Monday, May 31, 2010



GENERATION X byJennifer Jochim Outpost contributor

"Generation X can technically be defined as the generation following the Baby Boomers. Xers were born between 1965 and 1980, 1961 and 1981, 1964 and 1979, 1963 and 1979, 1965 and 1975 or since the mid-1960s, depending on which source you use. For practical purposes we will say that Generation X was born between 1965 and 1980, now ranging in age from 17-32 and usually judged by characteristics assigned to them by the media.

Generation Xers were brought up on television, Atari 2600s and personal computers. They are the generation that was raised in the 1970s and 1980s, and saw this country undergo a selfish phase that they do not want to repeat. Generation Xers were brought up on television, Atari 2600s and personal computers. They are the generation that was raised in the 1970s and 1980s, and saw this country undergo a selfish phase that they do not want to repeat.

The term Generation X came from a book written in 1991 by Douglas Coupland by the same name. It is a fictional book about three strangers who decide to distance themselves from society to get a better sense of who they are. He describes the characters as "underemployed, overeducated, intensely private and unpredictable."


". . The term Generation Y first appeared in an August 1993 Ad Age editorial to describe teenagers of the day, which they defined as separate from Generation X, as well as the teenagers of the upcoming ten years. "Generation Y" alludes to a succession from Generation X

The name "Echo Boomers relates to the size of the generation and its relation to the Baby Boomer generation. A single source has referred to the generation as the MTV generation although MTV Generation is also a term used to refer to people heavily influenced by the advent of MTV, and even a catch all term for youth of the late 20th century, depending on the context.

Authors William Strauss and Neil Howe have been influential in defining American generations in their book Generations:The future of America's Future1584 to2604 (1991). Howe and Strauss maintain that they use the term Millennials in place of Generation Y because the members of the generation themselves coined the term, not wanting to be associated with Generations X .

Almost a decade later, they followed up their large study of the history of American demographics with a new book specifically on that generation, titled Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation (2000). In their books Generations rising (1991) and Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation (2000), Wiliian Strauss and Neil Howe use the start year as 1982 and end year of the generation as 2001. They believe that the coming of age of year 2000 high school graduates sharply contrasts with those born before them and after them due to the attention they received from the media and what influenced them politically.

The Millennial Generation, like other generations, has been shaped by the events, leaders, developments and trends of its time.The rise of instant communication technologies made possible through use of the internet, such as email ,texting and IM and new media used through websites like YouTube and social networking sites like Facebook and My space may explain the Millennials' reputation for being somewhat peer-oriented due to easier facilitation of communication through technology. Members of this generation tend to use Google and Wikipedia uncritically as sources of information and to freely share information online without regard to copyright.

Expression and acceptance has been highly important to this generation. In China, with a total population of a billion people, the urge to stand out and be individualistic has become a staple of the Chinese youth culture. . . Generation Y is more radically and culturally tolerant than previous generations The majority of Generation Y is cultural liberalwith many respecting same sex marriage rights among other politically liberal stances, but, in spite of the new dominant liberal growth, new youth clubs and groups have been created in developed countries (such as the US, UK, Japan, Australia and Italy) to take the task of promoting and preserving conservative views and beliefs.

This generation is also sometimes referred to as the Boomerang Generation or Peter Pan Generation because of their perceived penchant for delaying some of the rites of passage into adulthood longer than most generations before them, and because of a trend toward living with their parents for longer than recent generations."

RE:"Salute our Future" by Stephen Flurry,

Mr. Flurry writes "Today’s world, on the other hand, is full of unhappiness and misery—competition and strife. It makes for a dangerous and evil world to raise children in. Most parents are failing miserably at this God-given task.

You’ve probably seen the pitiful results now streaming in from numerous studies about Generation Y—the self-indulgent, narcissistic generation to emerge out of the self-esteem movement. Their lives are empty and fruitless. They often fill their spirit-starved souls with every form of illicit indulgence.

Not everyone agrees about generation Y and the future. If they correspond to the meekness seen in them heretofore, we have a happy future. If, however they correspond to the WWII people, they will react forcefully to the events of dollar collapse and war. Mainly they will not take the intrusions of government without protest.

With Love and Kindness,


Saturday, May 29, 2010


Ladies, please do not read further, this is for men. To proceed further could cause you distress and unnecessary aggravation, since your collection of intelligent synapses will have difficulty appreciating the males need from time to time for solitude.

