After 'they' have convinced us that the sun is our enemy, and the campaign to spread sun blockers, creams and salves over the exposed parts of our anatomy. The rates should be going down shouldn't they?
According to William C. Douglass II MD in the Daily Dose" newsletter:
"New studies show that non-melanoma skin cancers hit more Americans than all other cancers combined, and five times as many people as breast or prostate cancer.
Here's how bad it is: Two million Medicare patients are treated for these skin cancers every year. Skin cancer cases shot up 77 percent between 1992 and 2006, and they're still increasing by 4.2 percent annually.
With numbers like that, you'd think even the experts might start to admit that we've been approaching this all wrong.
If the sun was REALLY causing skin cancer, and if sunscreen prevented it, we'd be cancer-free by now. We're already spending less time outside than ever, and wasting billions of dollars a year on needless, dangerous creams and lotions.
Meanwhile, just a couple of generations ago, we spent far more time out in the sun and ZILCH on sunscreen -- and skin cancer was practically unheard of.
One study last year spelled out what I've been saying all along: People with the highest levels of vitamin D have the lowest risk of skin cancer. Sure, you can get some of that from a pill... but historically, most people have gotten their D straight from the source: the sun.
Sunscreen not only blocks the sun and stops the body from making vitamin D... but common ingredients in that gooey garbage have actually been linked to cancer, along with birth defects and sex problems.
Again,we have been bamboozled by science that isn't science at all-
just someone's opinion, or the skewed result of tests, probably underwritten by those who would profit by this misinformation.
It seems the medical community has a lot to answer for, and not just healthcare laws.
With Love and Kindness,
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