Friday, April 16, 2010


REF: "The Writing is on the Stairwell" by Robert Morley, www.TheTrumpet

Popular TV shows, print and online articles are focusing on what is on people's minds: job losses, home foreclosures, food costs, new taxes and other economic stresses which are causing lifestyle changes.

Many Families are already in dire straits, while the majority are still apathetic, asleep

with the politically motivated soundbites about recovery and the return to prosperity.

Reminiscent of the Franklin Roosevelt campaign song of "Happy Days are here again". Happy Days were not here, then, nor later when they brought on WWII.

According to Morley, "America's leadership, or elite if you will, are setting us up for full-scale disillusionment.[ emphasis added] At the time of America’s most perilous economic predicament in 234 years, the White House has decided to throw a monkey wrench into one sixth of America’s economy. Admittedly, America’s health care system leaves much to be desired, but recklessly putting the nation on course to go trillions more into debt at a time when it is already running the largest deficits in history smacks of deliberate suicide.If national health care follows in the dubious footsteps of Medicare and Medicaid, the true cost of government-care will be many times what the salesmen in Washington claim.

Meanwhile, as the political elite fiddle, America’s cities show signs of rapid decline.

Kansas City is closing nearly half of its schools due to funding shortfalls. The city is broke. Detroit is closing 25 percent of the schools it has left. The housing market keeps deteriorating too. Half of all homeowners who have taken advantage of government aid to modify their mortgages have fallen back into default within nine months. White House economic adviser Diana Farrell said the government expects 10 to 12 million additional foreclosures over the next three years. That is 10 to 12 million families pushed out of their homes—and the government has consistently erred on the conservative side.The latest jobs report shows that 27 states show increased unemployment rates. Conditions have improved in only seven states, three of which were the small states of Nebraska and North and South Dakota."

Morley went on to say that the shape of America's recovery is going to be like a stairway to the cellar and the "writing was on the stairway wall".

Hope is going to be smashed by reality.

With Love and Kindness,


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