Thursday, June 18, 2009


The government has taken my money along with yours and sought to 'bail out" GM, Chrysler, AG, Citibank, J P Mogan Chase, Goldman Sachs,Wells Fargo and Bank of America. Accordingly, as an American I now own an undivided interest in these firms. Their money is in part, my money. Their profits in part are mine, or did I just get an undivided share of their debt?

Our Komrad Great Leader, economist,warrior and automobile builder seems to have elected to spend our money as if there was no tomorrow and control private enterprises for the common good.

We are no longer gradually moving towards socialism, we're hell bent for and arrived at collectivism. Welcome to Amerika, Komrad. Capitalism and the oppressors has been vanquished and the 'People'

are now in charge.

Thanks for the following WSJ quote:

Details Set for Remake of Financial Regulations
Wall Street Journal-June 15, 2009
By: Damian Paletta

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is expected Wednesday to propose the most sweeping reorganization of financial-market supervision since the 1930s, a revamp that would touch almost every corner of banking from how mortgages are underwritten to the way exotic financial instruments are traded.At the center of the plan, which administration officials are referring to as a "white paper," is a move to remake powers of the Federal Reserve to oversee the biggest financial players, give the government the power to unwind and break up systemically important companies — much like the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. does with failed banks — and create a new regulator for consumer-oriented financial products, according to people involved in the process.

The plan stops short of the complete consolidation of power that some lawmakers have advocated. For example, it will allow several agencies to continue supervising banks. It also won’t place specific limits on the size or scope of financial institutions, but it will make it much harder for large companies to be so overleveraged that they threaten the broader economy.

What if Congress and the Obama administration are looking for more Fed buying of government bonds, known as Quantitative Easing? Thus far, the U.S. Federal Reserve and its board of Governors have resisted and board members have stated that no more Quantitative Easing is necessary.

When can we expect the new kars from USGM and USChrysler?

With Love and Kindness,


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