REF:"Rats In Wolves Clothing" , byGordon Duff, www.Veterans today, May 10, 2010
"First we are told opium and heroin are financing world terrorism, then General McChrystal tells us that we have to allow the harvest to be finished, processed into 65 billion dollars of heroin and shipped out on rendition flights and American Global Hawk UAV aircraft for distribution around the world.
I was surprised to hear the “rumor” that our massive Global Hawk UAVs that fly at 80 thousand feet were being loaded with drugs in Balochistan and flown around the world. Prior to that, FBI translator Sibel Edmonds had only told us of drug trafficking on rendition flights."
"This is now a fact, not “theory” or conjecture. Is the Global Hawk story fact also? Having this confirmed was a shock for us. We had been tracking the presence of “contractors” servicing UAV aircraft in this region and knew it was impossible to be arming and operating them against terrorists as facilities for this are unavailable at the 3 small air strips in the region. Each Hawk holds tens of millions of dollars of processed heroin which can be flown anywhere in the world. We have numerous confirmations that this is being done."
Tens of thousands will die from this harvest of death. Who profits and why is it necessary for chaos to continue for the money to flow?"
"Narcotics provide cover for the war by making it impossible for Afghanistan to ever have a stable government. Drug lords are never going to become responsible tribal leaders. However, they also can’t fly tons of heroin around the world nor can they bank billions of dollars. They need help.
"This is what the war supplies, thousands of experts have flooded into the region to train Afghanis to live as free people in a democratic society. Many of these outsiders, some from India, some from Israel traveling under false passports and hired as US contractors, many Americans with security contracting companies and, perhaps government agencies themselves, are involved."
"What we are keeping quiet is the fact that so much money is flowing out of the region into so many pockets, journalists included, that nothing is reported, nothing is done and training and arming terrorists has become an integral part of maintaining the war.
If the war ends, the Taliban might take over and end drug trafficking like they did before. "
Our modern wars involve drugs. When they speak of terrorism it is to provide
a reason to invade a sovereign country and encourage the drug trade which is extremely profitable to certain mega corporations and government agencies.
The so called war on drugs is an expensive joke. The result is a proliferation of
illicit drugs and crowding of our prisons.There are corporations poised to profit from both.
[See " Dillion Reed & Co. and the Aristocracy of Stock Profits" by Catherine Austin Fitts.]
If our government were not so corrupt from the top down, we would have made drugs legal and regulated as we did alcohol eight decades ago.
with Love and Kindness,
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