Tuesday, November 17, 2009


President Obama is concerned about the increase in reported unemployment numbers. Worry not America, your president will take care of you.

He is convening a "jobs summit", bringing a group of government bureaucrats together to find out why there is widespread unemployment, and then to determine a solution to bring this
problem under control.

Whoopee! Aren't we lucky--the government will fix this problem, we can look forward to maybe
a Jobs Czar. Probably have an office in a new trillion dollar building to house his staff of job

We don't seem to learn from history or even the failures of other societies. Government solutions only succeed in lousing up market solutions. Think government mandated healthcare; war on drugs; price conjtrols; rationing etc.

But rest well America, particularly you without jobs, Obama and crew are hard at it and even if the solution makes the problem worse [count on it], they can use Bureau of Labor numbers
to prove things are getting better.

With Love and Kindness,



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