Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Obama and the media tells us that all is well, the "recession" is over, recovery is at hand and more growth is the answer.

If you look around you, you see the freeways crowded, the shoppers are in the stores, and the restaurants are crowded--obama and the media must be right, your eyes and ears cannot deceive you.

Never mind, that your cousin just lost his job and cannot find another. Your neighbor is graduating from college this spring and has had no job offers. Your bank has been closed and taken over by a big wall street outfit. Your house is now worth 80% of what you borrowed on it . They are building more houses down the street, which you can buy with no money down and poor credit plus get 8 grand back on your taxes,

while older homes like yours are a drag on the market.

You worry about keeping your job, when others are being let go. You had to increase your credit card debt to help out your family , and now the interest rate is increasing. Food is costing more each month as well as your healthcare premiums. They tell us our heating and cooling bills are going to go up. You notice the price of gasoline is

creeping up again.

But all must be well, since the democrats are in. You've heard talk about deficits,

some say $12 trillion, some say $60 trillion, but things keep on going. The government spends more than they take in and many say they are broke and can't pay what the owe, yet they keep on borrowing and someone somewhere loans them more money.

What we must have is a "virtual" economy where nothing is real except the limit on what you can earn--like it is never enough to more than just get by. For awhile there you could borrow more money on the increased loan value of your house, but that goose is cooked. The only thing left seems to be to work for the government, where you can get raises and better benefits.

But all must be well if you don't believe that just listen to Obama or NBC, or maybe just worry about Jesse James and his martial marital problems.

Maybe they will just start another war to "jump start " the economy, like Roosevelt and the Bushes. Or maybe we need to all "bite the bullet" as President Ford advised


But all must be well, even if it doesn't include you.

With Love and Kindness,


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