has been asking for a cease fire for months. Turkey and Brazil negotiated a nuclear deal with Iran ending any possible threat, one we strangely, very strangely ignored. “Thermo-nuclear Israel’s” continual whining and manipulation is wearing thin. America’s economy, her Army and her suffering veterans demand an end to our Bush era phony war."
an article on Veterans Today by Gordon Duff 7/19/2010
"9/11 was like Pearl Harbor to America, uniting many, awakening bitter skepticism in a few. Where Pearl Harbor began America’s official role in crushing the Fascist juggernaut that threatened to dominate the world, 9/11 had quite the opposite effect. America’s response to 9/11 was oppression at home and a tirade of frenzied phobic reactions around the world. No American institution suffered more than the military. The team of Cheney and Rumsfeld, together since the disastrous Nixon years, began a process of purging America’s military of talent and leadership, instead building a force to serve a sinister agenda of religious heresy and extremist politics.
Nearly a decade later, it isn’t the economic collapse or the discredited military adventures that have now embittered a military leadership infrastructure that now sees itself as duped, dishonored and discarded. A number of factors can be attributed, the proverbial “straw that broke the camel’s back” as it were but it is 9/11 where things begin to fall apart. The cover story, a group of Muslims with box cutters and a few remarkably unproductive hours of pilot training, simply hasn’t held up. America has had many airline hijackings, starting with the 1960s and was under strict terror alert on 9/11, despite the obfuscations of Donald Rumsfeld. Top military pilots, among themselves and their fellow officers, voiced doubts about the “twin towers” scenario, doubts that began reaching a quiet crescendo pointing to 9/11 as an “inside job.”
"Few Americans know that a team of Israeli intelligence agents were arrested on 9/11 after being observed using “video” equipment to record the planes crashing into the towers. After the disaster, the Mossad agents, soon to be arrested and released by the FBI, began celebrating as though they had completed a successful operation. This enraged New Yorkers who mistook them for terrorists. In fact, New Yorkers weren’t wrong.
Only top members of America’s military knew the truth, the “dancing Israelis” had remotely guided the two planes into the World Trade Center, not simply videoing, itself proof of guilt. Military pilots, in particular, knew the planes were nearly impossible to maneuver at those speeds without Israeli designed auto-pilot systems, not unlike those used on Tomahawk/Cruise missiles. Behind a flurry of “conspiracy theories,” many totally implausible, some obvious to military leaders as part of an elaborate deception plan requiring widespread control of media assets, more subtext came to light.
Though warned of “career suicide” for speaking up, members of the military and, in particular, the intelligence community began putting the pieces together. 9/11 was an intelligence operation involving the United States, Great Britain, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Everything was there, finance, private “black ops” contractors, but mostly, a pre-staged media frenzy on the front end, counterfeit intelligence on Iraq in the middle and a rigged investigation, the “9/11 Commission coverup” on the backside. It didn’t take FBI and intelligence agency officials long to track 9/11 planning back to 1999, not in Afghanistan but much closer to home.
Not a word of this would ever hit the press and any “conspiracy” group that got close to the truth would be shut down or infiltrated quickly. By 2007, undeniable and overwhelming evidence of 9/11 wrongdoing, massive corruption in every aspect of defense and security and the attrition of America’s readiness response capabilities began turning the tide. What had been only “grumbling” about incompetence, political interference with the military and Washington’s “blind eye” to Israeli abuses became a quiet revolt.
The military and intelligence community had, for some time, stopped looking on Israel as an asset or even a benign liability. As early as the 1950s, Israel had organized terror campaigns against Americans in Egypt in order to establish the myth of a worldwide anti-American Islamic terrorist movement. The “Lavon Affair” is suppressed in America’s news, torn out of the history books as is the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967. Israeli warplanes, initially disguised to appear as Egyptian, tried to sink an American warship in the Eastern Mediterranean in an attempt to force the United States to invade Syria and Egypt. When the ship failed to sink, all hands aboard, as planned, more planes, these with Israeli markings, were called in followed by torpedo boats. After hours of attack, with 201 of 296 crew members dead or wounded, the ship was still afloat, tattered American flag flying proud. Except for the actions of President Johnson and Admiral Sidney McCain, America might well have gone to war against Israel in 1967.
In 2008, President Bush signed the Naval Vessel Transfer Act, insuring that Israel have a more advanced navy than any country in the region, guaranteed by US law. Israel has only had two naval engagements in its history, one against an American ship and the other against the unarmed Mavi Marmara. Both attacks, causing the deaths of American citizens, were performed using American weapons.
In 1987, Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard was sentenced to life in prison for the single most devastating assault on America’s security in her history. 110 CIA agents behind the Iron Curtain were captured, tortured and executed, destroying America’s intelligence network at the height of the Cold War. Military experts from the former Soviet Union claim that information they received from Israel, information stolen by Pollard, nearly pushed Russia to starting a nuclear war against the United States, a war Russia knew they could easily win using information supplied by Israel.
Then, in 2009, something utterly unforgivable happened. On May 25, 2009, North Korea tested its first successful nuclear weapon. It was confirmed to be one of the three missing nukes believed held by Israel, built in South Africa. Did Israel, third largest arms exporter in the world, sell a nuclear weapon to North Korea? Israel, known for peddling military technology to rogue nations, technology begged, borrowed or stolen from the United States, had crossed a line.
The military had long been resentful of Israel’s habit of selling off munitions the United States ”stored” in Israel for “safe keeping.” Several billion dollars worth of munitions stores had been shipped to Israel under a loose agreement allowing Israel to replenish her stocks from US supplies. This “off the books” military aid to Israel, was supposed to make Israel more secure. In fact, however, Israel has been selling these American owned munitions around the world, some to America’s potential adversaries including Venezuela.
Military contracts themselves have been a bone of contention. With US unemployment levels at their highest since the Great Depression, billions in defense and ”Homeland Security” contracts are going to Israel, a country importing labor from Africa and Asia to keep its arms factories manned. American companies that complain about being “run over” by Israeli lobbyists are quickly silenced. Not only is the American economy being negatively impacted but America’s defense industries as well. American companies, some involved in our most secret projects, are being forced by the Israeli lobby in Congress to take on partners in Israel, sharing technologies that soon end up in China, Singapore or India.
Currently, Israel has received a $1.8 billion stockpile of munitions for a war on Iran they will never fight or, perhaps a new assault on Gaza, weapons from the depleted stockpiles of the American military. Even more American munitions have been offloaded in Georgia and, perhaps shipped to forward bases in Azerbaijan to support an Israeli sneak attack on Iran. At risk, of course, are American troops in Iraq and American ships in the Persian Gulf. There are no Israeli forces within striking distance of Iran."
There is much more t0 write about this unholy alliance with an outlaw state who ignores all of the edicts from the world of nations and common decency, but it will have to wait for further articles on this blog site.
With Love and Kindness,
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