Thursday, March 4, 2010


In the 1970's America started to get fat, and the incidence of diabetes II increased. We didn't eat any more or any less, but the change was in what we started eating or not eating.

One factor was the introduction of high-fructose corn syrup into processed foods. This cheap sugar like substance appears in every food commercially made from crackers to soda pop.

Dieticians promoted the fortification of foods with an absorbable form of iron which causes metabolic disfunction,elevated blood sugar and insulin resistance. Normally

the bran molecule in whole grains controls the iron level, but alas we began favoring

white "enriched" bread, from which the bran molecule IP6 Phytate has been stripped

The low- fat craze finished cooking our gooses. In their haste to satisfy the low fat

needs, processors turned to high-fructose corn syrup and claimed their product to be sugar and fat free. . Diet sodas and light beer are welcomed by consumers.

According to Bill Sardi in "Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread, With Added Bran Please":

It has been said that white bread and refined grains spawned a host of diseases, the greatest being diabetes and obesity whose incidence continues to grow at an unprecedented rate. Paradoxically, some so-called health food stores practically brag about selling white bread simply because its ingredients are derived from organic (non-pesticide) sources.

A tremendous problem is that the primary source of whole grains in the American diet is sweetened breakfast cereals. Another problem for consumers is distinguishing whole grains from a myriad of terms used in labeling such as "wheat flour, cracked wheat, organic unbleached flour, multi-grain," which are confusing to consumers.

Yet another problem is the confusion over the difference between "fiber" and "bran." Fiber would be more appropriately applied to labels for bowel regularity, not necessarily to promote heart health, prevent cancer, or quell diabetes and hunger.

More and more we are learning not to trust corporate and government America. Money flows where it will make more money, not necessarily where it should.

With Love and Kindness,


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