We have a new military hero, who's deeds don't match his rhetoric, nor his reported brilliant strategy in Afghanistan. The press is calling it a Master Strategy, the
"McChrystal Doctrine" which calls for the winning over of the civilians rather than
killing insurgents. [an insurgent is anyone who doesn't want his country invaded and overrun with planes, drones, tanks, artillery and other devises of murder and mayhem]
As with many of the stories attributed to the DOD or pentagon, the truth is far afield from the articles and statements. Any veteran will tell you not to trust what they say or promise.
REF: "McChrystal's Night Raiders" by Gareth Porter, www.CounterPunch.com
"But there is a glaring contradiction between McChrystal's new counterinsurgency credentials and his actual policy toward the politically explosive issue of night raids on private homes by Special Operations Forces (SOF) units targeting suspected Taliban.
Since he took over as top commander in Afghanistan, McChrystal has not only refused to curb those raids but has increased them dramatically. And even after they triggered a new round of angry protests from villagers, students and Afghan President Hamid Karzai himself, he has given no signal of reducing his support for them.
". .After becoming commander of U.S. and Nato forces he approved a four fold increase in those [night] operations. . ."
REF: IS THE ENEMY OUR OWN STUPIDITY? by Gordon Duff,Veterans Today.com 4/2/10
"America’s recent attack, augmented by top line Afghan army troops, against the massive Taliban enclave in the city of Marjah, population 80,000, a city that has been an enemy stronghold for years may not have happened at all. Can anyone prove it? Nobody had ever heard of Marjah before or even knew a city was there. Nobody knew it was a Taliban stronghold either. One thing we can easily figure out from the total lack of reporting, other than our “screw ups,” killing the usual civilians, using our over reliance on technology, is that the sham of the operation was simply to give the mercenary army of the Northern Alliance, an army no American soldier would turn its back on, a casual airing.
A trip to Vegas would have been cheaper and we would have found just as many Taliban. What we did find is drugs, drugs everywhere, the embarrassment of our deceitful policy to build narcotics production from nothing to massive levels. The further risk of peppering the internet with more photos of American, Afghan, British or Canadian troops tiptoeing through the poppies had to be avoided at all cost. Thus a tissue thin cover story about poor farmers and their reliance on opium for a living was spun to the public, a story based on lies.
We have turned Afghanistan from a haven for a few foreign fighters, bin Laden included, given safe haven under strict parole, no training facilities, monitored daily under threat of expulsion, a country with a strict Islamic government actively rejecting opium production, western technology and the human rights of its women, into a sewer of drug dealers, crooked contractors, terrorist training camps and spies. We originally handed the country over to warlord drug barons and criminals and eventually melded Hamid Karzai, a know moderate and very well know weak leader into the dupe of a defacto dictatorship built around the city of Kabul. For years, America ignored an entire nation, an error of massive proportions that has exploded in our faces. Other than Bush era stupidity and hubris, what was our rationale? "
Bush settled into the poorly managed war in Afghanistan at the behest of Israel and India. Israel was chasing gas pipeline revenue and India needed a base of operations to train guerrillas to attack Pakistan. In the process, absolutely everyone involved was going to get rich peddling heroin into Russia by mule and running it by the ton into Western Europe and America in through every means possible including, we are told, using rendition flights as drug couriers. Now that these flights have been “privatized” for some reason, it could actually get worse, if that is possible.
Since day one of the American war, the primary goal has been to push opium production to maximum levels, restructure it as the number one agricultural crop of Afghanistan and to build a permanent tribal war to cover open involvement in this massive multi-billion dollar initiative through purposeful mismanagement, misjudgment and sheer idiocy."
We, the people, don't know what to do. We don't want the wars, we want our soldiers to come home, but we are powerless against the hidden forces and people directing these misadventures and the liars in the press. Our government is out of control--at least by the people who are supposed to be governed by consent.
With Love and Kindness,
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