Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Oh Arnold, please save us!

But don't stop any of our benefits, keep sheltering the illegals, provide free health care, pay our state employees outrageous wages, protect our endangered species by cutting off the water to our farms,

forbid oil and gas drilling near our coastlines, no more nuclear power plants, pass more laws with more and more regulations!

So you are only $28 billion shy of being able to pay the bills, just borrow some more; sell a few more bonds. They are not serious about a bad credit rating, after all this is California and every one knows we are too big to fail.

You just don't understand Arnold, take a trip to D.C. They will show you how to really spend , borrow and regulate.

How about a stimulus to take care of the unemployment problem?

Maybe the state could make the mortgage payments on the McMansions to solve the housing foreclosures.

If more spending and borrowing won't produce results why just spendand borrow some more. That will appease the liberals, greenies, unions, fascists and commies.

Goodbye California, we will miss you.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Farewell to Michael Jackson . You tried so hard to be someone you were not, and maybe never needed to be. Some will miss you, but most will not.

Goodbye to Farrah also. Most will mourn you, but many will not; they were not born yet when you were so hot.

A lot of famous people left us in 2009. If interested click on this link:


Whew it has been hot here - 101& 102 degrees. Global warming? Not according to David Demming, Geophisist and Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma.

The mean global temperature is the same as it was in 1979 , further the global sea ice is at the

same level as in 1979.

Professor Deming wrote: "Another cause of global warming hysteria is the infiltration of science by ideological zealots who place politics above truth. Earlier this month, the Obama administration issued a report that concluded global warming would have a number of deleterious effects on the US. In 1995, one of the lead authors of this report told me that we had to alter the historical temperature record by "getting rid" of the Medieval Warm Period.

The Obama report refers to – six times – the work of a climate scientist named Stephen H. Schneider. In 1989, Schneider toldDiscover magazine that "we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have." Schneider concluded "each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." Schneider's position is not unusual. In 2007, Mike Hulme, the founding director of the Tyndall Center for Climate Change Research in Britain, told the Guardian newspaper that "scientists and politicians must trade truth for influence."

While releasing a politicized report that prostitutes science to politics, the Obama administration simultaneously suppressed an internal EPA report that concluded there were "glaring inconsistencies" between the scientific data and the hypothesis that carbon dioxide emissions were changing the changing the climate."

If our leaders kept their ignorant opinions to themselves, no harm would be done, but no, they have to make laws for the rest of us and spend our money in the process. What a bunch of kooks!

Speaking of kooks. . .We’re talking about the idea that government bureaucrats can do a better job of allocating capital than free markets. Everyone seems to believe it. They’re allowing a handful of economists – who failed the critical test; not one of them noticed the market tsunami coming last autumn – to direct the flow of trillions worth of savings. They’ve already put at risk more than $12 trillion. Right now, they’re denying the need for more "stimulus," but that is likely to change. - Ira Katz

Some things to consider on this Monday morning.

With Love and Kindness,


Friday, June 26, 2009


"Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away that power, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear — as they ought to in order to make this a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let them continue to create deposits.
Sir Joshua Stamp (1880-1941), one time governor of the Bank of England, in his Commencement Address at the University of Texas in 1927. Reportedly he was the second wealthiest individual in Britain.


"Ah hates war, Eleanor hates war and Fala hates War....."

stated the then president who might have been the wiliest American politician ever. He stood for re-election three times and probably would have four times had the Grim Reeper not interfered.

He defeated President Hoover by attacking his Keynesian stimulus

measures, then after being elected became the greatest Keynesian of all time ( before Obama)

But nothing worked. The WPA, CCC, Gold confiscation, bank holidays, nothing would bring America back to prosperity.

Then on December 7, 1941 We had a 9/11 event: Japan attacked our military bases and fleet at Pearl Harbor Most people thought at the time ( as did the author ) that it was an un -provoked attack. It was dubbed the Jap "sneak" attack.

