Tuesday, May 18, 2010


REF:"A Political Insurrection Has Begun" by Gary North, www. Lew Rockwell.com

"On Saturday, May 8, an extraordinary event took place. United States Senator Bob Bennett, a 3-term Republican, failed to make the cut for his party's primary. Not only was he not nominated to run, he did not make the cut to get nominated. He was a distant third. Two Tea Party candidates beat him.

Bob Bennett is a legacy Senator. His father served as Senator before him.

This was an insurrection.

Bennett had turned squishy years ago. He had an undeserved reputation as a conservative. He backed the TARP bailout in 2008. Then he backed Obama's health insurance bill. That did it. "No mas!" The folks back home sent him a message: "You're out of here!"

Then, three days later, across the country, it happened again. Congressman Alan Mollohan of West Virginia, was smashed in the Democratic Party's primary, 56% to 44%. He had held that seat for 14 terms – almost 28 years. He had supported Obama's health care bill. He was one of the Stupak Seven. When Stupak folded, Mollohan folded. That ended his political career.

This is a bipartisan insurrection. It indicates that the voters have finally had enough."

Heretofore if you were an incumbent, you had it made, no matter your voting record. If an incumbent decides to run again he automatically gets the nomination and the party faithfuls plus a monstrous campaign pocketbook guarantee re- election.

This political paradigm ended abruptly with the passage of Obama care. Senator Bennett had no clue. He invited Miit Romney, the author of an Obama type healthcare bill for Massachusetts, to introduce him at the convention.

Obamacare and "TARP really infuriated voters. In October 2008, voters were opposed to the bailouts. As one North Carolina Congressmen put it, his district was divided 50-50 between 'no' and 'hell no.'"

Things are changing and those who remain oblivious to the changes had better beware. The national media hypnosis still attracts many, yet the new communication method, the web, is taking over, filling the void that the lies and deliberate omissions of TV and national newspapers and magazines. Tea Parties are not the focus of zealots and crazies, but he multiplied voice of citizens who have been ignored.

James Howard Huntsler wrote this week:"Those folks are warming up for an election season that is going to send a horde of exterminating angels into the halls of congress and the governor's mansions, and before too long those merchants of retribution are going to appoint their inquisitors. It's going to be a heckuva spectacle. In retrospect, Mary Shapiro's SEC will look like the Council of Trent."

The voting booths are running with blood.

With Love and Kindness,


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