Thursday, April 15, 2010


RE: Mexican Hat Dance, author unknown, www.

Some mornings, web articles are used as themes, sometimes they are excerpted or extracted. Today the referenced article is reprinted here for the reader's edification-- a different look at the Mexico/USA drug import problem, noting also that the State of Arizona is in the process of passing stiff anti- illegal immigration legislation, which will give state law enforcement officials power to apprehend illegals and punish those who give aide, jobs, etc to them.

"Fascinating article about Mexico and their drug wars. Basically, the Mexican authorities have concluded that there is more benefit to their country by not intervening in the wars between the drug cartels. It is basically a U.S. problem. The killing is occurring on the border with the U.S. It isn’t bothering most Mexicans. Here is the rub. Drugs bring $40 billion per year into Mexico. That money is spent on cars, houses, electronics, etc. The Mexican economy benefits. As their oil revenue dwindles, drug money will be more important.

Estimates of drug revenue in the U.S. are around $400 billion. This is close to 3% of GDP. It doesn’t sound like the WAR ON DRUGS is working out too well. Or is it. I can vouch that the drug money is being spent in West Philadelphia. How do you explain 22 year old black men driving $80,000 Mercedes in these slums? Does the US Government actually encourage illegal drug trade in the US? Federal & State governments spend $50 billion per year on the drug wars. That is a poppylot of employees. No drug war, no employees. The US estimates that only 5% to 10% of the drugs being sold in the US are actually seized by authorities.

It does seem strange that Afghanistan is producing more poppy than it did in 2001. With all of our military technological prowess your would think we could obliterate these fields if we didn’t want these terrible drugs to make it to our shores. Police make 1.9 million arrests per year for drug violations in the US each year. 900,000 of these arrests are for marijuana. Our prisons are overflowing with inmates in jail for these minor offenses.

There are an estimated 10,000 homicides per year related to illegal drug trade. If it wasn’t illegal, crime would go down dramatically. The WAR ON DRUGS, started by Nixon, has been a complete failure. Anyone who wants drugs can get drugs. By decriminalizing drugs for adults the country could tax the shit out of it, control it, reduce crime, cut law enforcement budgets, and close prisons all over the country. Will it happen? NO. Government has more power with a fake WAR ON DRUGS. Just like they have more power with a fake WAR ON TERRORISM."

With Love and Kindness,


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