Monday, June 7, 2010


A year has rolled around since THE HATMAN first posted a blog, June 7, 2009. As promised, the blogs have been to the point, and largely the author's opinion about events, world conditions, economic principles, spiritual perceptions and social conditions.

Some blogs you agreed with, some you did not. Some were perhaps repetitive and boring, but hopefully all to the point and germane to the issue or issues we face or faced in this year of our time as citizens of this age.

When the blog started all that was desired was to speak {or write} out about these things, but as we look back we see the drama of one year in the pursuit of collapse, unfolding in printed form. This year represents the results of decades of foolish policies and leadership lack in America and the rest of the world. We don't seem to learn from previous mistakes, but continue to repeat the errors recorded in history.

Although not intended in the beginning, apparently it is possible to gather all these

missives into one bound book, which we intend to pursue. The cost is now unknown ,

but as soon as we get the first one, we will advise you as to our cost plus shipping and make copies available to you for your libraries.

One other comment, as an aside, THE HATMAN has learned what a lousy speller

he is and without the aid of Mac's spelling check, you wouldn't believe how bad a

supposedly literate person can spell.

The plan for future: Blogs will be submitted weekly or more often if the need to speak out on an issue seems needed.

With Love and Kindness,


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