Lies are now the way of the world. They come from the top down and the bottom up.
The lies of the establishment are structural, endemic and pervasive. Our president,
leaders of both parties in the House and Senate, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, SEC, FDIC are constant practitioners of mendacity and have perfected the 'spin' to justify and mask their self- serving protocols.
The mainstream media sanitizes, slices and dices facts and hard news into easily digested pablum for the masses. The print media is dying for lack of integrity and worthiness. Radio and TV are next to useless because of questionable veracity and fluff.
But what about the internet? There is no question about the availability of more and more information and more useless trivia too. Still, it is up to the user to segregate and choose the websites and the articles within. If you don't like what you are seeing and reading, there are hundreds maybe thousands of other sites and sources instantly available.
Now it is no secret that the Hatman uses internet articles as the source of subjects for many of his blog missives. The sources are clearly shown and credit is given when appropriate. Sometimes quotes from or the complete article are used.
Still and yet . . the internet is like a garbage dump and to retrieve useful information requires thrashing around daily in the garbage is search of a gem. Mrs. Hatman says: "You have to open a lot of oysters to find a single pearl".
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and point of view--government has not taken that away yet, even though they are doing their best to control our opinions through their Goebbles like efforts.
The garbage pile has many odoriferous parts ,but one of the most stinking is the writersknown for their cogent content, who take a position or forecast then later soften or backslide their position; then as the original position or forecast comes about, they boastingly state "I told you so".
Garbage , garbage and more garbage. What is a sane person to do? Keep on searching.
With Love and Kindness,
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