Friday, May 7, 2010


Ever wonder why Greece's financial trouble is so important to the world. So many articles about sovereign debt and talk about the others in the group: Spain, Portugal,

Italy, Ireland and more who are in trouble with more debt than they can pay back.

Is it another domino effect, where if one fails others follow? Is it because America's and England's financial media want to smoke screen their own financial problems by focusing on Greece and others?

The talk is about the EU and IMF doing the bailout with emergency and mid term loans. How nice of them. But wait--The U.S. Federal Reserve is creating another $105 billion to add to the mix!

The IMF is basically us--our money is used to support this international swindle outfit.

We have been told that our banks have little exposure to the problem countries. Bloomberg in an article last week reported that our criminal bank of the week, JPMorgan Chase & Co. has at risk $36.3 billion in loans and derivatives to the

failing countries, 69% of their tier 1 capital. Now we know who is behind the curtain!

Once the bailouts start, where do you draw the line? Tarp funds, Chrysler, General Motors, Fannie Mae, FDIC, California, New Jersey, New York, Greece, the United States? This created phantom fiat money or more debt has to dilute money to the point of worthlessness. As in histories many examples, eventually main street finally gets the message that paper money is no good and we arrive at the "crack up boom" described by VonMise in Austrian economic theory.

An unpleasant unforeseen consequence of having stupid and dishonest leaders.

Dungeons are not deep enough or gallows high enough for these miscreants.

With Love and Kindness,


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