REF:"Boys Don't Automatically Become Men" by Joel Hiliker,, 4/28/10
" Increasing numbers of boys have no clue how to be men. It is common to see grown boys who have cultivated no drive or ambition, no moral conviction, no ability or even desire to lead, and no bodily strength. They have few salable skills and a poor work ethic. They haven’t been taught any sense of honor toward women or responsibility toward children, nor of duty to provide for or protect them."
These roles for men, encompassing values, traits and duties used to be taught in the home. Father was the head of the house and was responsible for putting a roof over the family and food on the table. Mother was the homemaker, child rearer and keeper of togetherness. Her skills for detail, budgeting and grace provided the glue for the family, allowing, compromising and loving. Mother was home to greet the children returning from school.
This is a very disturbing and distressing result of our contemporary culture. When women "became men" in the late '50s and early 60's, they stormed into the workforce to get the things they wanted for themselves and families. Yes, at first they had menial jobs with low pay as compared to the men, then came the ERA, and hiring quotas. Later they were allowed into the military in combat roles. Education provided them with opportunity for executive and professional jobs.
"For 28 years running, more women have received college degrees than men, and the gap has widened every year. U.S. Census figures revealed last week that all told, more American women than men now hold undergraduate degrees. Women have also pulled even with men in advanced degrees, and could pass them this year."
"The education gap has also helped to flip the traditional family of a breadwinning father and homemaking mother on its head. Only one in five American families with children have a working dad and stay-at-home mom. The majority of America’s workforce is now female. In fact, nearly 40 percent of moms are their family’s primary breadwinner.
“How do you manage not to emasculate your husband?” a Telegraph reporter asked a friend who out-earns her husband. “I don’t manage,” was the answer. “If we disagree about how money is spent, I decide because it’s my money, and he hates it".
" Statistics suggest. . that men are settling into their diminished role as providers. “The idea that men see themselves as breadwinners is collapsing,” says Rob Williams of the UK’s Fatherhood Institute. One short generation ago, 72 percent of men believed a man should provide his family’s primary income and a woman should be the family’s primary caretaker and homemaker. Today only 42 percent of men believe that."
"It’s a shame. Because those traditional roles were not arbitrarily concocted by a primitive society. They were assigned by the Being who created human beings and made them male and female. . . The fact is, God is the source of everything that makes men men and women women. He designed differences in physique, in emotions, in intellectual and psychological composition. He is the author of masculinity and femininity. For the sake of order and organization, God created men to fulfill one role within the family and within society, and created women to fill a different and beautifully complementary role."
"This same God also prophesied that in our day, society would suffer curses as that order was disrupted—as men abdicated their responsibilities, women filled the leadership void, and ungovernable children oppressed them all . We are living that prophecy today."
Isaiah 3:12
O my people! Their oppressors are children,
and women rule over them.
O my people! Those who guide you lead you astray.
And confuse the direction of your paths.
Our culture or system got all screwed up somewhere along the way. We let greed get ahead of need and want. Money and things became more important than virtue and honor. Debt became a way of life and our successfulness was measured by our credit score.
We have been deceived.
With Love and Kindness,
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