Wednesday, August 26, 2009


America is reaping the crop of corruption, inefficiency and collapse from the seeds of the “me generation”.

Dr. Spock taught us how to raise our children without dicipline; the post WWII generation called endlessly for more money and ‘better’ educational facilities and instructors; we learned to be “in love” with our offspring putting them in un-natural favor; we wanted them to excel the way we hadn’t, so we gave them everything they wanted as children and money and credit as young adults.

From “America the Corrupt” by Ron Fraser- 8.24.09

“. . the majority of the oldest of their[ the current movers and shakers] teachers graduated from the years of a Woodstock, godless evolutionary Marxist-Leninist liberal-socialist thinking, Dr. Spock-style child-rearing, peacenik antiwar street-rebelling, civil-rights-asserting, law-breaking, gender-bending “no-absolutes” amoral pseudo-philosophizing, woolly haired, bearded, pot-smoking academia possessing little or no moral backbone at all.

Little wonder that the most recent products of that academic sausage machine has turned out the least moral generation of businessmen, bankers, financiers and assorted snake-oil merchants within both commerce and government in recent Anglo-Saxon history.

It’s simply a case of cause and effect. The numerous failed and fraudulent financiers, brokers, bankers and merchants of the day are but the products of their education.”

Quoting an unidentified Bob Jenson, Fraser wrote:

“The problem was that when an amoral generation both entered business and penetrated the Securities and Exchange Commission, it gained “a solid failing grade in terms of its oversight of stock exchanges and related market institutions. The SEC simply looked aside when it came to an ever increasing flood of Wall Street frauds of the 1980s and 1990s”

And further, Frank Partnoy’s book FIASCO,the Inside Story of a Wall Street Trader”shows how corporations gradually increased financial risk and lost control of an overly complex structured financing deals that obscured the losses and disguised frauds [and] pushed corporate officers and their boards into successive and ingenious deceptions. Major corporations such as Enron, Global Crossing, and WorldCom entered into enormous illegal corporate finance and accounting”

When we as a country, abandoned our moral base and embarked on a course of “if it feels good, it’s allright” we started to build “on sand” and insured our ultimate collapse when the storms of unintended consequence came.

With Love and Kindness,


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