Monday, June 22, 2009


Meet you at Joe's for a cool one

( From Wm. C. Douglass II MD "Daily Dose")

Protect your prostate with the power of pomegranate

Here's some new news about an old truism I've been telling you about for a while: deep red pomegranate juice, which is rich in antioxidants, is effective in killing prostate cancer cells. A recent study by researchers from the University of California discovered that the pomegranate's power comes from the fact that it directly interacts with the genes.

Pomegranate has become more and more popular because of its links to improved heart health, but I've told you before about its properties as a prostate protector. There are also some studies that have shown promising results that link pomegranate to anti-arthritis uses, since it's been shown to help slow cartilage loss.

This new study revealed that the polyphenols and antioxidants in pomegranate products not only reduced tumor cell growth, but also helped to kill existing prostate cancer cells.

I've yet to see a downside to the pomegranate. But keep in mind that the research was done on pure pomegranate juice, not the pasteurized, sugar-laden variety. So be sure to seek out the pure kind or even juice some of your own to get the real benefit.

Ever wonder why old people walk all bent over?

They're looking for the pennies

that have been dropped on the sidewalk

- Quote by Will Rogers

Why don’t somebody print the truth about our present economic condition? We spent years of wild buying on credit, everything under the sun, whether we needed it or not, and now we are having to pay for it, howling like a pet coon. This would be a great world to dance in if we didn’t have to pay the fiddler.”

Wishing for a GOOOOD Monday,

With Love and Kindness,


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