Thursday, November 5, 2009


RE:Personal Responsibility,Personal Accountablity by Frosty Wooldridge



. . . "What happens when a highly educated society, culture and people such as the United States degrades or devolves its educational systems toward illiteracy and loss of personal accountability?

Look around you!

You watched that process clutch at the throat of American educational system for the last 40 years- and today; it's got us by the carotid artery.

Personal responsibility: do you think 400,000 pregnant women that arrive annually in America, unlawfully, will birth tomorrow's responsible citizens? Do you think millions of unwed American mothers that bring 1,2,3,4 and five children into this world using welfare "Aid to Dependent Children" will rear responsible, intelligent and contributing future citizens?

Personal accountability: do you think the 1.2 million high school dropouts annually in the USA will become thriving, contributing and responsible future citizens? You see, that number of academic failures has been mounting for over 10 years, thus, more than 11 million illiterate kids wandering the streets of America.

Do you think ethnic groups that abhor education or quit from their own lack of parental guidance, drive and academic ability - will remain docile in the burgeoning slums? Here or worldwide?

What do we see happening in the USA?

Why won't anyone address it?

Illiteracy can and will kill our civilization! No if's, and's or but's! And the "when" is easily predicted.

. . . Cultural Assimilation is NOT Happening.

In "The Silent Catastrophe" by Jared Taylor, October 12, 2009, he said, "Part of the problem for immigrants is adjusting to the U.S.; Hispanics born here are more likely to finish high school than those who immigrate as children. However, the graduation rate slightly decreases for the second U.S.-born generation (85.1 percent vs. 85.9 percent), so that in 2007, even after three generations in the United States, Hispanics had a dropout rate that was still 2.3 times the white rate - and 33 percent higher than the black rate.

"Big-city public school districts, which are heavily black and Hispanic, have appalling track-records.

In Detroit, only 26.8 percent of students graduated on time in 2006. (76 percent in 2008 reported by Brian Williams, NBC) The other worst performers were Philadelphia: 39.1 percent, Dallas: 40.7 percent, Los Angeles: 47.7 percent, and Washington, DC: 48.8 percent. Jefferson High School, which is 90 percent Hispanic and 10 percent black, had the worst dropout rate in Los Angeles: 58 percent. "That is not the figure for students who fail to graduate on time; it is those students do not graduate at all."

Today, newspapers and magazines publish to a sixth grade reading level for audiences across this country! The U.S. Army manuals scale their educational efforts to a 4th grade level.

Taylor continued, "The American workforce has historically been the best educated in the world: 85 percent of adult Americans are high school graduates, up from just 25 percent in 1940. Twenty-eight percent have a college degree, a fivefold increase since 1940. Better education helped raise real average per-capita income in the United States 40 percent between 1980 and 2000 - but that money had less purchasing power.

"If blacks, Hispanics, and immigrants are excluded from the American results, our performance rises from 12th, to 2nd in reading and 5th in math," said Taylor. "This means immigrants, blacks, and Hispanics are dragging our rating down to 12th from 2nd and 5th. Likewise, the oldest Americans (56 and older) came in second in reading whereas younger Americans, those 26-35 and 16-25 years old, ranked 11th and 14th, respectively.

The oldest age groups- the ones with the most whites- are doing the best, while the youngest groups with the fewest whites do the worst. The ETS also found that native-born blacks and Hispanics performed at only the 28th percentile, compared to other rich countries, and immigrants at only the 17th percentile."

In 2009, we suffer $35 million in shoplifting DAILY within the United States by those that lack education, personal responsibility and accountability."

If the reader finds this material offensive, bigoted, racially insensitive or

otherwise 'un-.American', please accept the author's following apology and explanation. As one who experienced America as a better place where

individual responsibility and accountability were the norm. America, where individual pride and grace were considered virtues. That was a time when the pursuit of excellence was not the exception, but the rule. Honor and character were the mark of an individual. Until these characteristics of the typical American returns our nation will continue it's decline into ignorance and poverty and personal despair.

With Love and Kindness,


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