Are we not all Americans? Why is it necessary to distinguish what kind of Americans we are according to our ethnicity or the country from which our antecedents came?
This form of name changing or politically correct form of speech is an affront to our
liberty and probably fosters bigotry and racism. If they can tell us how to talk it
follows that they tell us what and how to think.
Does a rose by any other name still smell so sweet? Of course it does. Does the
skin of a dark man become any lighter by calling him an African-American?
Does a man who lives on a reservation, not live there because he is now known as a Native-American.
Does a man with slanted eyes, who eats rice stop eating rice and does his eyes become round because he is now known as a Chinese-American and so on?
This dividing of us is a means of conquering us and robbing our manifest destiny of
the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
Who starts this speech tyranny, and why is it so necessary for decent and respectable people to accept it? If the reader knows who , please inform the Hatman by comment or Email. Meanwhile resist and stand up for common sense and the American freedom.
With Love and Kindness,
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