Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Why is WWII considered to be the ‘good’ war? Probably because our armies vanquished the evil Hitler and Japan who attacked Pearl Harbor. Remember how we were led to despise the

sneeky Japs ( An unprovoked attack?) and hate the jackbooted Huns?

Over 50 million people died in the war (405,000 Americans). An astounding fact;

most of those who lost their lives were civilians, not combatants. Additionally millions of people suffered, were maimed and injured. Hundreds of billions of property was damaged or destroyed. Consider the carnage, the misery, the loss of lives.

WWII like it’s predecessor. WWI, was a ‘war to end wars’, but not hardly. For America it was followed by the major conflicts, Korean war (police action). Viet Nam, Afghanistan,and Iraq.

Lawrence M. Vance

states in his article: Rethinking the good War on LewRockwell.com:

“”. . .But setting aside for a moment the facts of Roosevelt’s duplicity and culpability, as well as the U.S. provocation of Japan: Was it necessary for 405,000 American soldiers to die to avenge the 2,400 (1,177 were from one ship, the USS Arizona) who were killed at Pearl Harbor? Was it moral to incinerate hundreds of thousands of civilians in Japanese cities because Japan bombed the Pearl Harbor Naval Base, a military target? And setting aside for another moment the folly of U.S. intervention in World War I, which prevented a dictated peace settlement and paved the way for the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles, thus facilitating the rise of Hitler: Was it necessary that tens of millions were slaughtered to prevent Hitler from slaughtering millions? Was it wise to join forces with a brutal dictator like Stalin, who had already killed millions, with the result that he enslaved half of Europe under communism?

Pat Buchannan

makes a good case that Hitler may not have desired war with the West,

click on: Did World War Have to Happen? http://www.lewrockwell.com/buchanan/buchanan115.html

Is this so? Possibly. The question begs an answer: Is it possible for man to avoid

war by negotiation and reason or will negotiation just bring appeasement? G.W. Bush

and the neocons believed it was foolish to negotiate with your enemies if you had the power to destroy them. Regime change or total defeat and annihilation was the only answer.

War is the most stupid, foolish and evil of the sins of man. There is no ‘good’ war.

There are no winners of a war, for even the victors have horrible losses from which they can never recover. How do you replace a lost son, repair a amputated limb,

accept a disfigured face or body, replace the billions/trillions of dollars that should not have been borrowed and spent?

Understand this: WAR IS HELL !

With Love and Kindness,


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