REF: "A Fair Probe Would Attack Liberty Misinformation" by
Thomas Moorer, Admiral U.S. Navy,former Chief of Naval Operations, former
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , published in the 1/16/2004 edition of the Stars and Stripes
June 8, 1967, 43 years ago, Israel attacked the USS Liberty, killing 34 American servicemen and wounding 172. The wounded were left to die, being betrayed by our government, specifically the Lyndon Johnson administration and the now infamous Robert McNamara, the Secretary of Defense.
"U.S. military rescue aircraft were recalled -- not once, but twice -- through direct intervention by the Johnson administration. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara's cancellation of the Navy's attempt to rescue the Liberty, which I confirmed from the commanders of the aircraft carriers America and Saratoga, was the most disgraceful act I witnessed in my entire military career.
A 1967 investigation by the Navy, upon which all other reports are based, has now been fully discredited as a cover-up by its senior attorney. Capt. Ward Boston, in a sworn affidavit, recently revealed that the court was ordered by the White House to cover up the incident and find that Israel's attack was "a case of mistaken
Some distinguished colleagues and I formed an independent commission to investigate the attack on the USS Liberty. After an exhaustive review of previous reports, naval and other military records, including eyewitness testimony from survivors, we recently presented our findings on Capitol Hill. They include:
* Israeli reconnaissance aircraft closely studied the Liberty during an eight-hour period prior to the attack, one flying within 200 feet of the ship. Weather reports confirm the day was clear with unlimited visibility. The Liberty was a clearly marked American ship in international waters, flying an American flag and carrying large U.S. Navy hull letters and numbers on its bow.
* Despite claims by Israeli intelligence that they confused the Liberty with a small Egyptian transport, the Liberty was
conspicuously different from any vessel in the Egyptian navy. It was the most sophisticated intelligence ship in the world in 1967. With its massive radio antennae, including a large satellite dish, it looked like a large lobster and was one of the most easilyidentifiable ships afloat.
* Israel attempted to prevent the Liberty's radio operators from sending a call for help by jamming American emergency radio channels.
* Israeli torpedo boats machine-gunned lifeboats at close range that had been lowered to rescue the most-seriously wounded.
As a result, our commission concluded that:
* There is compelling evidence that Israel's attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew.
* In attacking the USS Liberty, Israel committed acts of murder against U.S. servicemen and an act of war against the United States.
* The White House knowingly covered up the facts of this attack from the American people.
* The truth continues to be concealed to the present day in what can only be termed a national disgrace.
What was Israel's motive in launching this attack? Congress must address this question with full cooperation from the National Security Agency, the CIA and the military intelligence services.
The men of the USS Liberty represented the United States. They were attacked for two hours, causing 70 percent of American casualties, and the eventual loss of our best intelligence ship."
Israel, a nation created by inserting it into palestine territory has enjoyed the favor of the world because of the holocaust in WWII. The displaced Jews of Europe were allowed to settle into a formally declared state in 1948. So we have the Jewish state and the Jewish people.
It is difficult for the Israel supporters, including Christian leaders, to get around the idea that the created state and the people are two separate things. New testament writings clearly state that the Christians are but a branch of a Jewish tree.
Yet the state of Israel does not worship the God of Abraham and Isaac, but
the god of death and destruction. Their ruthless and murderous attack on the residents of Gaza and the May 31 ,2010 attack on the Gaza relief ships, are clear examples of an outlaw state, totally without mercy, humanity, or common decency.
In the 1950's We were consumed with the notion of communist infiltrators
in our government influencing our policies. Today we need to get aware
of the power of Israel agents in position of influence in our government,
media, corporations and finance. The bullets and bombs that Israel uses to commit these atrocities are furnished by the U.S.A. We provide them with $3 billion dollars of aid each year plus weapons and equipment.
Admiral Moorer called the attack on the USS Liberty and the calling off our support a national disgrace. Certainly the lack of outrage at the attack on the Gaza peoples and aid ships is hardly a credit to our virtue. That the Obama administration has responded with the usual doublespeak is not surprising. When we look back to former administrations, we see the continued blind eye toward the Zionists.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton continues to rage against Middle East countries, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea and others without let-up. Why should the United States be a trumpet for the real aggressor: Israel?
How disgraceful is it that we persuaded the UN Security council to vote sanctions against Iran who is operating within the guidelines of the Atomic Energy Commission, while remaining silent on the Zionist aggression against Gaza?
Kenneth Copeland, Pat Robertson, John Hagee The Trumpet, TBN
Wake Up!
With Love and Kindness,
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