It is in the nature of man, hard-wired from birth if you will, to need to retreat or escape from his female dominated existence. At birth from mother to teacher to wife and/or companion, the male specie is constantly loving, putting up with or despising some feminine influence. From time to time, he needs to get away. He probably values these possessors of feminism, but from time to time, he needs to get away.

What every man needs to keep his sanity and balance is a hideaway, cave or den. Be it a separate room in the attic, cellar or the shed behind the garage, it does not have to be fancy or stylish, just separate and solely and exclusively his. In this place of refuge, he needs not a telephone, computer or fax machine. He can bring in all of his smelly sporting goods, stack his aromatic fishing and hunting gear in the corner, his favorite greasy hats along with other trophies he may treasure.

A refrigerator to keep his beer would be nice, even if he doesn't imbibe, his male friends may visit from time to time. A comfortable chair --maybe a recliner would be nice along with a wide screen television, so he could watch his favorite football game un-interupted. A stereo player would also be nice so he could listen to his favorite Jazz or symphony concert with unrestrained volume. And maybe a girly calendar like they have in Automobile repair shops.

A bit of a warning, gentlemen. Females cannot be allowed in this retreat, because they will start with small improvements in the decor, which will ultimately make your place of hiding into a decorator's showplace.

To all men in search of retreat--Good Luck!

With Love and Kindness,


Friday, May 28, 2010


REF:"Was Rambo Right?"by Ron Unz, 4/28/2010

For more information about the following story , see the following links:

'None dare call it a conspiracy', yet why is the major media so incapable of telling the truth
and exposing the lies of the American leaders? This article, UGLY BUT TRUE?, deals primarily about the prisoners of war left behind in Vietnam and the shame of America in disregarding these unfortunates who were there because of our misadventure.

The mainstream media , who have cried endlessly that the" people have a right to know" are patently guilty of ignoring information that does not agree with the official statements and policy. In a government of the people, the need to know is critical to maintaining a free and self-governing society. Is the fact that the major media, i.e. Cinema, TV, Radio and Print are owned by just six people and those same people are major holders and cross represented on the boards of major corporations including armament makers and pharmaceutical companies? Why wasn't the Weapons of Mass Destruction lie exposed before the Iraq invasion? Many legitimate questions have been raised by scientists, engineers and architects about 911, why have these issues been addressed by the media? Why are we still involved with the war and occupation in Afghanistan?

Americans want to forget about the tragedy of Vietnam, but the real story of our POW and MIA abandonment still has not ben addressed by the mainstream media. John McCain and
his role in prisoner betrayal has been covered up.

". . .In 2008, John McCain’s heroic war record and personal patriotism were central to his quest for supreme power – a goal he came very close to achieving. But when one of America’s most eminent journalists published an exhaustive report that the candidate had instead served as one of the leading figures in a monumental act of national treachery, our media took no notice. McCain’s public critics and the operatives of his Democratic opponent might eagerly seize upon every rumor that the senator had had a private lunch with a disreputable corporate lobbyist, but they ignored documented claims that he had covered up the killing of hundreds of American POWs. These allegations were serious enough and sufficiently documented to warrant national attention – yet they received none.

. . Following the battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954, the Vietnamese refused to return their French POWs unless Paris agreed to pay financial compensation for the war. The French leaders paid the money and got their men back. Similarly, the Vietnamese refused to return their American POWs unless the U.S. government agreed to pay reparations. Nixon signed a document promising to do exactly that, but the Vietnamese, being cautious, kept many of the POWs back until the money was delivered. Then Congress refused to authorize the funds because “America doesn’t lose wars.” Nixon and later U.S. leaders never acknowledged the fate of these captives lest the American people become outraged. And as the years and decades went by, and various schemes to ransom or rescue the POWs were considered and rejected, their continued existence became a major liability to numerous powerful political figures, whose reputations would have been destroyed if any of the prisoners ever returned and told his story to the American people. So none of them ever came home.

The "owners of our country", as George Carlin described mega wealthy and influential
people, have been and are manipulating our collective destinies for their own self interest.
These individuals remain largely in the background and use others such as Hillary, Barack
or Sarah to front for them. The Powers that be are masters at ridicule, blackmail and deception, and we and our magnificent country are their victims.

With Love and Kindness,


Thursday, May 27, 2010



the world's largest airship is ready for takeoff. According to an article on www.,"Blimps will take to the skies again with the launch of the world's largest inflatable craft.

