Wednesday, July 22, 2009


One easily can control a democracy election by providing money or favor to politicians running for office. The candidates receiving the funds and/or perks readily sell out the people who elected them, not the ones who financed their election. This is true for most Democrats,

Republicans and /or Independents.

The voters are pleased with the results of the election if their candidate is elected, not aware that their man or woman is not beholden to them, but to well-healed individuals or groups.

The two party system requires the voter to choose between two candidates who were put on the ballot not by democratic means, but by the power of special interest groups.

With mass communication comes the way of using money to influence outcomes. Truth be known, powerful interests provide money to both liberal and conservative sides, so that no matter who is elected, the interest group wins and is favored with legislation or lack thereof.

They win--you lose.

As this process matures, it becomes increasingly difficult to tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats, or liberals and conservatives.

Couple this with a controlled media, that skillfully plays to the emotions of the electorate and massages or omits information, and the corruption of the process is complete.

With Love and Kindness,


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