Tuesday, June 23, 2009


--The following excerpted form an article by Paul Craig Roberts --

"How much attention do elections in Japan, India, Argentina, or any other country, get from the US media? How many Americans and American journalists even know who is in political office in other countries besides England, France, and Germany? Who can name the political leaders of Switzerland, Holland, Brazil, Japan, or even China?

Yet, many know of Iran's President Ahmadinejad. The reason is obvious. He is daily demonized in the US media.

The US media's demonization of Ahmadinejad itself demonstrates American ignorance. The President of Iran is not the ruler. He is not the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He cannot set policies outside the boundaries set by Iran's rulers, the ayatollahs who are not willing for the Iranian Revolution to be overturned by American money in some color-coded 'revolution'. "

for the full article click on:


Question: Who is behind all this drum beating?

Answer: Who owns and controls the corporations that own our media?

"Iranians demonstrate against the election of Ahmadinejad "

The authorized mission of the CIA operatives inside Iran

is to cause disruptions and ferment unrest and revolution.

For more Iran stuff click on this:


From Wm C. Douglass II MD "Daily Dose":

If you're not cooking with saturated fats...

What are you waiting for?!

I know you've heard that saturated fat is to blame for skyrocketing cholesterol numbers and ballooning obesity rates, but the truth is...

If you don't include saturated fats in your diet, you're putting your health at risk.

Saturated fats can prevent infections, support weight loss, and even help you avoid digestive diseases and adult-onset diabetes. They provide fuel for a stronger heart, energy for physical activity, the vital chemicals our brains need to remain sharp and focused, and much more.

With Love and Kindness,


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