Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Oh Arnold, please save us!

But don't stop any of our benefits, keep sheltering the illegals, provide free health care, pay our state employees outrageous wages, protect our endangered species by cutting off the water to our farms,

forbid oil and gas drilling near our coastlines, no more nuclear power plants, pass more laws with more and more regulations!

So you are only $28 billion shy of being able to pay the bills, just borrow some more; sell a few more bonds. They are not serious about a bad credit rating, after all this is California and every one knows we are too big to fail.

You just don't understand Arnold, take a trip to D.C. They will show you how to really spend , borrow and regulate.

How about a stimulus to take care of the unemployment problem?

Maybe the state could make the mortgage payments on the McMansions to solve the housing foreclosures.

If more spending and borrowing won't produce results why just spendand borrow some more. That will appease the liberals, greenies, unions, fascists and commies.

Goodbye California, we will miss you.


  1. The Cal Legislature seems to be unable to realize that we can't afford everything they would like to fund. The drain on public money by illegal immigrant use of services is immense but no one wants to take any action to try and solve this problem. The environmentalists have tied up the State's limited water supply to protect some small fish. I think the State must fail and declare bankruptcy before the voters turn them all out.

  2. The comment above was mine. I have finally figured out how to get my name to appear!
