Monday, July 20, 2009


There are no more diagnosticians. There only remains lab report, 'Ct Scan or Magnetic Resonance film readers.

Today's medical procedure is test, test, test.

The tests are necessary-- sometimes. but shouldn't they be used to verify a diagnosis when there is doubt or confusing and contradictory symptoms. Not a substitute for informed diagnosis.

Who are we as mere simpletons to question the gods in the white smocks? Just shut up and do as you are told, when you are told.

Today's 'physician-scientist' is all knowing and unapproachable. He reads and speaks a language indecipherable to most of us. Is there a need for this?

Before Medicare and/or health insurance, doctors made house calls They stopped doing this excused by the more efficient use of their valuable time, so we could wait in a germ transfer place called a doctor's waiting room, clinic or hospital.

These modern day charlatans would be lost without the germ theory. How better to indiscriminately push their favorite pill :the antibiotic. If you as an individual should object to the prescribing of these sometimes toxic chemicals, you would be ridiculed and dismissed as a nuisance, while the doctors proceed to prescribe these heavy meds for a sneeze , runny nose and what not. If a bacteria or "germ" is exposed to an antibiotic on a continual basis, the bacteria 'learns' to be immune to the drug. Do the doctors know

this ? You bet they do!

But aren't germs dangerous, to be feared and killed if possible? We have largely ignored the miracle of our own immune system, and through the miracle of modern drugs , food processing and environmentally dangerous practices damaged our natural resistance to pathogens.

Cipro ,Levaquin, Avelox and Floxin , known as the flouroquinolones the latest "wonder drugs" that are now linked to debilitating side effects. These drugs contain fluoride a known toxin that those responsible for our health determined it should be placed in our water supply. And what abut the largely useless chemotherapy chemicals? And detrimental use of radiation for cancer treatment?

Who is supposed to be responsible? Answer: That un-transparent federal behemoth called the FDA, who protects us from ourselves. This agency was created to protect us all from unsafe food and drugs, which in the beginning they did very well, but have since been corrupted by the by big pharma's money, and their own self patronzing empire- building character.

Our doctors all march in lock step. To get out of the protocol is to be ostracized .

Since the dumbing down of the profession, no doctor is supposed to know it all, so we have specialists--those who know a lot about something, but little about all things. Since each doctor relies upon referrals from others, it is not thought wise to alienate other doctors and speak out against abuses and non-scientifically proven practices.

Unfortunately, they are all linked with the AMA, an association that demands compliance with the latest agreed upon medical dictums, whether or not that have been scientifically proven.

Our point: Health care reform should begin at the bottom, not with how we finance a broken and fraudulent system.

With Love and Kindness,


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