We now know that the Japs were goaded into attacking us and could have been easily persuaded to rethink their plans had we merely afforded their delegation to Washington common diplomatic courtesy;

but of course their continued rebuke at the hands of our diplomats and Cordell Hull, then Secretary of State was no accident. The resulting attack and war perfectly fit the need to go to war and thus break the Great Depression.

The 'war solution' unfortunately has been used many times before in history and many times after. No matter how broke a nation might be the international bankers are always ready to loan for war.

Prior to WWII, the USA followed what has been called an isolationist policy. The majority of the people believed in a hands- off of foreign involvement. They believed they were forced into WW I

through the sinking of the Lusitania by Germany which resulted a tragic loss of life. Support was immediately whipped up for entering the Euopean War ( "a war to end all wars") . President Wilson was 'forced' to enter the bloodiest conflict since the civil war. -that is another story maybe for a later time.

So does this mean that our now president will resort to war to break this depression? We pray not. The sophistication of today's weapons, makes war a horrible un-thinkable option.

With Love and Kindness,


Wednesday, June 24, 2009


from mercola.com

curry spice, turmeric, curcuminNew research shows that eating curry once or twice a week could help prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. The key reason is curcumin, a component of the spice turmeric.

Curcumin prevents the spread of amyloid protein plaques, which are thought to cause dementia. Amyloid plaques, along with tangles of nerve fibers, contribute to the degradation of the wiring in brain cells.

There is evidence that people who eat a curry meal two or three times a week have a lower risk of dementia. Researchers are currently testing the impact of higher doses, such as the equivalent of going on a curry spree for a week, to see if they can maximize the effect.


[Miss Otis Regrets]

Miss Otis regrets she's unable to lunch today.


Miss Otis regrets she's unable to lunch today.

She is sorry to be delayed,

but last night down in Lover's Lane she strayed,


Miss Otis regrets she's unable to lunch today.

When she woke up and found

That her dream of love was gone,


She ran to the man

Who had led her so far astray,

And from under her velvet gown

She drew a gun and shot her lover down,


Miss Otis regrets she's unable to lunch today.

When the mob came and got her

And dragged her from the jail,


They strung her upon

The old willow across the way,

And the moment before she died

She lifted up her head and cried,


"Miss Otis regrets she's unable to lunch today."

(author unknown)
With Love and Kindness,



From "Daily Dose":

"Let me let you in on a little secret. Forget cigarettes and secondhand smoke. If you want to know what will cause of the death of our society, look no further than that little piece of technology you think you can't live without: your cell phone. I'm not even talking about the death of social etiquette - though more than a few cell phone users could use a class in how to act appropriately in public.
No, I'm talking about the very real danger of propping a microwave-generating piece of hardware less than an inch from your brain for hours on end, day in and day out. Plenty of neurosurgeons have gone on the record saying that they never place their cell phones directly to their ears. And when you look at the case against them, it's no wonder! Consider this… In 2005, European researchers linked a decade of cell phone use to as much as a four-percent increase in the likelihood of developing permanent, brain-damaging tumors of the auditory nerve. A 2002 Finnish study linked the type of radiation emitted by cell phones to adverse effects on brain tissue. Research on British males theorizes that cell phone use could be the cause of Britain's precipitous decline in male fertility. Some doctors even speculate Sen. Ted Kennedy's brain tumor may have been caused by excessive cell phone use. And that's just been after 10 years or so. Imagine the threat our kids and grandkids will be facing 15, 20, and 50 years from now. It's chilling. Of course, the warnings are falling on deaf ears - or at least on ears that are covered up by a little piece of tumor-causing technology. More likely, people don't want to hear about the dangers because they think they can't live without their precious cell phones.

It would appear that the health danger increases according to the amount of cell phone usage and most tumors appear after 20 or more years of use. Tragically, children are mostly the ones who are affected. Scientists speculate that their craniums are thinner that adults, thus permitting more microwave damage

What about the rest of us and the non-cellphone users and the seldom -cell phone users? Ever think about the constant barrage of microwave transmissions zinging through the air? Yes, it 's worse closest to a cell phone tower, but what about an internet cafe, or a neighbor teenager who is a constant cellphone user or a crowded market,etc.

