Friday, November 6, 2009


Tuesday's election results in New Jersey and Virginia were hailed on a least a half dozen web sites as a marvelous victory and defeat for Obama, because a Republican defeated a Democrat. Big Deal. Twiddle Dee beat Twiddle Dum.

There are those among us who still think in terms of labels--Republican/Democrat ;Liberal/conservative; Right/Left.

From "Welcome To The Masquerade" by Jim Kirwin 11/2/09

. . ."Party affiliations are transitory and misleading tokens that signify nothing of value to anyone in the electorate. The political parties in the United States are simply different wings of the same private club-with no real differences between any of them. The professionals covet the real power behind the offices they seek, and almost none of them care about what the public might think about what they do for themselves as officeholders in the country. These people are like Vampires that survive on the blood-money they are able to steal from the public in a hundred different ways each and every day. The "issues" that supposedly matter to the rest of us are just so much useless paper to be disposed of in order to increase their "take" from everything we do to try and survive.. . ."

If not scum before the elections, these would be governors will soon show their colors which are either bad or worse. Clinging to party affiliations is thinking with your backside. These crooks and scoundrels count on that, otherwise they would have to be chosen on merit , which few if any have.

Wake up America and vote for none of the above. Throw the stupids and criminals out!.

How many times are we going to get rah rah over a candidate and watch him/her turn turtle and not represent the electroral base? How are the candidates selected for us to choose from? The costs to run a successful campaign for any office are

staggering for any individual, so where does the money come from?

From James Howard Kunstler 10/26/09 "Self Jiving Nation"

". . If you think we have been in a crisis of finance and economy for the past year or so, consider that we have also been sunk in a comprehensive crisis of leadership. Nobody in authority is willing to face the truth, state the truth, and offer a reality-based idea about how to meet the truth, This is a leadership failure not just in politics and government, but also in business, in the university faculties, in the editorial and production offices of the news media, and even among a barely-breathing clergy. Americans look around and see nobody standing up for their interests. . ."

With Love and Kindness,


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