Americans seem to be unaware that "Independence Day" was originally intended to be a celebration of the colonists’ secession from the British empire.Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence believed that just governments derive their power to govern, from the consent of the governed, and whenever that consent is withdrawn, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish the government and to institute a new government.
From the Declaration of Independence : ". . . Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more . . ."disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. . ."
Now is this author (Hatman) in favor of sedition? Heaven forbid! He is just reminding us of our common roots in the pursuit of liberty; not the violent overthrow of our government; withdrawal from those dolts in Wahington perhaps, but not rabble rousing or inciting disruption or civil unrest.
For a copy of the Declaration click on this link:
At the time of forming our united states, each part or state was to be a was to be a country unto itself. Initially there was two "constitutions" The first one The Articles of Confederation ratified and in force from March 1, 1781, which established and named" The United States of America", then later The Constitution of the United States of America ratified by the last state, Vermont on January 10, 1791.
The Articles of Confederation nor The Preamble of the Consitution are not enforceable in law. The secessionists may be put away for a long time while the lawyers are arguing the validity of "righs" under the constitution.
From Don Stott article 7.2.09:
". . .Today, the 'ruling elite,' which is the Congress, could, if they were so inclined, save America, just like those patriots did in 1776 by writing the Declaration of Independence. How? By writing another Declaration of Independence, 2009 style.
What might it say? It might say that the federal government is out of control, the currency is rapidly depreciating, and we are continually interfering in other's business by invading and fighting on foreign soils. It might say that we are being taxed to death, regulated to death, and are supporting those who should support themselves. It might point out that we have a Constitution, which says in the Tenth Amendment, that the individual states have governing power over themselves, and not a federal government. I am no Thomas Jefferson, but such a declaration should be written and voted upon
As individuals, we are powerless to do anything but vote, and that hasn't worked very well. All our letters and calls to Congress don't work, and lots of tea parties didn't phase them, because their minds have been clouded. Now, in Albany New York, the Democrat Senators won't even stand for a flag salute. What has become of our once grand nation, which threw off the hackles of the Brits? Why can't we throw off the D.C. chains that are binding us? All it would take is a majority of that 435, and America could renew itself. Isn't there some way to do this? I am at a loss. Happy Fourth anyway. Fly your flag, and hope for a real change, not the one Obama has wrought. Closed Friday. (If you celebrate the Fourth with a fifth, act sensibly).
As those patriots did in 1776 by writing the Declaration of Independence. How? By writing another Declaration of Independence, 2009 style.
What might it say? It might say that the federal government is out of control, the currency is rapidly depreciating, and we are continually interfering in other's business by invading and fighting on foreign soils. It might say that we are being taxed to death, regulated to death, and are supporting those who should support themselves. It might point out that we have a Constitution, which says in the Tenth Amendment, that the individual states have governing power over themselves, and not a federal government. I am no Thomas Jefferson, but such a declaration should be written and voted upon. . . . ".
Well, first it was "we the people"; the "the people of the states"; later the "states of America";
then "we the government" and soon it will be "me the government".
With Love and Kindness,
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