What about "texting"? As a matter of fact, texting is safer (less risk of neuromas) than talking since the instrument is not held close to the head, but the risk of generating non-specific tumors still remains.


Chemotherapy attacks and kills not just cancer, but it also blunts the body's immune system in the bargain. While this extreme treatment has been effective against testicular cancers and lymphocytic leukemia, there's little doubt that in many cases it's hard to tell which the "therapy" will kill first -- the cancer or the patient.


In spite of what you might have been told or believe, chemotherapy is hardly the exact science that it pretends to be. And yet, on the mere hunch that antioxidants could be protecting the cancer cells that chemotherapy seeks to destroy, oncologists seem perfectly comfortable telling their patients to layoff the antioxidant supplements.

With Love and Kindness,


6/23/09by komncents
(Untitled Post)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


--The following excerpted form an article by Paul Craig Roberts --

"How much attention do elections in Japan, India, Argentina, or any other country, get from the US media? How many Americans and American journalists even know who is in political office in other countries besides England, France, and Germany? Who can name the political leaders of Switzerland, Holland, Brazil, Japan, or even China?

Yet, many know of Iran's President Ahmadinejad. The reason is obvious. He is daily demonized in the US media.

The US media's demonization of Ahmadinejad itself demonstrates American ignorance. The President of Iran is not the ruler. He is not the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He cannot set policies outside the boundaries set by Iran's rulers, the ayatollahs who are not willing for the Iranian Revolution to be overturned by American money in some color-coded 'revolution'. "

for the full article click on:


Question: Who is behind all this drum beating?

Answer: Who owns and controls the corporations that own our media?

"Iranians demonstrate against the election of Ahmadinejad "

The authorized mission of the CIA operatives inside Iran

is to cause disruptions and ferment unrest and revolution.

For more Iran stuff click on this:


From Wm C. Douglass II MD "Daily Dose":

If you're not cooking with saturated fats...

What are you waiting for?!

I know you've heard that saturated fat is to blame for skyrocketing cholesterol numbers and ballooning obesity rates, but the truth is...

If you don't include saturated fats in your diet, you're putting your health at risk.

Saturated fats can prevent infections, support weight loss, and even help you avoid digestive diseases and adult-onset diabetes. They provide fuel for a stronger heart, energy for physical activity, the vital chemicals our brains need to remain sharp and focused, and much more.

With Love and Kindness,


Monday, June 22, 2009


Meet you at Joe's for a cool one

( From Wm. C. Douglass II MD "Daily Dose")

Protect your prostate with the power of pomegranate

Here's some new news about an old truism I've been telling you about for a while: deep red pomegranate juice, which is rich in antioxidants, is effective in killing prostate cancer cells. A recent study by researchers from the University of California discovered that the pomegranate's power comes from the fact that it directly interacts with the genes.

Pomegranate has become more and more popular because of its links to improved heart health, but I've told you before about its properties as a prostate protector. There are also some studies that have shown promising results that link pomegranate to anti-arthritis uses, since it's been shown to help slow cartilage loss.

This new study revealed that the polyphenols and antioxidants in pomegranate products not only reduced tumor cell growth, but also helped to kill existing prostate cancer cells.

I've yet to see a downside to the pomegranate. But keep in mind that the research was done on pure pomegranate juice, not the pasteurized, sugar-laden variety. So be sure to seek out the pure kind or even juice some of your own to get the real benefit.

Ever wonder why old people walk all bent over?

They're looking for the pennies

that have been dropped on the sidewalk

- Quote by Will Rogers

Why don’t somebody print the truth about our present economic condition? We spent years of wild buying on credit, everything under the sun, whether we needed it or not, and now we are having to pay for it, howling like a pet coon. This would be a great world to dance in if we didn’t have to pay the fiddler.”

Wishing for a GOOOOD Monday,

With Love and Kindness,


Saturday, June 20, 2009


Having a little fun today with links


Thank you Don Ho for "Tiny Bubbles". It's been awhile, but you are still great.

