Wednesday, June 2, 2010


REF::LAST TRUMPET NEWSLETTER ,June 2010 "The Coming Spiritual Twilight"

". . There are many who never look at things from a spiritual standpoint, and there are those that have the God-given ability as true Christians to look into the depth of what is happening in the corresponding unseen world. It is essential that we understand that since the beginning of the world there has been a conspiratorial adversary called Satan. Satan knows that his time is limited. History is filled with the activities of this rebellious dark prince, and Bible prophecy guides the children of God every step of the way and helps them to understand what is truly happening.

. . .We are now at the end of the age at the very end of time when Satan makes his final grand attempt to seize upon the entire world and set himself up as the one world dictator in the form of a man. As he does this, it become ever clearer to Christians what is happening. However, to the undiscerning and unbelieving, there is confusion, anxiety, and misunderstanding.[emphasis added]

Never has there been a time in our nation's history when the people of America have been so alienated from their own government, and everything now seems to be happening at once. The huge budget deficits, the astronomical national debt, the senseless wars, and even the many disasters have left people wondering.

Our nation of the United States of America is populated by approximately 300 million people. All of these people are governed by a relatively small group of elitist rulers including the President, Vice President, Cabinet members, the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. America has always taken great pride in stating that the government is "by the people, for the people, and of the people." We have noticed, especially since Barack Obama became President, that the ruling class believes that the vast majority does not know what is good for them. The people of the United States are continually being ignored by those governing them. This concept is not new but is found within the writings of Dr. Albert Pike, the infamous Freemason, who wrote the book Morals and Dogma. In his book, he made it clear that the great populations must be micromanaged and that they do not know enough nor do they possess the ability to make decisions physically, spiritually, economically, and so on. We are watching in horror as Obama and his administration completely and absolutely function independently, being completely out of touch with the American people. No matter how great the protests, Obama pushes forward to what is now clearly identifiable as Marxist socialism.

Many people have wondered why Obama has such a driving force toward government run health care. The answer is that there are so many things built into that massive bill that have nothing to do with health care. Obama has used this to push forward his agenda in many and varied ways. We remember hearing his campaign pledge when Barack Obama clearly stated that he wanted a national security force, not the National Guard or anything like that, but a civilian one. If people were listening, they would know that on July 2, 2008, in a speech made in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Obama called for a police state. Buried within the revisions of the health care bill in subtitle C, entitled "Increasing Supply of the Health Care Work Force," under section 5210 is a provision establishing a ready reserved core. This is Obama's private army. In this ready reserved core, all commissioned officers shall be appointed by the President of the United States. Commissioned officers of the ready reserved core must at all times be subject to the call of active duty by the surgeon general."

We keep up the pretense of a democracy, but we are hardly even a republic. The many are governed by the few. Government, federal, state, county and city now consume more than 49% of our nations total income, plus compliance with the regulations ordered by government regulations account for an additional 15%. Our government takes almost 2/3rds of our money. Who are the slaves and who are the slave owners?

With Love and Kindness,


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