Monday, October 26, 2009


Two untold reasons for the endless conflict in Afghanistan: According to F. William Engdahl,"The geopolitics behind the phoney US war in Afghanistan,www.Financial 10/12/09

1.To control restore and control the world's largest supply of opium for the heroin

market, which in turn produces income for the bankrupt Wall Street banksters.


2. To complete the encirclement of Iran and achieve a dominance in

Asian theater by establishing bases to contain the emerging strength of

Russia and China.

According to a U.N. report, opium production has risen dramatically since the invasion. According to Engdahl, 93% of the world opiates originates in Afghanistan

and ". . it has been documented that Washington hand-picked the controversial Hamid Karzai, a Pashtun warlord from the Popalzai tribe, long in the CIA’s service, brought him back from exile in the USA, created a Hollywood mythology around his “courageous leadership of his people.” According to Afghan sources, Karzai is the Opium “Godfather” of Afghanistan today. There is apparently no accident that he was and is today still Washington’s preferred man in Kabul. Yet even with massive vote buying and fraud and intimidation, Karzai’s days could be ending as President.

The second reason the US military remains in Afghanistan long after the world has forgotten even who the mysterious Osama bin Laden and his alleged Al Qaeda terrorist organization is or even if they exist, is as a pretext to build a permanent US military strike force with a series of permanent US airbases across Afghanistan. The aim of those bases is not to eradicate any Al Qaeda cells that may have survived in the caves of Tora Bora, or to eradicate a mythical “Taliban” which at this point according to eyewitness reports is made up overwhelmingly of local ordinary Afghanis fighting to rid their land once more of occupier armies as they did in the 11980’s against the Russians.

Financially and politically weakened, the U.S. uses terrorism and military aggression to accomplish its' goals. Unfortunately this just enriches special interests and wastes enormous resources, while weakening our alliances and persecutes the world's innocents.

War is expensive-at least the way we go about it-for example, gasoline supplied to our troops costs $400 per gallon, and they use 800,000 gallons per day. It costs $750,000 per man per year to keep each soldier in Afghanistan.

Surely it is worth it to "fight over there and not here " Nonsense.

It is time for the Administration to come clean on the real reasons for the increasingly unpopular war and clean our foreign policy house by repudiating endless no-win engagements. Lets bring the facts out into the open where we can determine our course without Madison Avenue spins and misrepresentations.

Many are calling the U.S. a failed state. Perhaps that is so and we are a dead man walking. If it is not so and the U.S. is still a viable world power that is temporarily over extended, then let's clean up our act and get real and truthful about our money and our goals.

President Obama, you talk good, now let's see some forthright actions.

With Love and Kindness,


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