Tuesday, September 15, 2009


In browsing the internet ,The Hatman ran across an article onTheburningPlatform.com written supposedly by Jim Quinn, an articulate author who has had several articles published on other web sites about America, its’ lost values and dim future. The article and another one appearing on the same page is repeated below. Alarmed by the false and misleading statements, Comncents entered a comment which received a reply is also shown below.


“Two separate stories this week give me indications that a conflict is imminent between Israel and Iran. Ahmadinejad has absolutely no plans to stop building a nuclear bomb. Netanyahu will never let Iran have a nuclear bomb. Obama is so focused on his domestic agenda and has no influence on either of these countries at this point, that he can't stop it. Will the showdown come in a few weeks, months or years? That is the question. I believe it will happen in the next year.

Implications: Oil prices will spike upwards; the stock market will fall hard; gold will soar. This attack will contribute to the double dip recession coming our way in 2010. Our 4th Turning Crisis will deepen. This winter will be bitter.”

The article above and the following contain unfounded assertions of Iran’s nuclear weapon ambitions and their supposed threat to Mideast peace:

Ahmadinejad levels new broadside at opponents

The source of this article is apparently Norooznews.ir.

By clicking on the link below the reader will find both articles. Also below is the comment by comncents.blogspot.com and a reply by an unidentified reader. Please note that the comment was directed to Mr. Quinn, a man believed to be erudite and careful with his facts. The reply is not believed to be from him.



Mr. Quinn, It seems like you have been duped by the planted Israel pr piece: Ahmadinejad levels new broadside at opponents

If we continue to accept and promote such planted half- truth articles, favoring Israel's aggresiive position, we bring cataclysmic war ever more close.

Iran is not developing nuclear weapons! Believe the UN inspectors who have been on site. The rest is just speculation designed to prepare us for an unwarranted attack, which could have unexpected horrific consequences.

Think before you write,

Sincerely yours.



Comncents said, "Believe the UN inspectors who have been on site." How well did that work in Iraq and North Korea?

Per my two previous posts above, Israel will react in a manner which serves to protect what it believes are its own best interests. The USG, UN, Russia, and anyone else who thinks it has a voice in what Israel does or does not do is dead wrong. If Israel thinks its national survival is at stake, as it did when it struck the Osirack nuclear power facility in Iraq in 1981, it will act accordingly. Count on it.”

REF: JUstin Raimondo 8.28.09 Antiwar.com

The following article is the opinion of Justin Raimondo as to the outcome of the Israel/Iranconfrontation

Quite aside from the settlements, however, the Obama-ites really gave away the store when they agreed to "adopt a much tougher line with Iran over its alleged nuclear program." What this means, more precisely, is that the bar for judging whether Iran is building useable nukes is going to be considerably lowered: get ready for a slew of "intelligence" reports claiming they’re on the verge of nuking Tel Aviv. With Congress getting ready to impose strict economic sanctions on Iranian energy exports, the stage is set for a military strike.

That a US President has agreed to go to war in exchange for a Nobel Peace Prize is an event that could only occur in Obama-world – which is apparently situated somewhere very close to Bizarro World.

The announcement of this "breakthrough," as the Guardian calls it, is slated for the last week of September – and you can count on the war drums to start beating around the

same time.

It’ll be a long, drawn out process, however, of fake "negotiations," phony intelligence reports, and diplomatic arm-twisting at the UN, before the ever-cautious Obama gets up the nerve to actually pull this on his ostensibly liberal supporters, and their patience with Obama’s wars is likely to run out long before thenQuite aside from the settlements, however, the Obama-ites really gave away the store when they agreed to "adopt a much tougher line with Iran over its alleged nuclear program." What this means, more precisely, is that the bar for judging whether Iran is building useable nukes is going to be considerably lowered: get ready for a slew of "intelligence" reports claiming they’re on the verge of nuking Tel Aviv. With Congress getting ready to impose strict economic sanctions on Iranian energy exports, the stage is set for a military strike.”

If the above is true it portends horrific consequences, not only for the Mideast nations, including Israel, but for our fleets stationed in the nearby waters, the troops on the ground in Iraq, Afghanistan and Saudia Arabia. Even Americans on American soil may be subject to radioactive dust if Nuclear material in storage is blasted and carried on the wind to far away innocents.

All is totally unnecessary and based upon supposition of Iran’s intentions, not fact. The facts are that Iran has made no nuclear weapons and the only nuclear weapons in the area belong to Israel , Pakistan, and USA.

With Love and Kindness,


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