Friday, May 6, 2011


Oh come on America, are you so propagandized, dumbed down and

dull of wit that you have no discernment or judgement whatsoever?

The mysterious history of the black man in the White House. Why have we had such a difficult time learning about the birth, education,

financial circumstances of this current occupant of the Oval Office.

This disadvantaged person somehow had a lot of advantages, including travel to foreign countries, a college education including Columbia University pre-law and Harvard Law School. Amazing for a kid with

parents of average means! He claims it was all possible through

student loans, but of course there is no public accounting for these loans and their repayment.

Quoting Devvy Kidd, April 19,2011 www.NewsWith

"After several years of watching the putative president hop on his favorite toy (Air Force One) every time a serious issue needs to be addressed, to his total dependence on teleprompters, even some of his former loyal supporters now doubt the "brainy" candidate bringing hope and change.

Besides exposing fraud, I believe his college records will reflect Barry was a less than average student of less than average intellect. Quite the opposite of the manufactured image of this hot shot lawyer who gave up his law license (who also never had a single case in court). I believe it was to avoid being prosecuted for fraud and disbarment since he lied on the application when he said he never used any other names besides his current alias, Barack Hussein Obama.


Honestly, I don't know how the usurper has kept track of all his aliases: Barry Dunham, Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama and Barack Dunham - all names known to be used by Mr. Cool in the White House. It is a fact he used Barry Soetoro while living in Indonesia. It is a fact he used Barry Soetoro while attending Occidental College. His mother used Barack Hussein Obama Soebarkah on one of her passport documents; I know because I obtained them under the Freedom of Information Act."

From a article by Devvy Kidd in 4/28/11

"The display put on yesterday by the putative president was one of the greatest displays of unbridled hubris I have ever seen in my decades of being an activist, watching and studying political figures. It simply was breath taking in scope and so vile, you want to vomit. Backed up by an array of sycophants in the media, that cheap gangster from Chicago actually thought he could foist another forgery on the American people and go about his business of destroying this republic.

There are several excellent articles about what happened yesterday and why those who can still think are outraged by this latest horse and pony show. Many are speculating the usurper suddenly produced a birth certificate because of Donald Trump. Millions have been demanding that birth certificate for almost three years, yet, supposedly, Obama/Soetoro is so afraid of "The Donald" he flies an attorney to Hawaii to pick up the alleged document. As for Trump, I gagged watching him brag that he forced the president of the U.S. to produce a document no one else could. Donald Trump is nothing more than the modern day version of Elmer Gantry."

There are those including Hannity and O'Reilly, those great Patriots of Fox News, who label the quest for proof of Obama's U.S. birth as "birthers". To them and their ilk, violating the requirements of the Constitution the basis for all law in America, is of no importance and in concert with those who call it just a piece of paper.

So now they have produced a "Certificate of Live Birth", which is so full of goofs and inconsistencies that have answered nothing, other than the arrogance of those running our government, that the public of sheep will believe anything.

Sometimes I get so upset not about their lies, but at the gullibility of our otherwise intelligent population.

With Love and Kindness,

The Hatman

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