The pioneering Bullet 580 is a 235ftlong and 65ft in diameter ship that can lift payloads of 2,000lbs up to 20,000ft in the air.

It was inflated this week inside the Garret Coliseum in Alabama - one of the few facilities large enough to host the ship. The process took the developers at E-Green Technologies just over six hours. With a top speed of 80 mph, It usually glides along at about 35 mph, so the passengers can enjoy the scenery. It's utility, however is the ability to hover over a location for hours, while lifting loads.

Filled with nonflammable helium and a Kevlar skin, the airship seems invulnerable to disasters such as with the Hindenburg catastrophe

REF:"Against the Gods" by Richard Russell, May 26, 2010 Dow Theory Letters

". . Once the bankers (the Fed) realized that they could control the money of nations, they realized they could control nations." Mr. Russell views central banks and fiat money as "against the gods".

" Central Banks create fiat money, denigrate gold, and try to convince the people that the money they print is wealth.. . No man . . can create wealth

with the click of a computer. That's the great immoral fraud underlying this bear market."

He views the developing bear market as "a great moral drama. "It's the market's answer to man's greed and his ability to brain-wash his fellow

citizens. The gigantic fiat house of cards is slowly coming undone. . .

To create 'wealth' by fiat money is fraudulent and against both man and the gods. Great bear markets invariably uncover great crimes"

fiat : a noun, a formal authorization or proposition; a decree; an arbitrary order. Origin is from latin, "let it be done".

Real news and thought is scarce today, with most lamenting about the dropping stock market( or bragging about all the money they made while it was going up). Few occurrences have been forecast more than the bear

nature of this market and the imminent crash. For most people, the

stock market is a mere abstraction, not a controller of their monetary

fate. "The meek shall inherit the earth", spoke the Christ of God. Yet

for those who did not heed the warnings of the sages, it is a dramatic loss.

One more absurd thing from Obama land. The president is sending a group of nuclear physicists to the Gulf oil spill, to determine how to nuke

the well bore!

He will not be laying the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier this Memorial Day, since he remembers that he promised to return to Chicago

from time to time. Maybe the heat in the kitchen is getting hotter.

With Love and Kindness,


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


"Stormy season the Atlantic" by John Browne 4/4/2010

"The European Union's debt crisis, the threatened collapse of its fledgling 'euro' currency, and the uncertainties created by the UK elections may seem very far removed from the American ship of state, but, in reality, this turbulence threatens to capsize our fragile economy.

Greece is in the most immediate danger of default, followed closely thereafter by Portugal, Spain, and perhaps Italy. As the European Union overrides its own treaty agreements to offer bailouts to these 'PIGS,' global financial markets have panicked. Essentially what has happened is that the covenants and assumptions underlying one of the bedrock reserve currencies of international finance - and the presumed successor to the US dollar as primary reserve - have been broken. This requires a global re-rating of purchasing power risk. The problem is today's investors have few havens left.

The essential political model of most of the developed world has been to promise, promise, promise, and push any costs on to the next generation. These Mediterranean countries are starved for growth because their coddled union laborers sit around waiting to hit age 50, so they can collect a pension that pays as much as their working wage. It wasn't always this way, but politicians always find it safer to add benefits than take them away. Only a taxpayer revolt can install a reformer like Lady Thatcher or Ronald Reagan, and in Club Med, the belief is that only suckers pay taxes." [emphasis added]

Doug Wakefield,4/30/2010

"When the Federal Reserve System was founded in 1913, the national debt stood at $2.91 billion, approximately 10% higher than the debt level in 1865; 48 years earlier. The generations living prior to the founding of the Federal Reserve (the entity whose purpose according to their own website "provides the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system") elected leaders at the national level who believed that if your outflow exceeded your inflow, then that was the signal to stop spending and reevaluate your programs. So what happened in the two generations AFTER the Federal Reserve was founded

By 1964, the birth of the baby boomer generation was complete. The national debt now stood at $311 billion, more than 100 times what Americans had seen in 1913. Now I ask you, is this a "stable monetary and financial system"?

Just look at us.

Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality."
Michael Ellner

With Love and Kindness,


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Even though the German people are solidly against the bail-out. The government including both houses of parliament agreed to loan Greece 29.6 Billion Euros. Why? Just like in the U.S., where banks control economic decisions, German banks have heavy exposure to the Greek loans which are non-prerforming.