The bubbles subject today are the economic ones that are so great when they are forming and so devastating when they pop. The linked article: "WHY THE MELTDOWN SHOULD HAVE SURPRISED NO ONE" by Peter Schiff is a very cogent recital of the NASDAC bubble, the REAL ESTATE bubble and the government's role in forming these economic traps.

The author chose this article specifically to point out how using common sense can keep one from the hysteria of bubbles and mis- information no matter the source, whether it be: 'weapons of mass destruction', 'green shoots' or "deficits don't matter".


With Love and Kindness,


Friday, June 19, 2009


I didn't write any of the following. I don't know ho did it was credited to Mr.X and appeared on lew Rockwell.com

You're looking for a job. You want to get paid several times your worth, come and go when you please, work only when you feel like it, take as long a lunch as you want, and get ten paid holidays per year and six weeks paid vacation per year. There's only one way to go: work for the federal government.

Few Americans, I'm afraid, have any idea, what it's like. If they did, there would be a political earthquake. As a member of the Parasitic Class for 15 years, I have witnessed and participated in this corrupt and grotesquely unfair system first hand. I am both qualified and morally obligated to expose it.

You could, of course, call me a hypocrite. I have prospered financially beyond my wildest dreams. Given my talents and work, my standard of living is higher than anything I could earn in the private sector.

But by reading the right books, and talking at length with my wife (a private-sector employee) and our friends in the private sector, I have come to see this repugnant system for what it's worth.

What draws people to government work? What keeps them there for a lifetime? It's simple: overcompensation, huge benefits, and great working conditions. It's attractive to sign up and nearly impossible to leave. That's because the government, by and large, rewards skills and experience that are unmarketable in the private sector, at least not at the same level of pay.

Take me for example. I have a degree in political science. I write, edit, and research. The taxpayers pay me approximately $65,000 in salary, excluding benefits. I could not legally earn this in the private sector. If you don't believe me, peruse the want ads. Salaries for "writer/editor" and "research analyst" start in the low $20s.

Let's say I took a job in the private sector (presuming that someone would hire a person who has spent his whole adult life working for the government). And let's pretend I can earn $65,000.

What would I lose if I left the government? The short work week would be out the window. I could take off early, but this would be detrimental to my income. I would have to meet deadlines, because consumers want jobs done in a timely manner.

I would have to forget about ten paid holidays. People in the private sector have a hard time getting paid on Thanksgiving. My private-sector friends laugh at me when I tell them I get paid for such bogus holidays as Presidents Day, Martin Luther King Day, and Columbus Day.


And vacations? Right now, I can spend 8.7% of my work time on vacation. That's six weeks per year in perpetuity. The average vacation time in the private sector is two weeks, and it's not an entitlement.

I could also forget about the unofficial "bennies": for example, I take an hour-long jog every day, followed by a shower and a leisurely lunch. It keeps me in tip-top condition for my vacations. And shopping excursions during work are always possible. What about stress? If relaxation lengthened life, bureaucrats would live to be 150 years old.

Every few years, a big-shot commission bemoans the disparity between public and private sector work. It invariably concludes that bureaucrats need much higher salaries and more benefits. Nonsense. If bureaucrats were paid according to their net value to society, the result would be mass exodus and the federal government would have to shut down.

For anyone versed in free-market economics, the reasons for all this taxpayer abuse are obvious. Unlike the private sector, the government is not subject to the rigors of the profit and loss system. The government can tax, print, and borrow money to meet its obligations. It can pay millions of people salaries absurdly out of proportion, and not be outcompeted.

Lacking the discipline imposed by the market, the government cannot be efficient by private-sector standards. It will never terminate or scale back unnecessary functions on its own. So long as people are tricked into thinking that government employees are sacrificing anything for the public good, politicians won't feel pressure to end it.

I have begun in earnest to look for employment in the private sector. I have to take a huge salary cut and give up those generous "bennies," but I will at least then contribute something to society. And at least I'll be able to live with myself.

