Tuesday, November 3, 2009


RE: ANTIWAR.COM"Obama Still Doesn't Grasp Blowback by IvanEland , Oct.28, 2009

President Obama says some very nice things about the Muslim Middle East nations,but he

lacks follow through with deeds and actions.

The more the U.S, continues to support the corrupt officials, interfere with and occupy these

countries, the more Islamic radicals continue to be inflamed and angered. This meddling is the main cause of blowback and anti- U.S. terrorism.

United States quickly defeated the remainder of Iraq's army following the invasion, but the resistance and resentment to our taking over the country has steadily increased. The new total is 4,673 soldiers killed and untold maimed and injured. We were told that the Iraqis would welcome us because we overthrew Saddam's government. 4,673 killed doesn't seem like a very nice welcome. Wiser heads told George Senior to leave Saddam in place, because he could control the many radical factions.

. . "After 9/11, President George W. Bush alleged that al-Qaeda had attacked the U.S. because of its freedoms. Yet other countries that enjoyed political and economic freedoms weren’t attacked. Most foreign policy analysts chose to ignore or play down all of Osama bin Laden’s writings about his reasons for attacking the United States: U.S. meddling in and occupation of Islamic countries. Why?. . "

Afghanistan where we have been for over 7 years is quickly becoming a Waterloo disaster.

Our mission there is unclear except to battle the Taliban, which are our sometimes ally and

war lords controlling the countryside (and poppy growing farms).

Obama doesn't seem capable of acting on his own pledges to stop the wars. He is reportedly taking advice as to whether to increase troop levels by 40, 000 in addition to the 20,000 already engaged. Sound like Viet Nam?

With Love and Kindness,


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