Our reckless spending president has had a lapse recently, and actually cut the Nasa space program's budget, cutting several moon landing proposals.
Well, you can't please them all--but he tries. After making the announcement,
amid howls and boos, he flew to florida and reversed himself, making like he was a big space supporter.
His voter base is largely unions, non-whites and greenies; whereas his political opponents are military and white males middle class managers and owners.
Whoops he mistepped! The space program pork has been spread out to many hands
from Colorado to California, from Michigan to Florida. Engineers, unionized manufacturing plants and military connected people are strong space program supporters.
Actually the cuts he proposed were six moon shots and landings. Romantic as all get out, but hardly of strategic value. Eisenhower called the moon landing program a "stunt" with absolutely no military value. Space travel to Venus or Mars that many envision is hardly worth the $ billions spent by a hopelessly indebted nation, who has to borrow in the $trillions to meet their budget needs.
The space program behind it's veneer of civilian purpose is and has been a military
program founded to improve rocketry and investigate strategic possibilities in space.
All hogwash and perfidious! Eisenhower knew what he was talking about and was honest and forthright to speak it.
The Space program is nothing more than a make-work socialist spending program to waste America's strength. As Margaret Thatcher remarked:" Socialism works good
until you run out of other people's money.
With Love and Kindness,
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