With Love and Kindness,


Thursday, June 18, 2009


The government has taken my money along with yours and sought to 'bail out" GM, Chrysler, AG, Citibank, J P Mogan Chase, Goldman Sachs,Wells Fargo and Bank of America. Accordingly, as an American I now own an undivided interest in these firms. Their money is in part, my money. Their profits in part are mine, or did I just get an undivided share of their debt?

Our Komrad Great Leader, economist,warrior and automobile builder seems to have elected to spend our money as if there was no tomorrow and control private enterprises for the common good.

We are no longer gradually moving towards socialism, we're hell bent for and arrived at collectivism. Welcome to Amerika, Komrad. Capitalism and the oppressors has been vanquished and the 'People'

are now in charge.

Thanks jsmineset.com for the following WSJ quote:

Details Set for Remake of Financial Regulations
Wall Street Journal-June 15, 2009
By: Damian Paletta

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is expected Wednesday to propose the most sweeping reorganization of financial-market supervision since the 1930s, a revamp that would touch almost every corner of banking from how mortgages are underwritten to the way exotic financial instruments are traded.At the center of the plan, which administration officials are referring to as a "white paper," is a move to remake powers of the Federal Reserve to oversee the biggest financial players, give the government the power to unwind and break up systemically important companies — much like the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. does with failed banks — and create a new regulator for consumer-oriented financial products, according to people involved in the process.

The plan stops short of the complete consolidation of power that some lawmakers have advocated. For example, it will allow several agencies to continue supervising banks. It also won’t place specific limits on the size or scope of financial institutions, but it will make it much harder for large companies to be so overleveraged that they threaten the broader economy.

What if Congress and the Obama administration are looking for more Fed buying of government bonds, known as Quantitative Easing? Thus far, the U.S. Federal Reserve and its board of Governors have resisted and board members have stated that no more Quantitative Easing is necessary.

When can we expect the new kars from USGM and USChrysler?

With Love and Kindness,


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


" . . .and the whole world smiles at you". Can't remember the title, nor the rest of the lyrics, but the idea is if you GIVE a smile you will GET a smile.

Giving doesn't have to be money it can be anything-- giving up your place in line; letting someone into your traffic lane when their lane is blocked; giving a stranger a ride; helping a stranded motorist; visiting a sick friend; doing volunteer work or sending a greeting card or a Email.

Most times we get back what we give, so we have to give our best,

not just our junk and cast offs.

Now take the government (puleeze!) they give not only what we have,

but borrow more so they can give it away or give to other countries or at least to those who run these countries.

Speaking of government appropriations, somehow these are always more, never less. The government is not constrained by lack of tax, duties and fees income--they just borrow more, then borrow more to pay interest on that they borrowed before. If they still don't have enough ,they can always run the presses to make more.



With Love and Kindness,


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


REF: http://patriotsquestiion911.com

190 +Senior military,intelligence service,law enforcement, and government officials

670 + Engineers and Architects

200 + Pilots and aviation professionals

400 + Professors

230 + 9/11 survivors

200 + Artists,entertainers,and media professionals

are publicly questioning the "official" version of the 9/11 attack plus

untold thousands of others privately have their doubts.

Are all of these people crackpots, conspiracy theory nuts and lunatics? Or are they patriots who love their country no less than the drum beaters?

To most, there are some unanswered questions and inconsistencies in the "official" version, which casts a shadow on the whole deal.

The author of this missive was witness to the professional demolition of a multi-story brick and steel building brought down by carefully placed shaped charges within the structure. When the

explosives were detonated there was a little white smoke and the entire building collapsed in upon itself--not unlike the world trade center buildings 1 and 2 and later building 7.

A coincidence, maybe? Not the same type of building, possibly?

But so many other reasons to doubt. First and foremost is the

same group to give us the 9/11 story also gave us Pearl Harbor,

The Kennedy assignation, weapons of mass destruction,

Osama BInLaden, and the terrorist paranoia.

