Monday, May 16, 2011


Yes, we all know that Osama Bin Laden was behind the 9/11 attack on the Trade Center complex, because our government and complicit media told us so. We know he has been hiding from us since then except when they parade him out of the White House cellar to make a videotape whenever there was an election or popularity polls were flagging.

We didn't know that the Afghanistan government offered to turn him over to us if we would provide proof of his guilt. Our illustrious President Bushher replied that "everyone knew he was guilty so no need for proof" -- or words to that effect.

In December of 2001, Osama did an interview with a Pakistani newspaper: Daily Unmat in Urdu, in which he denied involvement in the Trade Center attacks on September 11, and further suggests that secret forces within the U.S. government

should be investigated. Now why would he deny involvement then make a video bragging that his plan had succeeded. Curiouser and curiouser. Did the Navy

Seals kill a dead man, a double or no one? Why did the CIA claim he died from natural causes years ago?

Senator Inhoffe says he saw the classified pictures of Osama's corpse and verified

that it was Osama ( The senator did not say when he had met Osama).

The U. S. government would not lie, would they?

The recent fiascos of the war upon Lybia for "humanitarian reasons", fraudulent birth certificate copy and the "murder"and burial at sea of the long-dead (2001) Osama Bin Laden illustrate the clumsiness of the Obama's group, where the ink is hardly dry on the lies before the slowest of wits perceive they have been duped.

Comes now the push to get rid of (kill) Gaddafi . Why do they want him removed from power? Quoting from Michael S. Rozeff's article: "Why the

West Is Attacking Gaddafi" RE: Lew

"The basic reason is simple. Gaddafi confronts their power. He confronts the status quo of the Empire. He demands greater power for Africa and the African Union. He demands greater power for smaller countries in the United Nations. Gaddafi calls for investigations of past wars. He is calling for a new way forward that reduces the powers of any one or a few countries to dominate the world.. . . .

Gaddafi is a shrewd man of power, who has shown pragmatic flexibility in doing what it takes to stay in power. He likes being in power. He knows how to use power, with brutality when he deems that necessary. However, no man of power is purely good or evil. He is no exception.

Like those who run Western states, Gaddafi is a statist. They all think entirely in terms of the system of states. Although this system has violence and immorality at its heart and throughout its breadth, these leaders all employ a rhetoric of justice as well as a rhetoric of utilitarianism (that they do evil things at times for the sake of a greater good).

So, it is not just about Oil, although that is apart of this willful killing spree endorsed by that great Nobel Peace Award winner, President Barack Obama.

Oh come on America, are you so propagandized, dumbed down and

dull of wit that you have no discernment or judgement whatsoever?

With Love and Kindness,


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