REF: "Europe in Crisis"by Stephen Flurry,

"The trillion-dollar rescue package has done little to ease the panic spreading across the Continent. The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, recently admitted the bailout does little more than “buy time” for the European Union. Yet, on Wednesday, Chancellor Merkel urged German lawmakers to accept Germany’s share of the rescue package. “The euro is in danger,” she said. “If we do not avert this danger, then the consequences for Europe are incalculable, and then the consequences beyond Europe are incalculable.”This has some wondering if Merkel’s government will survive the crisis. “Once hailed as the undisputed queen of Europe,” the Times of London recently wrote, “the chancellor is facing increasing criticism that she is dithering just when decisive leadership is needed”

Germany the undisputed king of Europe

The sure word of [Biblical]prophecy reveals that decisive Germanic leadership is coming. In fact, that’s the biggest storyline now developing behind the scenes of the current financial crisis. It hasn’t yet made newspaper headlines, but like so many of the events now making news in Europe, it has been forecast aforehand. . . .somewhere , there is a strongman who sees this crisis as an opportunity to galvanize the German people and cut down the European Union into a much stronger, more manageable consortium of ten kings.

. . . .It’s all prophesied in the Bible! In fact, the current economic crisis is only hastening its fulfillment. Mr.[Herbert W.] Armstrong accurately predicted this as well. In July 1984, he said a world economic crisis would be the “trigger” that accelerates the formation of a German-led, European superpower.

Germany, from the beginning of the European experiment, has been preparing for this very crisis. Go back and read what we reported in September,2002, when the fledgling euro had just been introduced as the eurozone’s common currency. Back then, Trumpet columnist Ron Fraser alerted our readers to a likely spike in gold prices, which was then selling at about $300 per ounce. At the time, he wrote, the United States and Canada were busy liquidating their gold reserves. Germany, on the other hand, was an active buyer in the gold market. Added to this, Mr. Fraser noted, every member of the new eurozone had signed over its gold reserves to the European Central Bank in Frankfurt. Thus, whether the euro succeeded or not, Germany would be in the driver’s seat, Mr. Fraser said. "

In part l of this article, stated". . the geopolitical deal in Europe has changed radically. Because it runs contrary to the prejudices which fashion their vision of the world, several months will be needed by the majority of the media and players to accept that, behind the appearance of a purely European budgetary-financial decision, lies a geopolitical split with worldwide impact."

"Germany, and Europe, will soon have their strongman. All the mechanisms are now in place—including the groundswell of support he will need to capitalize on the current crisis—for him to pare down the bloated, 27-member union to the powerfully destructive, biblically prophesied ten kings." ---theTrumpet .com

Biblical prophesy according to the forecasts the return of the Holy Roman Empire with an alliance of the 10 kings with the Vatican, centered in Germany.

With Love and Kindness,


Monday, May 24, 2010


The confusing terms of the Euro Zone, the EU, EMU and ECB are Europe today.

27 states or countries make up the EU, the European Union . Of these, 16 countries have met the entry requirements and have adopted the Euro currency. The 16 states are known as the Eurozone and are the EMU an economic and monetary union. The ECB is the European Central Bank which carries out monetary policy,although there is no official representation or governance of the union, although recently financial strains are causing changes. In addition to the 16 countries, 3 small states, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican are permitted to use the Euro currency without being a part of the EU.

Now that we have a clarification of the initials forming the various entities, perhaps

we can understand some of the the difficulties presented when all these different countries, races and ethnicities try to find common ground on any issue. They are using the United States as a model, but we started out with only 13 small colonies, united with the notion of getting free of the King of England. We were blessed with some remarkable minds who put together a constitution, modified by the 10 amendments known as the bill of rights, that we could all agree upon.

The stresses in the EU were there from the beginning in 1999 plus the Euro currency

has had a hard time of being accepted by the world. Now comes the bankruptcy of the PIIGS, the countries of Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Greece. The over extended nations who because of belonging to the EMU cannot "print" their way to solvency by creating more money as the U.S. does.

Greece is in the first of the PIIGS to require immediate bail- out, but the member countries(primarily rich Germany) were unwilling to pay for their imprudent economic policies. After weeks of haggling and sweaty negotiations the EU , ECB ,International Monetary Fund (IMF) and probably the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) announced they are putting together a 1 trillion dollar package to bail-out troubled member states. The world financial markets reacted with a 16% drop in the value of the Euro. Many U.S./UK pundits are forecasting the demise of the Euro.