There is a lot more holes in the their story,such as the heat required to form molten steel, the insulation around the floor supporting lugs, the appearance of thermite in surrounding neighborhoods an the hood of secrecy surrounding the removed debris. What is buried in the restricted hole in the remote crash site in Pennsylvania? Why doesn't the damage to the exterior of the pentagon add up to an aircraft crash? Where are the aircraft pieces? And a whole lot more questions that need to be addressed with a transparent comprehensive investigation .

Doubt all this? Do you own investigation? Don't take "their" word for it; "they" are counting on us being sheep and too lazy to question the known facts.

Sleep well,

With love and kindness,


Monday, June 15, 2009


In 1956 Walter Wanger produced a classic film "The Invasion of the body Snatchers". The film portrayed aliens coming in pods that took over the bodies of folks.

This is undoubtably what has been happening to our elected officials.

The candidates speak of all the terrible things the incumbents have been doing and all the wonderful wonderful things they will do if elected. Well lo and behold, after being elected these former candidates begin doing the same terrible things they accused the incumbents of and few or none of the wonderful things they promised to do.

That this phenomenon happens repeatedly is no accident!

What is happening is that the Pods are back, and they take over the bodies of the newly elected officials just after the election, so even though they look to be the same people, but they are different creatures with the same bodies and proceed to do all the same terrible things as before!

Maybe we should take a second look at our spouses-- just to be sure.




FAIR USE NOTICE. Some of the writings on this site contain copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. The author is making this material available in his effort to advance the understanding of social issues and sustainability, human rights, economic and political democracy, other issues and common sense; not for commercial purposes. The author believes this constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If the reader wishes to use such copyrighted material for purposes of their own that go beyond 'fair use 'they must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

With love and kindness,


Saturday, June 13, 2009


Jesus is reported to have said:"It's better to give than receive."
Well, receiving ain't at all that bad either!

The truth is that giving and receiving are connected and are at opposite ends of the same thing. The thing is a law or principle of the created universe. This law "states" that if you give, you will receive--automatic-never fails.

In Luke 6:38 " Give and it will be given to you. A good measure,
pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured
into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured
to you"

The apostle Paul wrote that the amount you give was not as important as giving with a good heart and willing spirit. Jesus told the poor woman who gave her pennies that what she gave was worth more than all the other offerings.

Several years ago an Evangelical TV ministry was raising money and stressed the principle of giving and receiving. Several weeks after giving a goodly sum to the ministry, a man bitterly complained that he didn't receive any money and demanded his money back!

So, it's not just the act of giving, it takes a good heart and willing
spirit-not just a desire to get something back.

Jesus was a man much misunderstood by people in his own time, as his message is in our time. He kept saying crazy things such as: "love your enemies and do good for those who hate you"; "blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth";"If someone takes your
cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic."; ..if anyone takes what belongs to you do not demand it back"; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Are these sure recipes for misery? Perhaps, taken as literal commandments. but what if he was telling us about the invisible laws and principles of the universe --what he referred to as the Kingdom of God.

Jesus preached throughout Judea about the keys to unlock this kingdom of abundance for all that was created with the universe,

Much of these keys had to do with having a humble and believing heart, not with sacrifice and poverty.

Natural man without the benefit of these keys must struggle, do without, and work his fingers to he bone to survive and only hope to prosper.

Our religious teachers have mistakenly taught us that we must appease God by behaving in a certain manner or we would wind up in Hell; whereas it seems to this author Hell seems often to be right here on earth.

Yet Jesus told us that He came (to earth)so that we could have life and have it abundantly.

Let's start unlocking the Kingdom.

With love and kindness,


Friday, June 12, 2009


Maybe it is time for a caveat. What is written here is not alleged to accurate, truthful, factual or otherwise reliable. It is mostly the author's opinion, recollection and interpretation of information gathered in an sometimes casual manner. The danger to the author is that he will become even more arrogant than he already is if people begin to read these missives, T. H.

