Over the past decade, private bankers have emptied national treasuries of gold bullion, selling this bullion on the open market in order to keep the price of gold low in order to mask the increasing vulnerability of their paper-based assets.
The US claims the US Treasury still holds approximately 7,000-8,000 tons of gold but has not allowed a public audit of its reserves since 1954; and since 1999 the UK and Swiss have seen their gold reserves decimated as bankers freely sold their gold in order to cap the rise in the price of gold to keep the banker’s paper money scheme intact.
From Butler Research ( Theodore Butler)
". ..no one can legitimately explain why one or two US banks should be allowed to hold a uniquely large concentrated short position in silver equal to 25% of world production. When a circumstance can’t be legitimately explained or defended, it is time to change the circumstance to make it legitimate. Lower the limits and throw out the phony exemptions.
Be sure, that the COMEX and CME Group will scream bloody murder at any attempt to revoke their authority to set and enforce position limits. Well, not scream publicly, but they will be pulling out all lobbying stops to prevent the CFTC from doing the right thing and assuming the authority to control position limits. Privately, the COMEX will claim it will drive business overseas and other selfish sob stories. Nonsense. It may drive illegitimate business overseas, but who cares? Besides, the CFTC can instantly close any attempted end run around position limits in the OTC market by adopting universal position limits for those trading entities domiciled or doing any business in the US.. . ."
"Be sure, that the COMEX and CME Group will scream bloody murder at any attempt to revoke their authority to set and enforce position limits. Well, not scream publicly, but they will be pulling out all lobbying stops to prevent the CFTC from doing the right thing and assuming the authority to control position limits. Privately, the COMEX will claim it will drive business overseas and other selfish sob stories. Nonsense. It may drive illegitimate business overseas, but who cares? Besides, the CFTC can instantly close any attempted end run around position limits in the OTC market by adopting universal position limits for those trading entities domiciled or doing any business in the US."
Are the Wall Street bankers holding the price of gold down to persuade people that gold is a 'relic' and will never take the place of flexible fiat money? Or is the Pope Catholic?
As the dollar begins to be inflated and lose it's value, people will begin to reach for gold as real value. How long can the big bankers get away with this fraudulent
price suppression scheme?
With Love and Kindness,
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