Meanwhile the European press is hailing the agreement as a salvation, but the

U.S./UK press thinks it's more Marxist/Keynesian funny money economics. The

truth is that to save the bankrupt nations, money will have to come from other bankrupt nations. Once started on the path of borrowing and credit creation, there

is no easy way out.

The following is an extraction from "Geab N° 45 www. showing a

European take on the matter:

Just as anticipated by LEAP/E2020 in issues N°40 (December 2009) and N°42 (February 2010), spring 2010 really marks a tipping point of the global systemic crisis, characterized by a sudden expansion due to the intolerable size of public deficits (see issue N° 39, November 2009) and the inexistence of the recovery, so often announced (see issue N°37, September 2009). Besides, the dramatic social and political consequences of this development clearly reflect the beginning of the process of global geopolitical dislocation as anticipated in issue N°32 (February 2009). Finally, the Eurozone leaders’ recent decisions confirm LEAP/E2020’s anticipations, contrary to the dominant chatter of these last few months, of the fact that not only will the Euro not « explode » because of the Greek problem but, on the contrary, a strengthened Eurozone will emerge from this stage of the crisis (1). One could even consider that, since the Eurozone decision, a kind of « Eurozone coup d’Etat » supported by Sweden and Poland, to create a huge apparatus to protect the interests of the 26 EU member states (2), the geopolitical deal in Europe has changed radically. Because it runs contrary to the prejudices which fashion their vision of the world, several months will be needed by the majority of the media and players to accept that, behind the appearance of a purely European budgetary-financial decision, lies a geopolitical split with worldwide impact.

Eurozone coup d’Etat in Brussels: The EU founding states regain control

In this issue N°45, we analyse in detail the numerous consequences for Europeans and for the world from what could be called the Eurozone « coup d’Etat » within the EU. In the face of the worsening crisis, the sixteen have indeed taken control of the EU reins of power, creating new tools and instruments which leave no other choice for the other members but to follow or find themselves isolated. Ten out of the eleven other member states have decided to follow, such as the two most important of them, Sweden and Poland, who have chosen to actively participate in the apparatus put into place by the Eurozone (the other eight are currently either in the course of negotiating their Eurozone entry, like Estonia from 2011 (3), or receiving direct help from the Eurozone, like Lithuania, Hungary, Romania, for example…). It is a (r)evolution that our team has clearly anticipated for over three years and we had even stated recently that events would rapidly unfold in the Eurozone once the German regional elections and the British general election had taken place. However, we would never have thought that it would happen in just a few hours, neither with such boldness as to the amount (750 billion Euros, or one trillion USD) and the character (EU control taken by the Eurozone (4) and a leap ahead in terms of economic and financial integration).

The fact remains that without knowing it, and without having asked their opinion, 440 million Europeans have just joined a new country, Euroland, of which some already share the currency, the Euro, and of which all now share the indebtedness and the joint means to solve the serious problems posed in the context of the global systemic crisis. The budgetary and financial decisions taken during the Summit of the weekend of the 8th May in terms of a response to the European public debt crisis can be evaluated differently according to one’s analysis of the crisis and its causes. LEAP/E2020 will roll out its own analyses on the subject in this issue N°45 but, without doubt, a radical unraveling of European governance has just taken place: a collective continental governance has just brutally emerged, ironically 65 years after the end of the Second World War, moreover celebrated with a big display in Moscow the same day (5) as the holiday celebrating the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, the common ancestor of the EU and Euroland. This simultaneity isn’t a coincidence (6) and marks an important step forward in global geopolitical dislocation and the reconstitution of new global balances. Under the pressure of events set off by the crisis, the Eurozone has thus undertaken to grasp its independence with regard to the Anglo-Saxon world still expressed via the financial markets. This 750 billion Euros and this new European governance (of the 26) constitutes, at the one and the same time, the putting in place of the fortifications against the next storms caused by draconian Western indebtedness, and which will affect the United Kingdom and then the United States (cf. issue N°44 causing disturbances of which the « Greek crisis » has only given a small preview.