Quoting Milton Friedman's response to that great intellectual Phil
Donohue's lament that greed powers capitalism:
"Well first of all tell me, is there some society you know that doesn’t run on greed? You think Russia doesn’t run on greed? You think China doesn’t run on greed? What is greed? Of course none of us are greedy. It’s only the other fella that’s greedy. The world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests. The greatest achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. Einstein didn’t construct his theory under order from a bureaucrat. Henry Ford didn’t revolutionize the automobile industry that way. In the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the kind of grinding poverty that you are talking about, the only cases in recorded history are where they have had capitalism and largely free trade. If you want to know where the masses are worst off, it’s exactly in the kind of societies that depart from that."

Thinking back and looking at past events with a present perspective, I find that the Great Depression era wasn't all bad. Please note that I am conversant with the despair, discouragement and utter hopelessness felt by some even many. There was upward of 25% of workers without jobs. Most of the unemployed would do anything for a dollar or a dime--
a nickel would buy you a cup of coffee, a dime would buy a hamburger, sometimes with a free cuppa.

Nevertheless, I think it is worthwhile to consider some of the positive sides of the period. As previously discussed, (comncents June 10,2009) being a kid during the thirties my perspective was that this is the world, not good not bad, just the way things were. Being a kid I enjoyed all the things all kids like, running barefoot, wrestling with the neighbor kids, a bottle of pop- probably a big Nehi orange - on a hot day, converting a wood fruit box and 2x4 +a roller skate
into a scooter, playing hide and seek in the alley behind our house and of course listening to
"Jack Armstrong" and "Captain Midnight" on the daily radio broadcasts.

The introduction of affordable radio-a bit before my time- was apart of the escape from reality
so craved by all of us. We could laugh with Charley McCarthy, Jack Benny, Fibber McGee and
Amos 'n Andy. I believe everyone black and white liked that show because it was funny and
no one thought it depicted real life. Yet the neo-politically correct demanded that it be taken off the air because it was racially degrading. People of the black race were referred to by white and black alike then as "colored" without any racially inspired animosity. There was segregation;however more of a natural selection of being with like kind than bigotry in our part of America

The period brought other popular radio programs such as "Lux Presents Hollywood"a drama,
"Inner Sanctum" a mystery drama series with a spooky creaking door sound, 'I love a mystery".
and "Major Bowes Amateur Hour".We listened spellbound to the radio while leafing through
magazines. Each family subscribed to several topical magazines probably pedaled door to door. Life, Time, Saturday Evening Post. Kids were crazy about comic books: Captain Marvel, Batman,
Superman and other bigger than life characters who did tremendous acts to capture the criminals. In elementary school we brought our pennies to purchase copies of the "Weekly Reader" which taught us about the world around us.

As been stated before, one of the great things about radio was that you couldn't see the situation
presented, so you used your imagination and it placed you into the scene that you created.

It was a wonderful time when the people of our country were largely homogeneous. Most people thought the same, believed the same, save for politics and religion, and enjoyed the same things.

Whereas Jazz more or less came into being in the 20's, the 30's brought us Swing and the popularity of the big bands. We couldn't see them on TV, but you could hear them on the radio
and 78rpm records. Glen Miller, Jimmy and Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw and Harry James, each with a recognizable sound"My oldest brother had an impressive record collection , which I would play
without his permission when he wasn't around!

And of course the movies. Mostly black and white; the first Technicolor film I believe was "Gone with the Wind" with Clark Gable, Vivian Leigh , Olivia deHaviland and Leslie Howard.
It was a box office sensation, both because it was in color (breathtaking) and because Clark Gable uttered the shocking phrase: Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn".

The movies were a product of the time People were anxious for an escape. Every neighborhood
had a theater. Kids admission was 14¢, adults about 25 ¢- an increase from the jitney
5¢ one- reelers from the 20's. The era of the big studios: MGM, Paramount, UA,Warner Bros.
and the big stars: Clark Gable ,Lana Turner, Heddy Lamar, Betty Davis, Joan Crawford Humphrey Bogart, Jimmy Stewart, Gary Cooper, Randolph Scott, Errol Flynn. Big big stars
that the studio's publicity department created with accompanied bios and kept in front of the public eye. They set the hair styles and clothing vogues for us all. They all smoke and drank
on the screen and we tried to imitate them. (My smokes were ground coffee wrapped in toilet paper, smoked behind the garage.)

