REF:" Mysterious BIS gold swaps are likely a bullion bank bailout" by Adrian Douglas 7/8/22010
The gold watching world a/k/a Gold Bugs were called to attention this month with the revelation hidden in the the financial statement notes of the BIS [Bank of International Settlements], Basel Switzerland about the swap of 306 tons of gold for cash. questions were quickly asked where did the gold come from and why swap with a central bank. Analysts figured the gold came from Portugal and was transferred through the auspices of one or more central banks to an unnamed bullion bank. Maybe yes, maybe no, but we will never know for sure because these transactions are kept secret from the true owners of the monies involved: we, the populace.
REF:www.Jesse's Cafe American .com July 19.2010
"The Federal Reserve and its friends in the European central banks, the IMF, and BIS are running a bluff against the developing nations and the rest of the world, and to their shame, the majority of their own people.
They will have to engage in wider scale monetization and 'quantitative easing,' which is a polite euphemism for the debasement of the currency, to cover the collapse of their expansion of the money supply, the misprision of felony, and the subornation of perjury, to facilitate the mass transfer of wealth from the public to their friends. This is why they must operate in the dark. Ponzi schemes must always expand, and always in secret.[emphasis added]
The increasing manipulation of gold, silver and the currency markets, and the monetization of the public debt, is a sign of the endgame for the sorcerer’s apprentices. These are the signs for our times.
In the short run things will be confusing, and difficult. In the longer term the outcome is as it has always been. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
Bernanke and his ilk will fail, not with a bang but a faltering failure, and a final whimper. But this will take time, and in the short term they will act with a con man's bravado, for con men they are, wielding power and using public funds unjustly, in secret, in an unconstitutional collaboration of financial institutions, the corporations that have risen around them, and the government."
Bill Buckler in "the Privateer", July 26, 2010 reports that from the end of the 1980's until the end of 2009, the world's holdings of U.S. debt grew from $1.9 Trillion to 15 Trillion an increase of 705%. an increase of the wold's holding to 108% of the U.S. GDP. The appetite of the world for U.S. debt seems to be waning except maybe from the mysterious off shore buyers perhaps in the Cayman Islands.
How, pray tell, are we to pay for these $Trillions which exceed our tax revenues? through the magic of Quantitative Easing a euphemism for money printing or creating from thin air. Our Federal Reserve stands ready ( and now is) to create money without end to satisfy not only our deficits, but European needs as well.
Where does the IMF and BIS get all of their bailout money? Uncle Sugar is providing with swaps, just as they provide the various central banks. Under the cloak of secrecy who knows who is lending who what. The idea is to keep everyone (deadbeat countries) afloat until "growth" solves the problem--or inflation and currency debasement makes the whole exercise academic.
Unknown reference:
"This type of human interaction works well for a time, as the last 100 years or so proves. But, it is highly unstable to say the least. It has it's own self distruct code written inside each mind. One day ( it has already started ) a type of nuclear chain reaction will occur in the currency markets as people start "unvalueing" the thoughts of others. Little by little all debts owed will be marked down"
With Love and Kindness,
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