The EMF will, in the long run, deprive the IMF of 50% of its major contributions: those of the Europeans

Concerning this, LEAP/E2020 reminds readers of a fact that the majority of the media has been oblivious of for many weeks. Contrary to the prevailing discussion, the IMF is first and foremost European money. In effect one out of three IMF Dollars is contributed by Europeans, compared to only one in six by the USA (their share has been cut in half in 50 years) and one of the consequences of the European decisions of these last few days is that it will not be the case for very much longer. Our team is convinced that, within three years at the latest, when it is time to formalize the integration of the intervention fund created on the 8th and 9th May 2010 into the European Monetary Fund, the EU will reduce its contribution to the IMF by a similar proportion. One could guess already that this reduction in the European contribution (UK excluded) will be in the order of 50% at least. That will allow the IMF to become more globally representative by automatically rebalancing the BRIC share and, in the same breath, requiring the USA to abandon its right of veto (7). But that will equally contribute to it becoming heavily marginalized since Asia has already created its own emergency intervention fund. It is an example which illustrates just how many of the European decisions of the beginning of May 2010 are full of wide sweeping geopolitical changes which will scale out in all of the coming years. In fact, it is unlikely that the majority of the decision makers involved in the « Eurozone coup d’Etat » have clearly understood the implications of their decisions. But no-one has ever said that history was largely made by those people who knew what they were doing.

So, at least from one European voice, we hear an encouraging word. False hope?

We know not, but underlying the message is clearly a resentment of the bullying

tactics of the U.S./UK and their child the IMF. Who will replace them as a driving force? Quite obviously we have a new order in the EU.

Part 2, tomorrow, will reveal an interesting twist on this European mega change.

With Love and Kindness,


Saturday, May 22, 2010


REF: Recipes 4 Living 8/24/2006


  • 1-1 1/3 lb. tilapia fillets, about 1/2-inch thick
  • 3 Tbs. all-purpose flour
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 clove garlic, minced or pressed
  • 1/2 C. dry white wine
  • 1 Tbs. lime juice
  • 1/2 Tbs. butter
  • 1 Tbs. olive oil
  • 3 green onions, chopped


Rinse the fish and pat dry. Put the flour on a plate and season it with salt and pepper. Dredge the fillets in the flour, patting to remove excess. In a small bowl, combine the garlic, wine, lime juice and butter, then set aside.

Heat the oil in a 10- to 12-inch frying pan over medium-high heat. Add the fillets without overlapping (you may need to cook in 2 batches). Cook until golden on the bottom, about 3 minutes. Turn the fillets over and cook until opaque through the thickest part, 1-2 minutes more. Transfer the fish to a platter and keep warm (cover with foil or place in a 200 degree oven).

Add the wine mixture to pan and boil, scraping up cooked bits, until reduced by half, 2-3 minutes. Stir in the onions and heat on low about 30 seconds. Pour the sauce over the fish and serve.

The Hatman family has not tried this dish yet, but it sounds great. The tilapia fillets

are a wonderful 'generic' fish, since they are basically bland and odorless, thereby improved with a large range of spices and cooking methods.

Wishing you a culinary delight.

With Love and Kindness,


Friday, May 21, 2010


REF:"Gulf Oil Spill May Be 19 Times Bigger Than Originally Thought" 5/20/210

An engineering professor tells congress the ruptured deep water oil well is spewing up to 95,000 barrels of oil per day "Steve Wearily, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind., earlier this month made simple calculations from a single video BP released on May 12 and calculated a flow of 70,000 barrels a day, NPR reported last week. [ Producing wells in the U. S. average around 17 Barrels per day. The prolific Saudia Arabia field has wells capable of 20,000 barrels per day]

The figure of 5,000 barrels, or 210,000 gallons, a day that BP and the federal government have been using for weeks is based on observations of the surface slick made by satellites and aircraft. Even NASA's satellite-based instruments, however, can't see deep into the waters of the gulf, where much of the oil from the gusher seems to be floating. The well is 5,000 feet below the surface."

We need an Oilman

So far we've had a lot of chatter from various experts about the size, of the "leak" and who was going to pay and how much, but little hard information about the bore hole, the wellhead, preventer and the casing involved. Politicians and professors of physics and engineering are being quoted, but we've yet to hear from a real oilman. Granted, the well bore is below 5,000 feet of seawater, but a blowout is a blowout and remedy technology and techniques have been known and used for decades.

Who the heck is in charge? Obama? Or maybe Hillary?