With the movies came the newsreels, where we could miraculously see the moving current events(in black and white) as opposed to the still photos in newspapers. These became indispensable later during WWII when we were permitted actual scenes of the fighting, filmed
by the bravest of men and women, the cinematographers.

Our local theater as did most, had serials every Saturday for the kids. We watched the Lone Ranger with his horse Silver and Tonto get the bad guys and Gene Autry sing to his horse, The little rascals, The Three Stooges and more. Corny, yes, but movies taught morals then. Crime does not pay, always tell the truth, Love resulted in marriage and subsequent happiness. Virtue was highly valued.

A lot of the scenes of the 30's are not mentioned here, but these reminicients point up the
fact that this decade of despair brought a time of creative arts, never before witnessed in
modern times.
With love and kindness,


Thursday, June 11, 2009


What is it about the word "free" that excites the animal (pig) in us?

At group functions where there is a buffet or bar ( free food and drink)

one must take care to get out of the way of the pushy freeloaders

who will literally push you out of the way to get to the booty.

This is ONE of the problems with government or employer funded

health care. ANOTHER ONE is the medical profession's obsession with TESTS  i.e., blood scans, CT-scans, X-rays,  MRI's, and various look- sees with endoscopes to name  a few.  Every new high tech device to assist them in their pursuit of your "health" is easily accepted and paid for with government or insurance dollars.  And the patient readily acquiesces, because after all they are the informed medical practitioners and what the heck it's FREE.

Who will save us from the Clintons, Kennedys and Obamas who want

to save us from ourselves?

REF: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/


REF: Wm. C. Douglas II.MD  author of realhealth@healthiernews.com

dtd. June 10 ,2009 wrote:

Medical errors kill over 100,000 every year 

Dear Friend, 

By now, you know that hospitals are some of the most dangerous places on earth. The diseases you can catch there are scary enough, but they're not the only thing to be afraid of. No, there's something much more deadly lurking in the halls. 

In 1999, a report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) claimed that nearly 98,000 people die each year as a result of completely preventable medical errors. Ten years later, things have only gotten worse. The latest report by the Consumers Union claims that medical errors are causing more preventable deaths than ever -- over 100,000 each year. 

That makes over a million preventable deaths in the last 10 years. 

These types of gruesome statistics aren't the least bit surprising. The huge, impersonal health care system is capable of swallowing patients whole and losing them in an increasingly vast shuffle. 

The worst part about this whole thing is that these medical errors are usually not the grandiose kinds that make the headlines, such as surgeons removing or transplanting the wrong organs. It's easily preventable things like wrong prescriptions, improper dosages, and poorly administered treatments. 

Not long ago, I wrote to you about a study published in the medical journal Quality and Safety in Health Care that detailed deadly medical errors that occurred in doctor's offices -- before patients even made it to the hospital! The study showed that 82 percent of the errors were caused by so-called "system malfunctions." One patient died because a message was not delivered on time. 

As disturbing as this is, I shudder to think about how much worse they're likely to get when the health care system is hijacked by Obama's bureaucrats. 

Try to name just one thing that's run better after it's been taking over by a government bureaucracy. 

Besides, the Obama Administration has bungled the takeover of the U.S. auto industry. Why should we trust them to do any better with health care? 

The government has already poured a staggering $19 billion into health care information technologies like electronic prescription systems. The theory is that such systems will help to eliminate all medical errors which stem from unintentional drug interactions -- even to clear up the confusion that can be caused by illegibly written prescriptions. 

In the end, no matter what precaution Uncle Sam puts in place, the best way to keep yourself as safe as possible from these kinds of errors is to take more control of your own health care. If it's at all possible, choose a small family practice as your primary care provider instead of a medical mega-plex. You're much less likely to get lost in the shuffle that way. Don't be afraid to ask questions or get a second opinion -- or even a third, for that matter. You can't be too careful these days.

With Love and kindness,