The confusing terms of the Euro Zone, the EU, EMU and ECB are Europe today.
27 states or countries make up the EU, the European Union . Of these, 16 countries have met the entry requirements and have adopted the Euro currency. The 16 states are known as the Eurozone and are the EMU an economic and monetary union. The ECB is the European Central Bank which carries out monetary policy,although there is no official representation or governance of the union, although recently financial strains are causing changes. In addition to the 16 countries, 3 small states, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican are permitted to use the Euro currency without being a part of the EU.
Now that we have a clarification of the initials forming the various entities, perhaps
we can understand some of the the difficulties presented when all these different countries, races and ethnicities try to find common ground on any issue. They are using the United States as a model, but we started out with only 13 small colonies, united with the notion of getting free of the King of England. We were blessed with some remarkable minds who put together a constitution, modified by the 10 amendments known as the bill of rights, that we could all agree upon.
The stresses in the EU were there from the beginning in 1999 plus the Euro currency
has had a hard time of being accepted by the world. Now comes the bankruptcy of the PIIGS, the countries of Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Greece. The over extended nations who because of belonging to the EMU cannot "print" their way to solvency by creating more money as the U.S. does.
Greece is in the first of the PIIGS to require immediate bail- out, but the member countries(primarily rich Germany) were unwilling to pay for their imprudent economic policies. After weeks of haggling and sweaty negotiations the EU , ECB ,International Monetary Fund (IMF) and probably the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) announced they are putting together a 1 trillion dollar package to bail-out troubled member states. The world financial markets reacted with a 16% drop in the value of the Euro. Many U.S./UK pundits are forecasting the demise of the Euro.
Meanwhile the European press is hailing the agreement as a salvation, but the
U.S./UK press thinks it's more Marxist/Keynesian funny money economics. The
truth is that to save the bankrupt nations, money will have to come from other bankrupt nations. Once started on the path of borrowing and credit creation, there
is no easy way out.
The following is an extraction from "Geab N° 45 www. showing a
European take on the matter:
Just as anticipated by LEAP/E2020 in issues N°40 (December 2009) and N°42 (February 2010), spring 2010 really marks a tipping point of the global systemic crisis, characterized by a sudden expansion due to the intolerable size of public deficits (see issue N° 39, November 2009) and the inexistence of the recovery, so often announced (see issue N°37, September 2009). Besides, the dramatic social and political consequences of this development clearly reflect the beginning of the process of global geopolitical dislocation as anticipated in issue N°32 (February 2009). Finally, the Eurozone leaders’ recent decisions confirm LEAP/E2020’s anticipations, contrary to the dominant chatter of these last few months, of the fact that not only will the Euro not « explode » because of the Greek problem but, on the contrary, a strengthened Eurozone will emerge from this stage of the crisis (1). One could even consider that, since the Eurozone decision, a kind of « Eurozone coup d’Etat » supported by Sweden and Poland, to create a huge apparatus to protect the interests of the 26 EU member states (2), the geopolitical deal in Europe has changed radically. Because it runs contrary to the prejudices which fashion their vision of the world, several months will be needed by the majority of the media and players to accept that, behind the appearance of a purely European budgetary-financial decision, lies a geopolitical split with worldwide impact.
Eurozone coup d’Etat in Brussels: The EU founding states regain control
In this issue N°45, we analyse in detail the numerous consequences for Europeans and for the world from what could be called the Eurozone « coup d’Etat » within the EU. In the face of the worsening crisis, the sixteen have indeed taken control of the EU reins of power, creating new tools and instruments which leave no other choice for the other members but to follow or find themselves isolated. Ten out of the eleven other member states have decided to follow, such as the two most important of them, Sweden and Poland, who have chosen to actively participate in the apparatus put into place by the Eurozone (the other eight are currently either in the course of negotiating their Eurozone entry, like Estonia from 2011 (3), or receiving direct help from the Eurozone, like Lithuania, Hungary, Romania, for example…). It is a (r)evolution that our team has clearly anticipated for over three years and we had even stated recently that events would rapidly unfold in the Eurozone once the German regional elections and the British general election had taken place. However, we would never have thought that it would happen in just a few hours, neither with such boldness as to the amount (750 billion Euros, or one trillion USD) and the character (EU control taken by the Eurozone (4) and a leap ahead in terms of economic and financial integration).
The fact remains that without knowing it, and without having asked their opinion, 440 million Europeans have just joined a new country, Euroland, of which some already share the currency, the Euro, and of which all now share the indebtedness and the joint means to solve the serious problems posed in the context of the global systemic crisis. The budgetary and financial decisions taken during the Summit of the weekend of the 8th May in terms of a response to the European public debt crisis can be evaluated differently according to one’s analysis of the crisis and its causes. LEAP/E2020 will roll out its own analyses on the subject in this issue N°45 but, without doubt, a radical unraveling of European governance has just taken place: a collective continental governance has just brutally emerged, ironically 65 years after the end of the Second World War, moreover celebrated with a big display in Moscow the same day (5) as the holiday celebrating the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, the common ancestor of the EU and Euroland. This simultaneity isn’t a coincidence (6) and marks an important step forward in global geopolitical dislocation and the reconstitution of new global balances. Under the pressure of events set off by the crisis, the Eurozone has thus undertaken to grasp its independence with regard to the Anglo-Saxon world still expressed via the financial markets. This 750 billion Euros and this new European governance (of the 26) constitutes, at the one and the same time, the putting in place of the fortifications against the next storms caused by draconian Western indebtedness, and which will affect the United Kingdom and then the United States (cf. issue N°44 causing disturbances of which the « Greek crisis » has only given a small preview.
The EMF will, in the long run, deprive the IMF of 50% of its major contributions: those of the Europeans
Concerning this, LEAP/E2020 reminds readers of a fact that the majority of the media has been oblivious of for many weeks. Contrary to the prevailing discussion, the IMF is first and foremost European money. In effect one out of three IMF Dollars is contributed by Europeans, compared to only one in six by the USA (their share has been cut in half in 50 years) and one of the consequences of the European decisions of these last few days is that it will not be the case for very much longer. Our team is convinced that, within three years at the latest, when it is time to formalize the integration of the intervention fund created on the 8th and 9th May 2010 into the European Monetary Fund, the EU will reduce its contribution to the IMF by a similar proportion. One could guess already that this reduction in the European contribution (UK excluded) will be in the order of 50% at least. That will allow the IMF to become more globally representative by automatically rebalancing the BRIC share and, in the same breath, requiring the USA to abandon its right of veto (7). But that will equally contribute to it becoming heavily marginalized since Asia has already created its own emergency intervention fund. It is an example which illustrates just how many of the European decisions of the beginning of May 2010 are full of wide sweeping geopolitical changes which will scale out in all of the coming years. In fact, it is unlikely that the majority of the decision makers involved in the « Eurozone coup d’Etat » have clearly understood the implications of their decisions. But no-one has ever said that history was largely made by those people who knew what they were doing.
So, at least from one European voice, we hear an encouraging word. False hope?
We know not, but underlying the message is clearly a resentment of the bullying
tactics of the U.S./UK and their child the IMF. Who will replace them as a driving force? Quite obviously we have a new order in the EU.
Part 2, tomorrow, will reveal an interesting twist on this European mega change.
With Love and Kindness,
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