First, they were going to set booms and burn the oil. Then we saw pictures, we presume were live, of a submersible with robotic arms punching a button in the preventer. Next the Rube Goldberg 3 story dome. Lastly a tube with a "stopper" was to be inserted to draw of the oil-but it apparently was not successful either.

The "spill" is a genuine mega- disaster in the making as the floating oil reaches ecological sensitive shores of states bordering the gulf and is fed into prevailing ocean currents.

Presumably, British Petroleum is doing all that they can to stop the flow, but it seems most of their efforts is in damage control and secrecy.

With Love and Kindness,



RE: www.,May 20,2010gasbom
Benzene the killer! Plans in place to evacuate The Gulf Population

Plans to evacuate the Gulf are BEGINING TO FLY AROUND THE NET.

"Benzene, incredible amounts of Benzene are being released into the atmosphere and is a clear and present danger not only for the old and people with respiratory problems but the general Gulf population as a whole.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined that benzene is a human carcinogen, and can cause various forms of cancer from prolonged exposure.Exposed to high levels of benzene show association with leukemia cancer; including acute myelogenous leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, and chronic myelogenous leukemia. Benzene-related leukemias have been reported to develop in as short as nine months,(read more below)
This is much more serious than they are letting on, especially as one of the options here is to burn the escaping oil!

Florida Gulf oil spill: Plans to evacuate Tampa Bay area expected to be announced

Gulf Oil Spill 2010: Plans to evacuate Tampa Bay area expected to be announced

Plans to evacuate the Tampa Bay area are expected to be announced in the coming days as FEMA prepares for what is now being called the worst oil disaster in the history of the world."

a human carcinogen, and can cause various forms of cancer from prolonged exposure.Exposed to high levels of benzene show association with leukemia cancer; including acute myelogenous leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, and chronic myelogenous leukemia. Benzene-related leukemias have been reported to develop in as short as nine months,(read more below)
This is much more serious than they are letting on, especially as one of the options here is to burn the escaping oil!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Talk about something with a bad rep. Lard is a real no no, signifying to most of grease
and sticky cholesterol. But is it so bad or is it nature's answer to healthy and delicious fried and baked delights?

Regina Schrambling in her article on www.Slate "Lard" wrote:
"Lard, however, has always been a ridiculously hard sell. Over at least the last 15 years, it's repeatedly been given a clean bill of health, and good cooks regularly point out how superior this totally natural fat is for frying and pastries. But that hasn't been enough to keep Americans from recoiling—lard's negative connotations of flowing flesh and vats of grease.

. . lard's fat is also mostly monounsaturated, which is healthier than saturated fat. And even the saturated fat in lard has a neutral effect on blood cholesterol. Not to mention that lard has a higher smoking point than other fats, allowing foods like chicken to absorb less grease when fried in it. And, of course, fat in general has its upsides. The body converts it to fuel, and it helps absorb nutrients, particularly calcium and vitamins."

If you want genuine Mexican food, lard is a must. Flour tortillas and tamales are made with lard as shortening. Delicious Southern biscuits require lard. Not margarine or crisco or other hydrogenated oils.

Jeffrey A. Hunter boasts in "In Praise of Lard" www. Lew 5/20/2010:

"I use lard for making biscuits. Sometimes I fry those lard biscuits in lard, and these I call "hot puffs" and eat them with honey. Lard is essential for pie crusts. It makes great chocolate chip cookies. I can’t imagine frying potatoes in anything else. It is excellent for chicken. Pancakes and waffles are never better than when made with lard. Popcorn not fried in lard (air pop? please!) is noticeably inferior. Cakes are wonderful with lard. The refried beans you eat are not authentic if they do not include lard.

. . I really don’t know if lard is unhealthy as compared with vegetable oil or butter or peanut oil or some other poor substitute. I do know that when I fry with lard as opposed to vegetable oil, there is more lard remaining in the fryer, from which I conclude that less is in the food. . . And don’t even talk to me about that fake lard product called "shortening". I also know that lard has a very high smoke point, so it is cleaner and makes less of a mess. . . . Lard has been a staple of the Western diet for many centuries. I see no reason why I must automatically adopt the widespread prejudice against it and regard it as a poor-person food. Nor do I trust what some government expert says. As regards dieticians, you can find one around who will endorse or condemn anything you want. And do I need to point out that Crisco has recently come under fire for its trans fat content."

So there you have it. How many votes for lard today? After all there is more involved in life than what can be proven with a test tube. A happy life is a healthy and good life.

With Love and Kindness,